
Dragon Ball: Heroes’ Academia

It's been five whole years since the defeat of the terrifying Cell at the hands of the half-Saiyan child, Son Gohan. Of course, due to the loss of footage, the world was mislead to believe that Hercule Satan was the one to vanquish the being in the place of All Might's absence. Now, the young warrior was accepted into UA's hero course. Read along as we see Gohan make new friends with Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Ejiro Kirishima and more. Makes new rivalries with Katsuki Bakugou and Shoto Todoroki. Learn about his fathers past with non other than All Might himself. Fight off against the league of villains and swears to take down Shigaraki and All For One. And finds a love interest. This the story on how Gohan and Deku became the worlds greatest heroes. Takes place before the Buu Saga. To be honest, if this were a thing, then it would be such a massive arc that it will need it's own show. (The Original Author Discontinued this Story)

kazumadesu · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Heroes vs. Villains

'U.A High, the next day'

"Alright, everyone take your seats." Aizawa said in his usual blank tone as his students began to take the seats they were assigned to. Though U.A High was one of the best Hero Schools in the world, it was still a school regardless, so the teachers began to teach their students usual subjects like math, english and science, to help them with general education. While most of the students thought learning these subjects were a waste of time, others chose to just accept it as it would help them grow as Heroes to be. Reaching into his desk, Eraserhead pulled out a blue book with the U.A insignia on it. "Take out your History book and turn to page 55." The students pulled out their books and began to turn the pages to the assigned reading.

"Ummm, Mr. Aizawa? Are you sure we should be reading this?" Ochaco said with a hint of reluctance as she and the others read the title page.


"Seriously, why do we need to know about this crap? It's a waste of time." Bakugo muttered to himself with a tick mark.

"Yeah, can't we do more fun tests?" Mina Ashido, the pink girl, said with a slight groan.

"Enough." Though he didn't activate his Quirk, Aizawa's voice was strong enough to silence everyone. Seeing this, he let out a deep sigh. "Look, it's important that all of you get a proper education while here. Otherwise you won't be able to learn anything aside from heroics. Plus, learning about the past can help us move on from the mistakes humans made."

"I see. By learning more about the history of Heroes and the world, we can take reference and use it in our everyday lives. To see how Quirks worked in the past would really help us get a better understand of how it evolved. Maybe there are a few Quirks that can help me use my powers in ways I wouldn't have even thought of." Izuku said, starting one of his usual rants, getting odd looks from most of the class.

"Ummm, Midoriya?" Gohan whispered from Izuku's left, though he was ignored.

"Hey Broccoli Head, kinda losing the crowd ya know?" Odd whispered from the right. A scarf waved in front of Izuku before smacking his desk, making him jump.

"If you're finished muttering Midoriya, then why don't you read the Chapter to the class?"

"Y-Y-Yes s-sir." Gulping out of embarrassment, Izuku opened his book and took a deep breath. "In the begin of the Quirk Era of the world, many individuals began to use their newly found powers irresponsibly, so much so that the police forces of the world could not hold them due to the lack of equipment necessary. However, the situation escalated as a monster overthrew King Furry and appointed himself as King of the world." Izuku and the rest of the class turned their book, revealing an image of a large green humanoid creature with two small antennas on their head, sharp teeth, pink orbs on their body and a dark blue Gi with a symbol on their stomach. A few of the students were slightly creeped out of the green man's sinister grin. "He was known as the first Villain: Demon King Piccolo. As his first decree, he allowed all criminals to have free passage, which meant the authorities couldn't stop the crimes infesting the world. Even those with Quirks who believed it justice died trying to defeat King Piccolo. It seemed as though the world would end." Once again, Izuku turned the page, showing King Piccolo standing over a teen with spiky black hair and a brown monkey tail. "However, one person stood against the demons and even Piccolo himself. This boy was known as Goku, and though he was a boy, he was able to destroy Piccolo and bring peace to the world. The people wanted to award Goku, but he never came. Some say he was busy training to fight the next big threat, others believed he simply didn't feel like he deserved. But ever since that day, the idea of superpowered Heroes came to fruition."

By the ending of the reading, everyone was silent with awe. To think of all the people with Quirks to have fought and died against this Piccolo guy, a kid around their age, was able to do this. It filled them with hope and inspiration to do the same. "Amazing." Momo muttered with a smile before she turned towards Gohan. But she was surprised by his facial expression. He was smiling, but it wasn't his usual friendly, happy-go-lucky smile. It was a genuine, almost proud smile, like a father seeing his son win the nationals. "Gohan?"

"Huh?" The black haired male turned to his classmate before smiling sheepishly. "Sorry, I guess I just got caught up in the story." It wasn't a lie: it was literally his father he just learned about. Yeah his mom and friends told him about Goku, but to see how his father inspired the world, it was just…..it was amazing.

"As you can see, age doesn't make you a hero. It's your actions that's important. But in order to do that, you need to know as much as you can from U.A. Let's continue with our lesson."

'Cafeteria, an hour later'

"Man, I thought we'd never get out of there." Odd said while stretching his arms in the air, feeling his joints pop a bit. Currently, Class 1-A, along with the rest of the students in U.A High were having lunch in the rather sizeable cafeteria in the middle of the school. Multiple venues were located around for the students to gather their lunch from. The Pro Hero Lunch Rush was the head chef of the cafeteria, using their Quirk in order to help feed the next generation of heroes.

"No kidding, but it was still pretty cool to read about that Goku guy." Ejiro said behind Odd with a grin.

"Yeah, but you gotta wonder if the guy had more than that tail for a Quirk." Ulrich said with his arms crossed.

"Maybe, especially since that Piccolo guy was a demon." Asui said with a finger on her chin.

"But still, he kicked butt, imagine if we can do that." Ochaco said while thrusting her fists with an excited grin. Though she seemed like an easy going person, if there was one thing Ochaco Uraraka liked more than anything: it was badass people, and this Goku kid was right up there with All Might. "Say Deku, what did you think of Goku?"

