
Dragon Ball: Heroes’ Academia

It's been five whole years since the defeat of the terrifying Cell at the hands of the half-Saiyan child, Son Gohan. Of course, due to the loss of footage, the world was mislead to believe that Hercule Satan was the one to vanquish the being in the place of All Might's absence. Now, the young warrior was accepted into UA's hero course. Read along as we see Gohan make new friends with Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Ejiro Kirishima and more. Makes new rivalries with Katsuki Bakugou and Shoto Todoroki. Learn about his fathers past with non other than All Might himself. Fight off against the league of villains and swears to take down Shigaraki and All For One. And finds a love interest. This the story on how Gohan and Deku became the worlds greatest heroes. Takes place before the Buu Saga. To be honest, if this were a thing, then it would be such a massive arc that it will need it's own show. (The Original Author Discontinued this Story)

kazumadesu · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

First Day of School

"Okay, here's a special meal for my special boy." Chi-Chi said with a big smile before putting the last plate on the table, which had a variety of all of Gohan's favorite food: from chicken to rice to even eggrolls. It was enough to make his mouth water, though he was able to clean his mouth like a gentleman. The same however…..couldn't be said for Goten, who licked his lips in anticipation.

"Wow mom, it looks great." Gohan said, giving his mom a smile as she sat down.

"Well since you were accepted into UA, I thought it would be a good time to celebrate. I know how excited you must be to get in." It was true. Gohan felt like his heart almost skipped a beat when he got another message from All Might, telling him that he got the most points anyone has ever gotten. While he did feel grateful about the praise, it did worry him about the amount of attention he might get if people found out, especially his future classmates.

"So how many powers did you see? Were they strong? And did you see All Might?!" Goten asked with some food in his mouth.

"Goten, manners!" The youngest of the three quickly swallowed his food before apologizing to his mother. "But I'm curious too, Gohan. How were the people there?" Gohan swallowed some of his roce before smiling.

"Well, I didn't get a chance to talk to everyone, but there are a few people I managed to meet." He then began explaining how he decided to talk to Izuku after that girl named Ochaco stopped him from falling. Then he went on to explain Odd's entrance, Toru's invisibility, that guy with the glasses and Present Mic. After that, he explained the practical exam, which almost gave Chi-Chi a heart attack since such young children had to fight robots. He reassured her that no one was hurt, though Izuku and Ochaco both needed to be healed. "I didn't really see All Might there, but in a way, I think he was watching us." The three then spent the next hour enjoying their food and talking about anything interesting that happened, from Goten talking about this cool beetle he saw with Icarus to Chi-Chi almost getting into a fight at the store(which did cause Gohan to chuckle nervously.) Eventually, the plates were emptied and their bellies full.

"Since it's almost 10, I think it's a good time for us to go to sleep. Remember your first day of school is tomorrow at 8 o'clock sharp."

"I know mom." Standing up, Gohan let out a small yawn before he and Goten went into their room, changing into a white tank top and green boxers before getting into his bed. The younger brother changed into his All Might pajamas, getting into the same bed.

"Psss, Gohan?"


"Do you think…...dad's watching us?" Ever since he was born, Goten had never once met his father Goku due to the fact he had passed away months prior. The only way he knew about his father was through his mom and brother, as well as some pictures in the house. But besides that, he didn't know a thing about him.

"Well…." Gohan turned his body as that he could look at the ceiling. "I know he's still in the other world, probably training every day and fighting strong opponents. But sometimes, I think he looks over and checks on how we're doing. I bet he even sees you from time to time."

"Really?" Looking at the ceiling himself, Goten let out a big smile before waving his hand. "Hi dad, it's me Goten!"

"Hahaha, I don't think he can hear you, but I'm sure he'd like to meet you one day."

"Yeah, I wish that day comes soon." Letting out a yawn, Goten began to close his eyes. "Good…...night….Gohan…" With that, Goten fell asleep, a small amount of drool running down his mouth. Chuckling at his brother's antics, Gohan returned to look at the ceiling. There was something that bugged him about Izuku's Quirk. It was like Kaioken: it gave the user immense power, but at the same time it damaged their body. Maybe with some training, Izuku could use his Quirk without damaging his body too much.

Dad, I hope you really are watching, cause I'm gonna be the best hero I can be. Feeling tired himself, Gohan leaned back and allowed sleep to take him over.