"I see, so that's what Mr. Aizawa wanted us to learn. It doesn't matter if you have a powerful Quirk as long as you have a strong spirit and a tactful mind. Though it isn't revealed in the book, Goku must possess more than one Quirk to defeat King Piccolo. Not only that, but with his small stature, he must've been athletic enough to dodge most of Piccolo's attacks. Maybe if I studied what kind of fighting style Goku uses, then I can incorporate to keep control of my Quirk." In classic Izuku fashion, he began to loudly ponder the information given to him by the history lesson, getting a lot of attention from everyone. His friends were rather embarrassed with his rambling. Eventually, they were able to get their food and seat at one of the many large tables available to all the students. "Hey, do you guys know where Gohan is?"

"Here I am." An all too familiar voice called out.

"Hey Goliath, how's-" Before Odd could finish, he and the others were…...shocked, to say the least. In Gohan's hands was a tray, no…..more like a box full of different food, ranging from noodles to meatballs to steak to much more. He gave his friends a smile before taking a seat next to Ejiro.

"Alright, time to dig in." Gohan said before he used his chopsticks to pick up some noodles before slurping them into his mouth. Taking a riceball, he began to chew on it before adding a dumpling in his mouth. He noticed everyone staring at him and raised a brow. "Is something wrong?"

"Dude, is today your cheat day?"


"Why the hell do you have so much food? You could feed the entire an entire street with all that!" Swallowing some of his noodles, Gohan gave a sheepish grin while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sorry, I guess I was more hungry than I thought. This is usually what I eat at home."

"Hang on, do you have chefs cooking for you?" Gohan tilted his head at Ulrich.

"No, my mom cooks." Everyone just kept staring at Gohan like he was All Might himself before slowly eating their food. Much to their shock, Gohan was still eating, DESPITE the fact he finished over half his tray.

"S-So Gohan, I've been meaning to ask you." Izuku coughed in his hand a bit before continuing. "What IS your Quirk exactly?"

"Yeah man, I mean you can fly, shoot lasers, move at supersonic speed and have ridiculous Hulk-level strength. So Gohan, tell us." Odd put his foot on the table before pointing at the black haired teen dramatically while a spotlight appeared out of nowhere, hovering over him. "What is your deal?"

Almost immediately, everyone else in the cafeteria was staring at Odd. Gohan blinked a few times before speaking up.

"Well, I guess there's no harm in telling you guys." Everyone at the table leaned close, their ears directly aimed at Gohan. "My dad has a Quirk that lets him shoot energy beams from his hands while my mom's Quirk allows her to fly in the air, but it requires a lot of concentration. As for my strength and speed, my dad trained me to fight since I was four years old so that I could help people whenever I can." It wasn't a COMPLETE lie: his dad did teach him a bit more about Ki than Piccolo and he did train him when he was a kid. But he wanted to make sure his friends weren't too suspicious, so he made up that his mom had a flying Quirk.

"Huh, I guess that make sense, since there are Quirk Marriages." Asui pointed out while tilting her head.

"Yeah, but that's so cool that you got powers from both your parents. You rock Gohan." Ochaco, being the bubbly girl she was, complemented Gohan with a big smile.

"Dude, you're so manly." Ejiro, for some odd reason, closed his eyes while tears began to escape his eyes, getting a sweatdrop from Ulrich and Odd.

"Like I told you: the guy's a Gary Stu. What's next, he can blow up a planet with a fist or he can scream a lot?" Odd joked, getting a very nervous smile from Gohan.

"Gotta admit, I'm jealous Gohan." Ulrich leaned back with a tiny smirk.

So he has all that power from his parents. Izuku stared at Gohan with newfound admiration. Maybe…..he could help me control One for All.

Little did the group know, their conversation was heard from the right as a male with short hair, evenly split between white on his right-side and red on his left, with a burn scar over his left eye. He also had different eye colors: grey on the gray and turquoise on the left. This is Shoto Todoroki, another student from Class 1-A and he was glancing at Gohan closely, as if he was studying him.

So, there's another person who inherited powers from his parents. He thought before returning to his lunch. Something told him this 'Gohan' guy was more than meets the eye.

'1-A classroom, half an hour later'

After resting up and eating their lunch, the students were asked to return to their classrooms for Hero Basic training. The students of Class 1-A were silently sitting in their assigned seats, some tapping on their desks while humming a tone while others she stared at the door, waiting for their teacher to arrive. It looked like Bakugo would blow up at any second, given that he was a rather impatient guy. However, the wait finally ended when the door opened. "I…...AM HERE!" Everyone widened their eyes in shock as the #1 Hero All Might was hanging from the door, his cape flapping dramatically. "OPENING THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!"

"I can't believe it's really All Might." Denki said in awe.

"So he is a teacher? This year's gonna be awesome!" Ejiro exclaimed while clenching his fist.

"Hey, isn't he wearing his Silver Age costume?" Asui pointed out as All Might marched to the front podium.

"Personally, I think it's his best." Yumi added with her own smile.

"Oh man, I'm getting goosebumps everywhere. It's so retro." Mashirao Ojiro said with a smile.

"This can't be a dream." Odd said before he pulled his tail. He flinched and opened his eyes, only to see All Might still standing their with his usual smile. "So not a dream."

While everyone was admiring All Might, Gohan was staring at him with a mix of shock and awe. He was….a lot taller than he looked on TV, maybe as tall as Piccolo, and his power level was much higher than most humans(though Krillin could still be above him). But it was his power or appearance that shocked Gohan. It was his aura. Like hope followed All Might wherever he went, like nothing bad could happen. It was….it was like…

Dad….A soft smile crept on Gohan's face as he saw a bit of his dad in All Might.

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A High Think of it as Heroing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good." All Might kneeled down while flexing his muscles. "Let's get into it." All Might turned around and showed a white card with the word BATTLE in red. "Today's lesson….WILL PULL NO PUNCHES!"