'The next day'

The morning sun rose over Musutafa city, where the number 1 Hero School in the world was located. If one could look closely, they could see what looked like a yellow cloud flying in the air. "Okay, down here Nimbus." The yellow cloud lowered its flight before reaching the same alleyway it reached one week later. The rider jumped off before patting the cloud. "I'll see you later." The yellow cloud then flew away from the alleyway as the rider, who was revealed to be Gohan, walked out of it. "Good, still have some time to spare." However, instead of the clothes he wore yesterday, Gohan changed into the standard male uniform, which consisted of a light grey suit over a white dress shirt and dark green dress pants, along with a red necktie and his usual black shoes. Unlike his father, Gohan didn't mind dressing up formally, especially since it was required for a school like UA. Like last week, Gohan stopped in front of the gates of UA High and admired the structure. Unlike last week however, he was gonna memorize everything about the school since he was gonna be there for the next three years. Maybe I should try to hold back a little. I guess that means going Super Saiyan is off the table.

"Gohan!" A smile crept on Gohan's face as he left a certain power level running up from behind. Turning around, he caught sight of a head of green hair, running to him like they were late for the meeting, stopping just three feet away. Izuku Midoriya began to pant heavily from how much he had run from his house, wiping some sweat off his brow.

"Hey Midoriya, you got in too huh?" It was more of a rhetorical question since Izuku was wearing the same thing Gohan was, only his necktie was a bit off and he still kept his red shoes. Catching his breath, Izuku lifted his head and smiled weakly.

"Y-yeah, it turns out there was more than villain points on the practical. And you got in too, that's great." Gohan chuckled while scratching the back of his head.

"Thanks, but I wasn't trying to get a lot of attention, ya know?" He then lost his smile and looked at Izuku with slight concern. "But your Quirk had me worried." Izuku suddenly froze at Gohan's words.

"O-O-Oh, i-it's n-nothing, r-really."

"But it broke your legs and your arm. That's kinda dangerous, don't you know?" The young Quirk User felt like he was being interrogated by the police for a crime he did. "Well, with some training, I think it'll get better." Unconsciously, Izuku let out a sigh of relief. Now that the 'interrogation' was over, Izuku gripped the side of his jacket before bowing his head.

"Thank you."

"Huh?" It took Gohan a few seconds to realize what Izuku meant. "Oh, you don't need to thank me for catching-"

"N-No, that's not it." The green haired loosened his grip on his shirt. "W-When I got my confirmation video, t-the school showed me a video of you and that girl offering your points to keep me from failing."

"The girl…...oh, you mean Uraraka." Izuku looked at Gohan with a small tilt.

"Huh?" The half Saiyan mentally facepalmed since Izuku hadn't even introduced himself to the girl.

"That girl you saved, her name's Ochaco Uraraka and she's from Mie Prefecture."

"D-Do you know her from your old school?"

"No, not exactly." Gohan smiled, remembering what happened last week.

'One week earlier, after talking to Present Mic'

"Hey, wait up!" Gohan turned around to see the girl from before running up to him.

"Yeah, what's up?" The girl took a deep breath before giving him a bright smile.

"Your Quirk is so cool! I mean, I saw you fight some of the robots, but then you shot lasers from your hands, and you can even freaking fly!" She said while moving her hands like he did during the test, getting him to chuckle nervously.

"Oh really? Thanks but I was just doing what I had to." Smiling, the girl reached her hand out.

"My name's Ochaco Uraraka, you wanna hang out? I know this really good coffee shop nearby." The son of Goku was rather confused with what she was talking about, but her bright smile was so contagious, he couldn't help but return it before shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you Ochaco, my name's Gohan."


"After that, we hung out at the coffee shop she told me about. We talked for a bit and even got each other's numbers." Reaching into his pocket, Gohan pulled out his touch screen phone, showing Izuku his contact list, which had Ochaco as his recent call.

"O-Oh, okay." Putting away his phone, Gohan gave him a smile.

"You know, she did tell me that she wanted to thank you whenever she got the chance. Maybe we'll see her later today." A nervous sweat ran down his face. He did want to thank Uraraka, but…...that means he was HAVE to talk to her, and the last time he tried that, he chickened out. "Hey, you okay?"

"Y-Y-Yeah! I'm fine, just…"

"Nervous?" Gohan knew when someone was nervous, seeing how his father acted whenever he told Chi-Chi he wanted to train with him. "Don't worry about it. All you have to say is Thanks, okay Midoriya? I know she'll appreciate it."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Putting a hand over his heart, Izuku let out a deep sigh before straightening himself up. "But we should focus on the here and now. Today is our first step into being heroes."

"That's more like it." Gohan chuckled before he patted Izuku on the back. Despite holding back, it still caused the shorter boy to fall over. "Whoops, sorry."

"Well well, if it isn't David and Goliath." An all too familiar voice called out, getting their attention. Gohan and Izuku turned to see Odd walking up to them, wearing the same uniform they have except he wore yellow shoes and his tie was missing. On his side was a red book bag. However, it turned out he wasn't alone. Walking next to him was a male who seemed to be an inch taller than Odd with short brown hair, matching eyes and a laid back attitude. Like the others, he wore the UA uniform with his white sneakers, but unlike Odd, he actually had his tie on. On his back was an olive backpack.

"Odd, hey." The blonde walked up to his two friends before grinning.

"Nice to see you guys got in, especially you, broccoli head. I didn't see you get a single robot." Odd said, glancing at Izuku, who scratched his head nervously.

"W-well, there was more to the t-test than we thought. Because I saved Uraraka, I got eighty rescue points."

"Seriously?! Man, this place is weird." As Odd shook his head in disbelief, Gohan looked at the stranger.

"Hi, nice to meet you." The half Saiyan extended a hand at the stranger, who looked at it before shaking it.

"Name's Ulrich Stern. You're Gohan and Midoriya right?" The now identified 'Ulrich' asked with a raised brow. "Odd told me a lot about you guys, especially you Gohan. Something about shooting lasers out of your hands?"

"Oh right, that."

"Wait, I thought your Quirk was flight Gohan." Izuku looked at his taller friend in confusion as he chuckled nervously.

Great, not even in close and I'm being interrogated.

"You know? Your name should be Gary Stu." The three looked at Odd. "Cause he has a bunch of powers he can use, which makes him a perfectionist."

"Umm….I don't know what you mean Odd." In all his life, Gohan had never been referred to as Gary Stu.

"Meh, you'll figure it out eventually. Come on, I bet the babes are just waiting to meet the Odd Man." With that, the shortest among them began to walk like he owned the school, getting them to sweatdrop, but follow regardless.

"S-So Ulrich, how do you know Odd?" Izuku asked, still nervous about talking to someone he just barely met.

"Well since they accepted more students this year, UA had to have some people stay in the same apartment, so they made me and Odd stay in building number 2." Ulrich then leaned close to Izuku. "Trust me, it isn't easy living with him."

"Really, why?"

"Cause he never picks up after himself. And don't even get me started on his feet." A disgusted noise escaped Ulrich's mouth, remembering how bad Odd's feet smelled whenever he took off his shoes. If he didn't have his Cat Quirk, then people would've thought his stink was his Quirk. The four eventually reached Class 1-A, which had a ridiculously tall door with the letter A in red. "Geez, UA doesn't know how to be subtle huh?"

"I don't know Ulrich. It has a certain charm to it." Gohan had a smile on his face as he stared at the door. "I wonder what our classmates are like?"

"Well, only one way to find out my muscular friend." Odd then relaxed as a thought came to mind. "I just hope we don't run into Four Eyes. That guy really needs a chill pill."

"Y-Yeah, and since there's two different Hero Course Classes, m-maybe Kacchan is in the other class." Izuku hoped-no, he PRAYED that his childhood bully and that guy with glasses weren't in the same class as he was. Maybe if they weren't, things wouldn't be so bad in UA. Grabbing the door handle, Izuku opened the door, ready to embrace the challenges of his first-

"Take your feet off of the that desk now!"


If God had a twisted sense of humor, he would be laughing his butt off after what he had just done. Two of the people in the classroom were the exact same ones Izuku and Odd DIDN'T want in their class. Their eyes turned to white swirls while Ulrich raised a brow and Gohan chuckled nervously. I hope Dende's not behind this.

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!" The male with glasses from before said to Katsuki Bakugo, who just gave him a cocky smirk while keeping his feet on a desk.

"You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass, or were you born like that?" Bakugo asked rudely.

"Man, we can't catch a break huh?" Odd whined while dropping his shoulders.

Just my luck. Izuku thought as his forehead slightly turned blue.

I can see why they didn't wanna see these guys. Ulrich thought with a sweatdrop as the blue haired male put a hand over his chest.

"Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy." The blue haired male, now identified as Tenya, said.

"Somei, huh? So you must think you're better than me. I'm gonna have fun tearin' you a new one."

"You would threaten me, your own classmate?! Are you sure you're in the right place?" Bakugo simply scoffed before he noticed a certain group standing in the doorway, something Tenya also caught.

"It's him, and…." Tenya suddenly scowled as he saw a certain blonde, who hid behind Gohan badly, as evident from his tail wagging. "You."

"Busted." Ulrich couldn't hold back a snicker as his roommate slowly moved away from his 'shield,' smiling at Tenya.

"Sup Four Eyes, long time no-"

"You and I need to have a serious conversation." The rest of the class watched as Tenya began to match at Odd. "And the name is-"

"Tenya Iida from Somei Academy, we heard you." Unlike Odd, Gohan decided to be polite and offer a hand to the blue haired male, making him stop in his tracks. "My name's Gohan, it's nice to meet you." Even though he wanted to scold the Cat like male, Tenya fixed his glasses before shaking his hand.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Gohan. I apologize for my behavior."

"No, it's alright. I've seen worse." Images of Piccolo and Vegeta popped in Gohan's head as he thought of this.

"Ummm, h-hi." Izuku decided to say hello to the rest of the class, and failed miserably, getting a glare from Bakugou. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's super nice to meet you Iida."