"Fight training!" Bakugo shouted, suddenly getting very excited.

"Real combat?" Izuku muttered in disbelief.

"One of the keys to being a hero is…LOOKING GOOD!" The large Hero suddenly reached into his pocket and took out a Capsule with 1-A on the front. Pressing it, he threw it on the ground, causing it to POP. Before long, several metal boxes with different numbers appeared in front of him, much to everyone's shock. "These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration form and the request you sent in before school started, with the generous donation from Capsule Corp." Everyone began to cheer about the hero costumes they had received, from Capsule Corp no less. "Get suited up and meet me at Training Ground Beta!"

"Yes sir!"

'Training Ground Beta'

We now turn our attention to All Might, who was currently standing in the middle of Training Ground Beta, his hands on his hips, waiting for his students to come out with their new costumes. It wasn't long before he began to hear footsteps from the shadows. "They say clothes make the Pros young ladies and gentlemen, and behold YOU are the proof." Stepping out of the shadows first was Katsuki Bakugo, who's Hero Costume composed of a fitted black sleeveless V-neck tank top with an orange X with the top half borders his shirt collar. His costume also has a seemingly metallic neck brace fashioned and used as a collar with three holes in both sides. His sleeves reach from within his large grenade-like gauntlets to his biceps. His belt, which also carries grenades, holds up his baggy pants with knee guards. Underneath those guards are black, knee-high combat boots with orange soles and eyelets. He wears his hero mask that has large, flare-shaped cloth.

Next to him was Ochaco Uraraka, who's Hero Costume consisted of a pink skin-tight suit with detached sleeves, knee-high boots, belt, helmet, collar, and thick, round bracers with handles attached to them.

Walking beside her was Tenya Iida, who also wore his Hero Costume, which had a black one-piece suit with a high collar, over which he wears various pieces of silver-colored armor, including a silver-colored helmet, a metal mask with holes that covers his entire face except his eyes, a metal collar around his neck, a breastplate, decorative mufflers extending back from his midriff, and metal vambraces that extend past his elbows., along with metal boots to help with his Quirk.

Walking with Tenya was Aelita, who wore a pink form-fitting suit with thick blue streak that went across her chest, a light pink skirt, see-through blue shoulder pads and elbow-length fingerless purple gloves.

Walking next to her was the multiple armed male, also known as Mezo Shoji. His Hero Costume consisted of a light blue suit with a dark blue design that ends on his chest, several grey circles on his stomach, a dark blue belt and matching boots.

"Take this to heart: from now on, you are all….HEROES IN TRAINING!" Soon enough, a large majority of the class appeared in front of All Might, each wearing their unique Hero Costumes. "This is getting me all revved up. You look so cool! Now, shall we get started, you bunch of newbies?"

"Ummm, sir? Midoriya and Gohan haven't come out yet." Yumi called out.

"That damn nerd. He better not keep me waiting." Bakugo said while gritting his teeth.

*Tap, tap*

The sound of footsteps caught everyone's attention as they turned around, only to see a figure walk towards them.

'Changing room, a few minutes earlier'

Gohan is seen looking at his box, which contained the number 1 on the front since he was ranked #1 during the tests conducted by Aizawa. Truth be told, he never really thought of how he should look when being a hero. He normally wore his purple Gi Piccolo gave him, but he felt that wouldn't be as impressive as some of the Hero Outfits he had seen on TV. "Well, let's see what they sent me." Gohan said to himself as everyone else had already changed. Putting his thumbs on the clamps, Gohan unhinged them before opening the box. However, he was surprised to see that the clothes inside were covered by a black sheet, which had an envelope with the word GOHAN on it. "Someone wrote me a letter?" Curious, Gohan picked up the envelop before opening it, taking out the anonymous letter.


I'm glad you got into U.A, though I shouldn't be surprised since you are Goku's son. Anyways, I noticed you didn't have a design for a Costume, so I took the liberty of making one for you. Sorry if that sounds rude, but I was thinking about how your clothes could affect your performance, so I used a variation of the Saiyan Armor I made for Vegeta and updated it so that it can have a unique look. And since I know you'll wanna go Super Saiyan, I made you a retractable helmet to hide your hair so people won't recognize you as the little kid who fought Cell. I hope you like it and come by sometime. I know Trunks'll be happy.

From, Bulma

The half Saiyan, half Earthling smiled at the letter before putting it in his pocket. He couldn't have asked for a better set of friends than the Z-Fighters. Even if they weren't here, they were still supporting him in spirit. "I wonder what Bulma made." Grabbing the sheet, Gohan pulled it out of the case…..and widened his eyes in shock. "Woah…"


The first thing everyone noticed was that the figure was tall, not as tall as Mezo, but tall regardless. The second thing was what looked like a cape flapping behind the figure. Everyone, even All Might, was surprised when the figure stepped into the light. Their attire consisted of a golden and white helmet with small wing-like accessories on each side(It looks similar to Prodigy's helmet from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2), white optics, a red cape, a green gi with a black bodysuit worn underneath, as well as white gloves and boots.


"So cool."

"Is that Gohan?" Ochaco walked up to the figure, her hands clapped together.

"Gohan?" The figure looked down at her.

"Yeah, it's me." Though the voice was slightly muffled, it was undeniable that is was Gohan.

"Dude, now that's a Hero Costume." Odd said with a whistle. For his Hero costume, Odd wore a full body purple suit with and orange circle on his chest, long purple boots, light blue see through shoulder pads like Aelita, and two pink streaks, one on each cheek. The cat man put his hands on his hips while smirking. "What, slip in an extra 50 bucks to get that helmet?"

"Hehehe, no it just came with it." Gohan rubbed the back of his new helmet as his white eyes suddenly closed a bit(like Spiderman's eyes when he got the new suit from Iron Man in Civil War.)