"Name's Ulrich Stern." Ulrich just waved a hand, though Tenya was more focused on Izuku.

"Midoriya. You realized that there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you?"


"You must be very perceptive, and I completely misjudged you. I admit, as a student, you're far superior to me."

"I find that hard to believe." As Izuku sweat dropped at Tenya's praise, Gohan just kept smiling.

He's a lot different from when we first met. I'm glad he could admit to his mistakes. Little did the group know, a certain burnette was right behind, having a great big smile on her face.

"Gohan, Ulrich and falling boy!" A very chipper voice called out, getting them to turn and see Ochaco standing behind them, wearing the same uniform they were wearing, except she had a navy blue skirt, a pink backpack and brown shoes on. Almost immediately, Gohan and Ulrich smiled while Izuku jumped back in shock.

"Hey Ochaco, what's up?"


Much to Ulrich's surprise, instead of a hello, he got a smack to the shoulder and a pout from the girl. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to Class 1-A too? I thought we were best friends."

"Geez, it's not like we're in kindergarten again." His words did not satisfy her as she continued to pout, making Ulrich sigh. "Okay, I should've told you, I'm sorry." Ochaco continued to narrow her eyes at Ulrich, as if tempting him to move. But then….she smiled.

"Okay, I forgive you Ninja Man." This got a snicker from Odd and a glare from Ulrich.

"I'm sorry, NINJA MAN?"

"I told you not to say that name again."

"Oops, sorry." Ochaco gave her friend an apologetic smile before turning her attention to Gohan. "Hey Gohan."

"Hi Ochaco, how've you been?" Unlike Ulrich, Ochaco did give the half Saiyan a handshake.

"Good, just had to do some last minute shopping." After their handshake, Ochaco smiled brightly at Izuku, who was flabbergasted at her attire, so much so that he couldn't even hear her talking.

Oh my gosh, it's really her. She looks good in that uniform. Izuku suddenly blushed at that last sentence before he covered his face with his arms, much to the amusement of his friends.

Wow, I guess Izuku's never really talked to a girl like Ochaco. Gohan looked over Ochaco's shoulder and noticed a yellow sleeping bag on the ground. Wait, was that there a minute ago?

"What do you think we're doing today besides orientation? I wonder what our teachers are like. I can't wait to meet everybody!"

"Man, she's a bit too hyper for me." Odd said before his tail was pulled by Ulrich. "Owww, what was that for?"

"For being you." Was all Ulrich had to say.

This is weird, I feel like there's someone in there. Gohan kneeled down and slowly reached towards the zipper of the sleeping bag…..only for it to open by itself.

"If you're just here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff now." A deep voice called out from the bag as a mess of black hair popped out of it, much to Gohan's surprise. Everyone else slowly turned around to see a man with messy, shoulder-length black hair that partially hangs in front of his face and often half-opened black eyes, as if he just got out of bed. "Welcome to UA's Hero Course." Opening the bag a little, the man pulled out a pouch of juice before drinking it dry, much to their shock.

What is that thing?! The man stood up before opening the rest of the sleeping bag, allowing his long-sleeved shirt and matching pants that tuck into his boots, as well as his utility belt and scarf to be seen.

"It took eight seconds before you all shut up. That's not gonna work, time is precious. Rational students would understand that.

Judging by his power level, I can tell he's at least a Pro Hero, but I've never seen him before. Is he new? Gohan thought, looking at the man closely.

"If you have time to study a person, then you might make it far on your own kid." As if reading his mind, the older man glanced at Gohan, who kept his calm demeanor.

"Sorry sir, but are you our teacher by any chance?"

If he is our teacher, why does he look so worn out? Izuku thought as the man looked at the rest of the class.

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher." This got a shocked gasp from everyone aside from Gohan. It wasn't that fact that the guy WAS their teacher, but rather Gohan actually calling it beforehand. Aizawa picked up his sleeping bag before folding it and pulling out a blue tracksuit with small hints of white and red. "Let's get started. Put these on and head outside."


'Sometime later'

"What, a Quirk assessment test?" In a large open field on the left of UA High, the students of Class 1-A could be seen standing near the gymnasium, wearing the tracksuits Aizawa gave them.

"But what about Orientation? We're gonna miss it." Ochaco pointed out.

"If you really wanna make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies." Aizawa said, not even looking at the burnette. Out of everyone in the 24 student classroom, Gohan understood this better than anyone.

"But still, balancing learning and training is essential for us if we're ever going to be Pro Heroes, right?" A young girl with pink hair and black eyes called out, getting Aizawa to glance at her.

"You're not wrong Aelita, but that's not how I see it. Here in UA, we're not tethered to traditions. That means that I get to run my class however I see fit." To say the students were a bit surprised by his statement would be a bit of an understatement. Most of their lives we centered around learning in the traditionally sense, and while some agreed with Aizawa, even they thought it was be important to learn now and then through books. "You've been using standardized tests most of your lives, but you never got to use your Quirks in physical exams before." Reaching into his pocket, Aizawa pulled out his phone, which showed a list of requirements for a physical test. The country's still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day, the Ministry of Education will learn." Reaching into his pocket, Aizawa pulled out what looked like a small blue capsule with the number 22 on the side. Clicking the top, he threw it to the side, causing it to open with a small POP as smoke appeared. When it died out, everyone was surprised to see a large metal box with a large amount of baseballs inside.

"Wow, that's Capsule Corp tech. So cool." A male with spiky red hair and sharp teeth said in amazement.

"Many, UA's got some strong connections." Another male with combed black hair and what looked like a permanent grin added.

"Gohan, you managed to get over 200 points on the entrance exam." This of course got everyone to look at the black haired male in pure shock, even Bakugo of all people.

"Y-yeah, I guess you're right." Gohan admitted while scratching the back of his neck.

"Hang on! How the hell did he get more points than me?!" Bakugo shouted, clearly angered at the fact he was outshined by this bastard.

"Calm down, he was swift and didn't slow down, unlike some people." For some reason, Aizawa glanced at Izuku, who sweated nervously. "Anyways, what was your farthest distance throw with a soft ball when you were in Junior High?"

"Oh ummm….I never really went to Junior High."

"HUH?!" Okay, NOW everyone was completely baffled by this revelation. Not only did this guy get more points than all of them combined, but HE didn't even go to Junior High?!

"Dude, how did you even get in?" Odd asked his very tall friend.

"Well I was homeschooled most of my life, so I never went to preschool or kindergarten. Actually, this is the first school I've ever gone too."

"Look, it doesn't matter." Everyone looked at Aizawa, who seemed indifferent at the reveal. "His score on both the practical and written tests were at the top of the charts, so it doesn't matter where he came from." Grabbing one of the balls, Aizawa threw it at Gohan, who caught it with ease. "Now, I want you to throw this with your Quirk." Despite what happened, Gohan still smiled and walked up to a large white circle. "Anything goes, just stay in the circle. Go on, don't waste time."

"Okay, got it." Gohan turned his body and began calculating the distance he had in order to throw the ball. He said anything goes, and firing a Ki blast might blow up the ball. Well, I guess I'll just have to throw it with all I got. As Gohan got his pitch ready, Tenya leaned towards Izuku.

"Tell me Midoriya, what is your friend's Quirk?" Tenya asked, getting Izuku to shake his head.

"I have no idea." 'But still.' Flashbacks of Gohan blasts the robots with his Ki and then flying in the air to catch Izuku appeared in his mind. 'Could his Quirk be used for more than offense, like a Dual Quirk? I mean Joint Quirk Marriage is possible, so maybe his father uses the lasers while his mother can fly. Maybe, but there could be another possibility.'

"Here we go." With a deep breath, Gohan pulled his right arm back before moving it forward, slamming his foot on the ground before throwing the ball. However instead of a normal throw…...the ball was LITERALLY launched in the air like a bullet from a sniper, small sonic booms trailed behind the ball as it kept going further, and further away from the others. Speaking of the others, they literally jawdropped at the amount of force Gohan had put behind his throw, even Aizawa widened his eyes a little bit, almost dropping his phone in the process. But the most shocking part of all…..was the fact the ball STILL kept going further and further away, to the point they saw a twinkle in the sky.

"HOLY SHIT!" Yup, that was the only word that can sum up what everyone was thinking after seeing Gohan throw the ball.

"Was that good enough Mr. Aizawa?" Gohan asked with a smile as the teacher regained his composure and looked at his phone, only to see that the ball was still going.

"Yeah it was. You can go back to the others." Nodding, Gohan jogged back to his fellow students as Aizawa watched him closely. 'That wasn't like any Quick I've ever seen. Honestly, it looked like he was using natural strength. I can see why All Might's interested in him.

'Man, I hope I did good.' Gohan thought before he noticed everyone's shocked reactions, getting him to lower his head in embarrassment. 'Great,now they'll want to know everything.' To avoid any awkward conversations, Gohan quickly ran to the back of the class, letting out a sigh.

"Gohan, that was incredible!" An all too familiar voice called out to the side. Gohan turned and smiled at the site of a pair of floating clothes.

"Hey Toru, you made it too."

"Of course I made it, you had any doubt?" Toru teased, getting a nervous laugh from Gohan. "But still, that throw was beyond cool! Was that your Quirk?"

"Y-You could say that."

"Regardless, that was an impressive throw." A much more mature female voice called out as Gohan turned. He was greeted to the sight of a teenage girl with a tall curvaceous figure, cat shaped onyx colored eyes and long black hair tied into a spiky ponytail with bangs on the right side of her face. The girl smiled a bit at him. "Your Quirk must be powerful."