"Impressive. The scientists at Capsule Corp are most impressive with the design." Tenya said while nodding his head. "Even your optics follow the movement of your eyes."

"Man, I keep telling you guys, we got a Gary Stu over here." As some of the students gushed about Gohan's design, Katsuki was too busy glaring at him.

Stupid nerd, just cause he's got a fancy helmet doesn't mean shit. I'll wipe the floor with him. He thought while clenching his fist.

"Oh, that Costume is very interesting Young Gohan. Fitting for a Hero in Training!" All Might let out a loud laugh. "But now, all that's left is Young-"

"I'm here, I'm here!" Everyone turned to the entrance as the last member of their class was running towards them. However, as the person ran in….everyone blinked. The person wore a green full-body jumpsuit with a red belt, elbow pads, knee pads, and gloves, along with red boots. He also wore a mask with long ear-like protrusions that resembled All Might's haircut, and a respirator with a smile on it. Izuku Midoriya was the one wearing this costume, standing tall and proud…..though everyone had a different opinion on his attire.

'Bunny?' Almost everyone thought as they compared Izuku to a cute bunny rabbit, mostly due to his ears. Gohan and Uraraka walked up to Izuku, each adopting a smile, though the former's helmet prevented them from seeing it.

"Wow, hey Deku. I love your costume." Ochaco said honestly, making Izuku straighten up a bit.

"Uraraka and….Gohan?"

"Yup, that's me. Gotta say, I like the costume Midoriya. Really fits you." Gohan gave his friend a thumbs up, being okay with how he resembled a rabbit.

"O-Oh, t-thanks. You guys l-look cool too." The green haired boy glanced at Uraraka and blushed madly at how….tight it look. While he was no pervert by any means, to see a girl's curves so exposed through a costume was sending his mind spiraling.

"Yeah, I should've been more specific about what I wanted." Ochaco rubbed her head with an embarrassed blush. "This body suit's so tight. Not really my style." Odd put a hand under his chin while looking at Ochaco, much to her embarrassment before giving a thumbs up.

"I give it 9 out of 10." This got a smack to the head by his roomate, who wore a full body yellow and black body suit with black boots, a green belt, a long black armband that went from his left elbow to his wrist, two handles on his back and a black headband. "Hey."

"Knock it off." Ulrich said blankly, getting a pout from his friend.

"Wow Gohan, that's so cool!" Toru said from behind Gohan, who began to turn around.

"Thanks Toru. What does-" Just as Gohan turned to the invisible girl, he saw…...a pair of floating light blue gloves and sneakers. "Ummm….."

"What's wrong?" The invisible girl crossed her arms, her gloved hands resting on her elbows.

"W-where's the rest of your outfit?" This got a giggle from the girl.

"You're looking at it. I wouldn't be sneaky if I wore too much, right?"

'Hang on, if all she has are her gloves and shoes, then….then….then…' Slowly, Gohan's optics widened as his helmet suddenly turned bright red at the realization.

He was standing in front of a NAKED GIRL! I mean yeah she's invisible, but the fact she doesn't have anything else on made Gohan blush madly.

"Hey, you okay?" Toru stepped forward snapping Gohan out of it as he began flailing his arms at a rapid pace.

"Nononono, everything's fine! No need to worry, hahahaha." Everyone sweatdropped at his behavior. All Might took the opportunity to look at Izuku's Costume and he immediately began to compare facts. Fact 1: the appendages on Izuku's head resembled All Might's hair. Fact 2: Izuku's mouth guard looked a lot like All Might's grin. The Pro Hero couldn't help but turn away while covering his mouth.

"You're so obvious…" Shaking off his thoughts, All Might looked at the class. "Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training."

"Excuse me Sir." Tenya called out with his hand raised. "This is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean we'll be conducting urbane battles again?"

"Not quite. I'm going to move all of you two steps ahead. Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors. Think about it: backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows. For this training exercise, you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two on two indoor battles."

"Isn't this a little advanced?" Asui asked, wearing a green and black skintight suit with yellow linings which imitate a frog's skin markings. She also wears goggles, gloves, and boots with a frog-like design while tilting her head.

"The best training is what you get on the battlefield. But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now."

"Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?" Momo asked, wearing a red leotard-like vest with silver linings and edges and matching red boots. She sports a gold utility belt that matches a band that goes across her chest. Her vest leaves space open from the center of the collar to the waist above the belt. This leaves much of Momo's skin exposed, including the area from her stomach to her chest and her arms and legs as well. As soon as Gohan laid eyes on her, his blush returned and despite Momo wearing some clothes, it was still embarrassing how much skin she was showing.

"How much can we hurt the other team?"

"Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?"

"Will we be splitting up based on chance or comparative skill?"

"Isn't this cape treshek?" Yuga Aoyama asked as he wore violet in color, having the shape of a lean knight's armor, also possessing a belt with a ring-shaped buckle and a wing shaped visor.

"Really, that's what you wanna ask?" Yumi asked the blonde boy while sweatdropping. She wore a red violet full body suit with light pink boots, a V-shaped pink strap on her chest, long red velvet sleeves and a small yellow sheet folded on her back. As the students kept asking questions, All Might raised his head and shook, not being allowed to finish. Reaching into his pocket, All Might pulled out a small folded paper, which looked like a small script.

"Listen up. The situation is this: the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The Heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the villains or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the Heroes."

'Wow, it sounds like a classic action movie setup.' Izuku thought as All Might took out a large yellow box with the word LOTS on it.

"Time's limited, and we'll choose times by drawing lots."

"I guess this is the only fair way to choose." "Though the idea of choosing lots was a bit off for Gohan, at least it gave everyone a fair chance to find a partner.

"Time to draw!" For the next few minutes, several teams for chosen for the test, each representing a letter.

Team A: Izuku Midoriya and Ochaco Uraraka

Team B: Mezo Shoji and Shoto Todoroki

Team C: Gohan and Momo Yaoyorozu

Team D: Katsuki Bakugo and Tenya Iida

Team E: Mina Ashido and Yugo Aoyama

Team F: Koji Koda and Rikido Sato

Team G: Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro

Team H: Ulrich Stern and Yumi Ishiyama

Team I: Fumikage Tokoyami and Asui Tsuyu

Team J: Odd Della Robbia and Tooru Hagakure

Team K: Mashirao Ojiro and Hanata Sero

Team L: Aelita Schaeffer and Eijiro Kirishima

"Wow, what are the chances?!" Happy with the partner she got, Ochaco quickly rushed close to Izuku, who sported a massive blush. "We're a team!"

'Oh my gosh, I have to make a good impression on her!'

"Wow, I can't believe we're a team." Gohan said to Momo with a smile, which again, no one could see.

"Yes, I hope we can work well together." The black haired beauty gave him a small smile in return. Next to All Might were two boxes, one white and one black, with the words HERO and VILLAIN respectively.

"I declare that the first team of the fight will be….." Reaching into both boxes, All Might pulled out two balls, with the Hero ball have A and the Villain ball having D. "THESE GUYS! Team A will be the Heroes while Team D will be the Villains." Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch."

"Yes sir." As most of the class, save for the ones called up first, walked with All Might, Izuku looked down, a solemn expression was visible through his mask. Of all people, why, WHY did he have to fight Bakugo first? As if their friendship wasn't bad enough? His right hand began to tremble, feeling Bakugo's glaring being directed at him. He jumped a bit when a hand patted his shoulder, revealing it to be Gohan.

"Hey, don't worry." He said calmly through his helmet. "Just try your best. We'll be cheering you on, okay?" Even with all the anxiety Izuku had with fighting Bakugo, Gohan's words were able to put him at ease, if only for the moment. Smiling, he have the half Saiyan a nod, who nodded back before walking with the others to the monitoring room. Izuku then turned to Bakugo with a determined expression, making the Explosion Quirk user stare in surprise before he intensified his glare.

This would be his chance to put this nerd in his place.



A massive shockwave erupted from inside one of the many empty buildings of Training Grounds Beta. The roof of one of said buildings suddenly burst open, debris flying right out of it. Standing at the center of the large hole was Katsuki Bakugo, who was staring at the hole in pure shock. Slowly, he lowered his jaw, gritting his teeth in anger at the person responsible for this. "So this was your big plan." Bakugo said with hissing anger as the smoke slowly cleared in front of one who caused the shockwave was none other than Izuku Midoriya, whose Hero costume was torn and his left arm burned from blocking a close range explosion from Bakugo.

"I wasn't…...going to use…..it." Izuku said, a tired and horrified expression evident on his face. "I can't….control it. My body just can't handle the backlash of my power yet. Mr. Aizawa said that I'd be useless. But this was all….that I…..can think of." The ash blonde male stared at his former friend/bully victim in pure shock. "It was the only way…..I had any chance of winning." Slowly, Izuku began to lose consciousness before he fell on the right with a thud, leaving Bakugo completely stunned. To think…...THIS was the same Deku he taunted and bullied as a kid. To have been able to cause such destruction…..what the hell happened?

"Your Indoor Combat Training is over." All Might said through the speaker system. Above Izuku and Katsuki were their partners Ochaco and Tenya, the former slowly sliding down the bomb she grabbed with a sick expression while the latter began to freak out, asking if she was okay.

"The Hero team…...WINS!"

'With the other U.A Students'

To say that the rest of Class 1-A was shocked would be the understatement of the year. They had actually witnessed the brawl of the century, a battle between former friends turned rivals. It was fast paced, it was suspensful, it was…..just incredible. And it was barely the first team!

"What a weird way to end?" Denki said as they saw Tenya trying to help Ochaco, who looked like she was going to vomit soon, while Izuku and Bakugo didn't move. "The losers are practically untouched and the winners are both on the ground."

"Geez, I'm glad I didn't need to face Brocolli head." Odd joked, though deep down, he was beyond concerne for Izuku.

"How does the old saying go: they may have lost the battle, but they won the war?" Fumikage said while bowing his head in respect.

"This class is intense." Asui said.

"You got that right." Yumi said with a nod. As everyone continued to discuss their opinions of the battle, Gohan stared at Izuku with a solemn expression on his face. Throughout the battle, he noticed how Izuku didn't use his Quirk at all, and relied on close quarters combat. While it was a smart move, it ended up costing him in the long run. The whole fight kinda reminded him of his fight with Cell, how both sides were trying their best to defeat the other. Just recalling those events made Gohan shudder as he clenched his hand.


"Gohan?" The half Saiyan was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw Momo staring at him with concern.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Are you alright? I noticed you and Midoriya seem to be close." It didn't take a genius to know the friendship between Gohan and Izuku, as evident when they ate lunch together, sat next to each other, hell Gohan even encouraged Izuku and stopped Bakugo from attacking him. If that wasn't friendship, she didn't know what was. Seeing her concern, Gohan smiled.

"Thanks, but I'll be fine. I'm more worried about Midoriya." He said, getting an understanding nod from Momo as they saw the medic robots carrying Izuku out.

"Yes, his Quirk is rather odd. To be able to cause such damage, yet to also harm yourself. It's never been heard of." Momo said while rubbing her chin. Soon enough, All Might returned to the monitor room to review the first Heroes vs Villains battle with his students.

"Well, despite the results, the MVP of this exercise is…...young Iida." Everyone in the room widened their eyes in shock.

"Ummm, sir? Shouldn't the winner be Uraraka or Midoriya?" Aelita asked, confused as everyone else was.

"Valid question, why didn't I choose one of the Heroes? Who has a guess?!" Momo was the first to raise her hand.