"I don't really think so, but thanks." He then stuck his hand out with a smile. "I'm Gohan by the way." The girl looked at his hand before shaking it.

"Hello Gohan. I am Momo Yaoyorozu, it's a pleasure."

"Listen up, all of you need to know your maximum capabilities." Aizawa noticed the ball finally drop before looking at his class, showing the distance Gohan had thrown his ball…...which was over 2000 meter. "It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero."

"2009 meters?!" Okay, maybe it would've helped Gohan if he held back a bit more, just so he wouldn't have all the attention.

"Whoa, you gotta be kidding me." A blonde male with a black lightning bolt mark on the right side of his hair said in disbelief.

"I wanna go, that looks like fun!" A girl with literal pink skin, black eyes with yellow silts and small horns on her head said while clapping her hands together.

"Not a bad way to start the day, huh?" Odd said while nudging Ulrich, who rolled his eyes, though it didn't stop him from smirking.

"So this looks fun, huh?" Everyone was surprised at how…...cold Aizawa sounded. "You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all gonna be games and play time?" Much to their shock, Aizawa grinned a bit. "Idiots. Today you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last had none…..and will be expelled immediately."

"Huh?!" Everyone, even Gohan was shocked at the conditions of the physical tests.

Man, and I thought Piccolo was tough.

'Kami Lookout'

"ACHOO!" Out of nowhere, Piccolo let out a sneeze, breaking his concentration.

"Is something wrong Piccolo?" Dende, the Earth's Guardian, asked with some concern.

"Yeah, but it felt like someone was talking about me." Piccolo said before closing his eyes again.

'Back at UA'

"Excuse me sir, but that's too extreme." A tall female with neck length black hair, pale skin and black eyes called out while stepping out of the crowd.

"Oh, and how's that Ms. Ishiyama?"

"We've all worked hard to come to this school, yet you're saying that the last person who finishes the tests is expelled? No offense sir, but I doubt you have the power to do that."

"Woah, she's got guts on Ulrich." Odd whispered, though he got no response. Turning his head, Odd couldn't help but grin as he saw how…..mesmerized Ulrich was by the girl who just told out Aizawa.

"Hmmm, maybe you would be right in your old school but….." Moving his hair back, Aizawa gave a grin that would fit in the 'psychopath' category. "Like I said, this is my class and I can run it however I see fit. If that's a problem, you can head home right now, got it?" Gulping, the girl stepped back a little.

"N-No sir."

Oh crap, eight tests? Izuku thought as he looked at his hand. I can only use One for All at either zero or 100%. I can't control it all the way. A huge test on the first day of school, what the crap am I gonna do?

"The world is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to try to combat that unfairness. If you wanna be a pro, you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So go beyond, Plus Ultra-Style. Show me it's no mistake that you're here." Though most of the class were nervous, a few like Gohan and Momo knew there was a hidden meaning behind Aizawa's words.

Dad and Piccolo taught me to bring out my full potential. And while I haven't really fought for a long time… Gohan clenched his fist before giving a determined expression. I know I can keep going further.

Time to blow these nerds away. Bakugo thought while rolling his arm and glancing at Gohan. Especially that guy.

"Now then, we're just wasting time by talking. Let the games begin."

Test 1: 50-meter dash

On two separate white lines, Tenya Iida and a girl with very long dark green hair, big hands and dark eyes got into running position as a measuring device spoke up. "Runners, on your marks. Ready…" Both students got ready to run before the robot fired a gun in the air. Almost immediately, Tenya rushed forward at high speed while the girl hopped forward like a frog. "3.04 seconds." As the girl crossed the finish line, Iida looked at the line.

At 50 meters, I can only get up to third gear. He thought as Ulrich and guy with the permanent grin, identified as Seo got into position.

"Ready….." Like before the robot fired its gun as Sero began to run.

"Alright, here we go." Ulrich muttered with a small smirk as his body began to glow slightly. "Super Sprint!" In the blink of an eye, Ulrich sprinted passed Sero with a yellow streak following him as he crossed the finish line.

"3.01 seconds."

"Well, those two are definitely in their element." Aizawa said blankly. "But speed won't help them in every test."

"I'll lighten my clothes, and my shoes." Ochaco said as she touched her shirt and shoes, allowing a small glow to appear before disappearing. The robot shot its gun as Ochaco and a blonde with a very large tail began to run. Despite using her Quirk, Ochaco was still too slow as the male used his tail to launch himself to the finish line. "Well, at least that's faster Junior Year." The pink from before got into running position, though for some odd reason, she decided to go barefoot. Next to her was another blonde male with purple eyes, a strange device around his stomach and for some reason, he had sparkles surrounding him.