"Iida embraced this challenge. He was the only one who truly adapted to his assigned role." Everyone stayed quiet, as if waiting for a deeper meaning. "Allow me to explain. Bakugo's judgement was clouded by a personal grudge against Midoriya. As you pointed out earlier, launching a large scale attack indoors was a foolish move. It could have been disastrous. Similarly, Midoriya's plan was also poorly thought out, considering the amount of damage that he received. He rendered himself helpless, not smart. As for Uraraka, she let her guard down mid battle and her final attack was far too reckless, given the hypothetical stakes. If she treated the fake weapon as though it were real, she never would've risked using such an imprecise move. Iida was fully prepared for his opponent's arrival. He had a strategy and never lost sight of his mission to protect the dummy weapon, even if he was foiled in the end." Hearing the praise, Iida grabbed his heart as comical tears ran down his face. "Technically speaking, the Hero team won yes, but they took advantage of the fact this was training and didn't respect the spirit of the trail."


Nothing. There was literally NO response to counter of support Momo's words. Everyone just…..stayed silent. Ulrich put a finger gun on his head and 'pulled' the trigger, indicating is mind was blown.

'Wow, she's incredible.' Gohan thought while smiling at Momo.

"Y-Yes, well…..you overlooked a few things." Despite being amazed by her intellect, All Might still had to be a teacher and teach. "Young Iida could've relaxed a little bit in the exercise. But, otherwise you nailed it!" This got a sweat drop from everyone as Momo stood proudly with a chinese painting of a sawn behind her.

"One should always start with the basics and devote themselves to wholeheartedly to learning. That's the only real way to become a top hero." Her statement left everyone slackjawed.

"Now then, time to blow this joint. Let's move onto the next match."

BATTLE BUILDING B: Team B(Heroes) vs Team J(Villains)

Inside building B, Odd Della Robbia was currently stretching his legs, preparing to strike the enemy when need. "Don't worry Casper, I got this." Odd said confidently to Tooru, who sweatdropped slightly before a thought came to her head.

"Robbia,, let's both get serious." Tooru said before she removed her gloves and shoes, getting a bizarre look from Odd. "I'm gonna take off all my clothes and totally disappear."

"Ummmmm….you do know you're invisible right? And it's actually Della Robbia. I know that can help but…...doesn't it feel weird being…..ya know, naked?" Even though he was considered a Casanova(though no one has ever supported his claim), Odd was no pervert, so he thought he should at least tell Toru of her lack of clothes.

"J-Just don't look." Sweatdropping, Odd dumbly nodded and turned away from his partner.


The horn was rung, indicating the match has started. Mezo spread his arms, one of his stumps forming into an ear, sensing out the building to find their opponents. Another one of his stumps formed a mouth, which was aimed at Shoto, was was walking up to him. "One's in the hall in the north side of the floor, and I think the other is on the same level somewhere. One is barefoot while the other is wearing shoes." Mezo said before he summoned another mouth. "I bet the invisible one is planning to surprise us."

"For your own safety, go outside." Shoto said simply while walking forward, much to Mezo's confusion. "I'm sure our opponents intend to fight a defensive battle." Opening his right hand, Shoto summoned a blue mist before he touched the wall. Almost immediately, ice began to form from his hand and foot, slowly devouring the building. "But we've already won." With that, the whole building was frozen. Listening to his partner, Mezo walked out of the building, only to see the handiwork of Shoto.

"Ow, ow, ow. My feet are stuck." Footprints can be seen on the floor, showing where Tooru was frozen at. Shoto calmly walked into the room, the cold from the room allowed his breath to be seen. As he walked towards the weapon, he failed to notice a certain cat Person on one of the pipes.

GOT YOU! Odd thought victoriously as he pounced forward, ready to take down Shoto. For those who are confused as to how Odd survived: his cat ears were able to detect the sound of ice forming, and with his quick reflexes, Odd was able to nimbly jump on the vent in the room, waiting to strike. The purple cat man activated his claws with a grin. A+, here I come! However, just as Odd was about to grab Shoto….his hand was grabbed by said person before he was frozen.

"I'm impressed that you were able to dodge my ice, but…." Shoto looked at Odd with a serious expression. "Don't ever underestimate your opponent." With that, Shoto let the frozen cat Quirk User fall on the ground, his teeth chattering like crazy.


Inside the monitor room, All Might and the rest of the students, save for Gohan, shivered as they could feel the ice from all the way over here. "He incapacitated them, without compromising the weapon or his teammate. Take close note of his technique students."

'Now that's a strong Quirk.' Gohan thought with a nod of respect. Meanwhile, Bakugo was staring at Shoto in shock, being able to finish the test in just two minutes.

Shoto simply walked towards the weapon before placing his left hand on it while All Might declared the Heroes the winners. Suddenly, a massive amount of heat escaped his left hand, causing all the ice in the building to melt. The heat freed Odd and Tooru, with the former letting out a massive sigh.

"Heat too? Man…...looks like we…...got another…...Gary Stu…..hehe."

"It's not your fault." Odd and Tooru looked at Shoto, who gave them a blank face. "We're playing on different levels."

"No need to rub it in Icy Hot."

Two tests down, several more to go.

BATTLE BUILDING C: Team K(Villains) vs Team I(Heroes)

Hanata Sero fired several feet of tape inside the room where the bomb is, protecting it from any intruders. Meanwhile Mashido Ojiro took a few deep breaths before getting into battle position, waiting for their opponents.

In the lower levels of the building, Fumikage Tokoyami walked through the dark hallway before two dark claws sprouted out of his cloak. Meanwhile, Asui Tsuyu crawled on the wall, her tongue slightly sticking out.

BATTLE BUILDING D: Team F(Villains) vs Team G(Heroes)

Rikido Sato began slapping his cheeks, getting himself pumped for the Villains to arrive. Koji Koda began to sweat nervously while stepping back from his partner slightly.

Meanwhile, Kyoka Jiro stabbed one of her earphone jacks into the wall, listening to any noise throughout the building. She turned to her partner Denki Kaminari before pointing up. Smiling, Denki opened his hand as electricity began to escape it.

BATTLE BUILDING E: Team E(Heroes) vs Team L(Villains)

Yuga Aoyama was seen walking through the long hallway of Building E, his purple cape glittering as he walked. Behind him, Mina Ashido was using her Quirk Acid to 'skate,' all while spreading her arms with a big grin. "Surf's up!" She exclaimed happily. However, some of her Acid spilled onto Aoyama's cape, causing it to burn holes. The blonde seemed to be devastated, something Mina noticed and smiled sheepishly. "Oops, my bad."

As for the villains, Eijiro Kirishima grinned while activated his Hardening Quirk while Aelita Schaeffer summoned an orb of pink energy, aiming it at the door.

BATTLE BUILDING F: Team C(Villains) vs Team H(Heroes)

Momo Yaoyorozu began creating several steel beams using her Quirk Creation before Gohan picked them up with one hand and placed them in front of the door. Gohan turned towards Momo before giving her a thumbs up, making her smile as she created more beams.

Underneath them, Ulrich Stern rushed to the side of a room, kneeling down while signalling his partner to come over. Yumi Ishiyama cartwheeled to the left side of the room. She raised three threes before closing one, then the other, and finally the last one. Quickly, the two rolled into the room, with Ulrich drawing out two swords from his back and Yumi pulled out a pair of small fans. Noticing there was no one around, the two sighed before moving on.

'Sometime later'

"That's a wrap!" All Might shouted at Class 1-A as they stood in front of the exit for the Battle City. "Excellent work. You've all really stepped up to the plate, and we didn't have any major injuries except for Midoriya. You should be proud, excellent first day of training all around." The #1 Hero gave the students a thumbs up, making them all smile.

"It's nice to hear some encouraging words after our homeroom class." Asui called out, getting nods from everyone.

"Yeah, our last teacher was a real downer. Really killed my mood." Odd said as everyone agreed with him.

"I'm happy and grateful for such staggering positivity to my own class! That's all for now folks. I'll go check on young Midoriya's progress. Now, watch how a Pro exits, like he's got….." All Might turned around and in the next second, he was running off with a large trail of dust following him. "SOMEWHERE TO GO!" Everyone blinked in confusion at All Might's behavior.

"Now that's a Hero!" Denki called out.

"I don't think even I can run that fast." Ulrich said while shaking his head.

"I hope Midoriya'll be alright." Gohan said out loud, clear worry in his voice.

"I'm sure Deku's fine Gohan." Ochaco said, though it was obvious she was also worried. As everyone began to make their way to their next class, Gohan felt…..something off. He turned towhere All Might ran off and suddenly felt a power drop, not enough to indicate someone was killed, but enough to make him worry.

'What was that? It felt like All Might but….he's still alive.' He thought deeply. 'I need to look into this.'

'A few hours later'

Late afternoon took over the skies of U.A High, the bright orange sky gave off a kind of peacefully vibe to everyone. Walking through one of the halls of U.A was Izuku Midoriya, who had bandages wrapped around his left arm while his right one had a cast. It had been an hour since he woke up in Recovery Girl's office and he had since been there, getting some well deserved treatment. 'I missed all my afternoon classes.' Izuku thought with a sigh before looking at the evening sun. 'Mr. Aizawa is probably gonna choke me with his scarf.' Izuku arrived at the Class 1-A door. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed the handle before opening the door.

"Hey, it's Midoriya!" Eijiro said with a toothy grin. "Good to see ya back Super." Him, Mina, Hanata, Odd, Rikido and Ulrich walked up to Izuku, much to his shock. "Ma, I don't know what you were saying during that match, but you were all fired up, huh?"

"I can't believe you held your own against Bakugo. He's super strong." Hanata said with his own smile.

"You did a great job dodging!" Mina said with a light blush while grinning.

"You guys really turned up in the first match, so none of us held back at all!" Rihiko said with an excited tone.

"Seriously Shy Guy, you are now a badass in my book." Odd said while wrapping an arm around Izuku.

"Sucks you broke your arm, but the way you beat Bakugo was cool." Ulrich said with a smirk. Izuku blushed as everyone began to introduce themselves to him. It seems his fight in the first match made him the star of the classroom.

"So noisy." Fumikage said while closing his eyes, sitting on his desk.

"Tokoyami!" Tenya called out before marching towards the bird-like male. He then proceeded to move his arms in a robotic way. "Stop using that desk as a chair! Get off of it this instance!"

"Dude, you need to chill." Kyoka said with a hand on her hip.

"You look like you have a lot of tension." Ojiro pointed out as Tenya clenched his hand.


"He's kinda noisy huh cous?" Yumi whispered to Momo, who giggled lightly.

"I suppose he does, but that's who he is." Momo said with a smile. The backdoor of the classroom opened, revealing Denki and Ochaco, each carrying several books.

"So, anyway. Wanna grab a bite to eat?" Denki asked Ochaco, who looked at him curiously. "What kind of stuff do you like?"

"Anything sweet and…...Deku?!" Ochaco noticed a certain person standing in the middle of a small crowd and quickly rushed to his side. She quickly ran up to him. "Why didn't you heal your injuries?"

"Oh, well it has to do with how much stamina I'm using." Izuku looked around and noticed two people were missing in his class."Umm, Uraraka? Where's Kacchan and Gohan?" The brunette looked at the empty seats before frowning.

"We tried to keep him from leaving, but he wouldn't listen. You just missed him. Gohan said he would try to talk him into coming back, but I don't know." Hearing this, Izuku quickly turned around and ran out the class. "Wait!"