"Nice attempts, mon amis." The blonde said, sounding elegant, yet arrogant. "But you're just not showing enough panache." Once the gun was shot, the male turned around and jumped, firing a laser from his belly button and into the device, launching him forward. "Let your powers shine!" But…..the blonde male, known as Yugi Aoyama, fell on the ground halfway through the race, allowing the girl to run passed him. Standing up, he fired another laser as it brought him to the finish line.

"5.51 seconds." Despite his slight loss, the male turned around, still smiling.

"Shooting my beautiful beam for more than a second hurts my tummy."

What a tool. Some of the students thought as Izuku and Bakugo got into running positions.

"Ready?" Yet another gunshot was made in the air as Izuku and Bakugo began to run as Aizawa watched closely.

Sometimes pros have to be creative in order to succeed. Growling in anger, Bakugo opened both of his hands while putting them behind his back.

"Burst speed!" Several small explosions erupted from his palms, increasing his speed and allowing him to finish.

"4.13 seconds. 7.02 seconds." Bakugo stopped his explosions before looking at his hands.

"My Quirk has the most uses out of everyone in this school."

"1.0 seconds." The next score caught Bakugo's attention as he and the others looked in shock as the runner who got the fastest score…...was Gohan.

"Glad I'm getting used my power again." Gohan muttered to himself while cracking his neck, getting a scowl from Bakugo.

That guy!

Okay, don't panic Izuku. Izuku thought while panting. There are still seven more tests. Everyone's gonna be using their Quirks on all of them and getting awesome results. So…...what do I do? Okay, I need to control my Quirk if I'm ever gonna pass. I can do this!

(Test 2: Grip strength)

The next test showed each student grabbing a grip device and squeezing it to their fullest potential. Izuku was seen with his eyes closed, trying to concentrate. Okay, keep the egg from blowing up in the microwave. He thought before squeezing the device as hard as he could…...only to get a 56.

"Wow!" Sero exclaimed as he looked at a tall tan male with six arms, short grey hair and a teal mask covering his face used two of his arms to squeeze the device. "You hit 540 kilograms? You're a beast!"

"Holy cow Gohan, 600?!" Toru asked, getting everyone to look as Gohan got the high score yet again.

"Come on, it's not that big of a deal." Gohan said modestly while rubbing the back of his neck.

That guy! Bakugo thought in anger while squeezing his own device, getting 450 kilograms.

(Test 3: Standing long jump)

"Hope you're ready to look Froggy." Odd said as he and the green haired girl, also known as Asui Tsuyu, got ready to jump on the standing long jump course.

"We'll see…...kitty." Asui said bluntly before the whisper ran, causing both students to jump as high as they could. Though Odd was able to get through about 80% of the way, Asui was able to reach the end, much to his dismay.

"Aww man."

"You snooze you lose…..kitty."

(Test 4: Repeated side steps)

Standing in the middle of three lines, Ulrich used his Super Sprint to move left and right so fast, it looked like there were three Ulrichs, much to Izuku's shock.

(Test 5: Ball throw)

Like with Gohan, the rest of the students were allowed to throw their balls and see how far they can go using their Quirks. The first one up was Ochaco, who smiled before using her Quirk on her ball and throwing it, causing it to slowly float into the air, higher and higher until it was nowhere to be seen. Aizawa looked at his phone before showing it to everyone, revealing the infinite symbol.


"Dang, loks like you lost your title my taller friend." Odd said while patting on Gohan's back, getting him to chuckle.

"It's fine. I doubt I could throw it any further." Gohan said, completely lying. If he had gone Super Saiyan, over even to Super Saiyan 2, he could've thrown it across the damn planet. But showing off was not one of his traits.

"That's insane! How is that even possible?!" The lightning blonde male, also known as Kenki Kaminari, shouted in shock.

"Okay Ms. Ishiyama, you're up."

"Yes sir." Yumi said before picking up a ball and getting into the pitcher's circle.

This is bad, I've gotta come up with some kind of a game plan. Izuku thought as Yumi threw her ball. But as it began to fall on the ground, Yumi quickly placed his hands on the sides of her head before closing her eyes, causing the ball to glow a faint pink light before it began to float up.

"Wow, she's using telekinesis." Toru said while clapping her hands.

"That's impressive." Ulrich admitted, though he didn't sound too thrilled. The ball continued to go passed the 350 meter mark when Yumi began to sweat. Using too much energy, she released the ball, allowing it to fall on the ground. Looking at his phone, Aizawa showed Yumi's score: 80.1 meters. As everyone clapped for Yumi, Izuku closed his eyes, trying to think of something.

Everyone's had at least one crazy good score already.

"Hello?" A hand grasped Izuku's shoulder, causing him to jump. Looking around, he saw the person who spoke to him was the pink haired girl from before. Her name was Aelita, right?