'Front of U.A High'

Broken. That was the one word that could describe Katsuki Bakugo. It wasn't that he was broken physically, or emotionally. But rather…..he was broken mentally. He kept replaying his fight with Izuku, how the scrawny nerd he grew up with suddenly showed a Quirk he had been hiding for years. To think, Izuku could….make him look like a fool, in front of everyone! A deep growl escaped his lips as he walked towards the exit. "Bakugo!" As if his problems weren't bad enough, Gohan, the damn bastard who not only surpassed him during Aizawa's tests, but also stop him from attacking Deku, was calling out to him. The ash blonde male ignored him as he kept walking, but to his annoyance, Gohan kept walking after him. "Bakugo." Slowly, Katsuki looked over his shoulder, his eyes giving a deep glare.

"What?" Most people would have flinch at his aze, but Gohan kept his cool as he stopped a few feet away.

"You shouldn't be leaving, we still got cla-"

"I don't care." Katsuki said in a blank, yet angry tone.

"But why did you leave? I mean, we can talk if you want." His words only made Katsuki grit his teeth.

"Why?" Gohan raised a brow at Bakugo. "Why the hell are you here? Why come after me?"

"We're classmates. If we're both gonna be heroes, then we shouldn't walk away from things." Gohan slowly walked towards Bakugo, extending his arm. "Come on, let's go back inside." Just as his hand touched Bakugo's shoulder…...the explosion Quirk user shoved it back, his hair shadowing his expression.

"Why the hell do you and that damn Quirkless Loser care dammit?" The half Saiyan just stared at Bakugo with worry. "So what if you got first in the Entrance Exam, and so what that damn Deku hid his Quirk. It doesn't have anything to do with me!" The ash blonde clenched his fists tighter, to the point he might draw blood. "Both of you made a fool out of me, so…..did you come to rub it in, huh?!"


"Say something dammit! I lost, I admit it. But to lose to you, a damn nerd, and to Deku….is this some kind of game?! When I was watching that ice guy…..I realized I couldn't beat him in a head-to-head fight!" Bakugo then put a hand on his face as he thought of Momo's analysis of his fight. "Crap! I even agreed with what that girl said! My attack was so stupid! Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!"

"Look, we all make mistakes-"

"And you!" Bakugo tightened his hands even more. "You…..I don't think I can even touch you in a fight! Super strength, speed, energy blasts, how am I supposed to beat that?!" The more Bakugo talked, the more….broken his voice sounded. "Enjoy those wins, both you and Deku." Bakugo raised his head and Gohan was surprised to see tears running down his red eyes. "You won't get another! I'm going to beat you, then Deku, then All Might and become the #1 Hero, so you better sick to just being #2!" Gohan simply stared at Bakugo, black eyes staring into red ones, one sympathetic while the other…..broken. Growling at his expression, Bakugo turned around and began to walk out of U.A, wiping away his tears.

"You remind me of someone." Bakugo stopped when he heard Gohan talk. "He had a lot of pride, like you and he wanted to surpass my dad. He trained for years, yet despite that, my dad was able to beat him." Gohan's eyes softened as he looked at Bakugo. "But he learned from his mistakes, and kept getting stronger so that one day, he might beat my dad. But even with all his power, he was still beaten by stronger people, because he was too arrogant with his own power."

"What the hell's your point?" Bakugo looked at Gohan and saw he was giving him a serious expression.

"I'm not telling you to lose your pride, but sometimes you need to let it go so you can get the bigger picture. Otherwise, you might regret it." All Bakugo did was click his tongue before leaving. In Gohan's mind, Bakugo was the splitting image of Vegeta: both wanting to be the best, both having too much pride. He only prayed Bakugo would take his words to heart.

"Gohan!" Said person turned around and saw Izuku running up to him, panting lightly.

"Oh, hey Izuku." Gulping some air into his lungs, Izuku looked forward and could faintly see Bakugo from the distance. Just as he was about to run….Gohan stuck his arm out, shaking his head. "He needs some time alone."

"Oh….." A downcast expression took over Izuku's face. He wanted to try and tell Kacchan he wasn't trying to make fun of him, but it looks like it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Recovery Girl said I should go by her office tomorrow for another check up." izuku said as Gohan nodded. The two stood in silence, watching Bakugi's body disappear. "S-So, what did you and Kacchan talk about?"

"I tried to get him to stay, but his pride's broken." A small chuckle escaped Gohan's mouth, much to Izuku's confusion. "He kinda reminds me of someone I know. He always held pride above everything else."

"I see…" Again, the two stood in silence. "D-did you take any notes while I was with Recovery Girl by any chance?"

"Yeah, I thought you'd need them when you got better."

"Thanks Gohan." Both males smiled before they began to walk back to U.A High, not noticing several pairs of eyes watching them.

"Wow, I wonder what Gohan told Bakugo." Mina said out loud.

"It must've been personal if Bakugo stayed." Aelita pointed out.

"The fated battle between rivals." Ochaco said dramatically.

"Whatever Midoriya and Gohan have against Bakugo, it can't be good." Asui said with a finger under her lip.

Bakugo's fuse has been lite, a fire burning as hot as the sun. But that won't stop young Midoriya from chasing his dream of being a Hero. Will Midoriya ever find peace between Bakugo, will Gohan get a harem, will the girls stop peaking?

Only the future will tell us these answers.

'All Might's office'

After making his dramatic escape from Class 1-A and checking up on how his successor was doing, All Might decided to do some much needed research on one specific student. "I know he was mentioned to have been homeschooled, but there's got to be some info on his origins." All Might muttered to himself while typing on his computer in his skinny form. Ever since he saw Gohan fight during the Entrance Exam, he had this strange feeling that he was…..familiar in a way. Of course he had never met someone named Gohan, but his powers, not to mention his fighting style, it felt like he was rewatching an event in his past. All Might didn't have to dwell on the thought for much longer as his computer showed him Gohan's medical records. He skimmed through some of the details before coming cross his parents…...only to widen his eyes in pure shock. " I knew it. I just knew he was familiar!" Blood escaped All Might's mouth as he laughed at the irony. Taking out a handkerchief, he began to clean his mouth before a smile appeared on his face. "Of all the times I could meet your son, this has to be the least likely, huh….Goku."