"You're up." Aelita said while pointing at the field, getting a nod from Izuku. As he went to grab his ball, he looked at the crowd: most just giving him a watchful expression while others like Gohan and Ochaco gave him a smile of encouragement. Getting into the pitcher's circle, Izuku looked at the ball in his hand, the only chance he had to pass.

All that's left is this, the distance run, sit-ups and the seated toe touch. It's now or never. This is my best chance to use One for All.

"If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home." Tenya said with his arms crossed.

"Huh? Of course he is. He's a Quirkless loser." Bakugo said, much to their surprise.

"He has a Quirk. Did you not hear about what he did in the entrance exam?"


"It's true, we saw it." Ulrich called out as he walked up to them, Odd following suit. "He took down one of those huge robots in one shot."

"Look, the guy might not look like it, but he's a pure tank underneath all that green." Odd joked, though he did have confidence in Izuku.

"Izuku, I'm proud of you son."

"Young man, you too can be a hero."

"Honestly, I'm proud."

The words of his mother, All Might and even Gohan rang in the head of Izuku as he closed his eyes, pulling his arm back. With deep concentration, he began to focus One for All into his arm, something Gohan and Aizawa noticed.

Izuku, can you really control your power? Gohan thought in a serious tone. However, before Izuku could let go of the ball…...Gohan felt his power turn off. Once Izuku threw the ball, it landed a good 46 meters away. Wait, his power just vanished. How did…...Suddenly feeling a strange power behind him, Gohan turned around and widened his eyes as he saw Aizawa glaring at Izuku, his normally black eyes turning red, emitting some kind of energy.

"What gives? I was trying to use it just now."

"I erased your Quirk." Before anyone could act, Aizawa's scarf suddenly opened up , floating around him like tentacles. "The judges for this exam were not rational enough. Someone like you should not be allowed to enroll at this school."

"Wait, you did what now?" Izuku gasped as he saw a pair of yellow goggles around his teacher's neck. "Those goggles, I know you! You can look at someone and cancel out their powers.. The Erasure Hero: Eraserhead!"



"Who's that?"

"Hey guys, you know who he is?" Gohan asked Tenya and Ochaco, who shook their heads.

"I'm afraid not even I have heard of him."

"Same here."

"Eraserhead isn't known by a lot of people because he works under the radar." Yumi called out, much to everyone's surprise as Aizawa glared down at Izuku.

"You're not ready. You don't have control over your power." Izuku gasped as Eraserhead continued. "Were you planning to break your bones again? Counting on someone else to save your useless body?"

"No! That's not what I was trying to do!" Suddenly, Eraserhead's scarf wrapped around Izuku, pulling him close.

"No matter what your intentions are, you would be nothing more than a liability in battle. You have the same reckless passion as another overzealous hero I know. One who saved a 1000 people by himself and became a legend. But even with that drive, you're worthless if you can only throw a single punch before breaking down. Sorry Midoriya. With your power, there's no way you can become a hero." Closing his eyes, Aizawa released Izuku before his eyes turned back to black.

There's something up. He might sound strict, but he does want Izuku to learn. From all his lessons with Piccolo and his father, Gohan could tell how a strict teacher acts and why they do. If Eraserhead is anything like Piccolo, then he might be able to bring Izuku's potential out.

"I returned your impractical Quirk. Take your final throw. Hurry and get it over with."

"Hopefully our teacher gave him some good advice." Bakugo just looked at his old bully victim with uninterest.

"Probably told him to start packing."

"I wouldn't count Midoriya out yet." The two turned to Gohan, who looked at Izuku with a smile. "He might not look like it, but I can tell Izuku's got a lot of potential buried deep inside. I have faith that he'll pull through." Tenya smiled at his encouragement while Bakugo just scoffed.

I've only got one shot at nailing it, so what am I gonna do?

Come on Midoriya, you can do it. As Gohan mentally cheered Izuku on, the green haired boy looked at the ball once again.

I still can't control my power, but I can't just give up either. Do I let the egg explode? It might be my only shot at staying at UA. I have to try something, no matter what the consequences are! Grabbing the ball with both hands, Izuku pulled back and prepared to pitch.

A waste of a Quirk. Aizawa thought in disappointment as he saw Izuku remove his left hand from the ball, showing that he was gonna do a right pitch.

Mr. Aizawa was right about what he said. If I can't control my Quirk, there's no way I'll ever be a hero! Aizawa, Gohan and a certain blonde far from the group gasped as they saw what izuku was doing.

"Hey hey, is he doing what I think he's doing?" All Might said in shock.

I have to work way harder than everyone else here if I wanna succeed. Izuku's finger suddenly began to glow. Even if I have a lot to learn, I'll focus on what I can do right now. "SMASH!" Using as much as his power as he could, Izuku threw the ball with enough force to literally launch in the air, sending large amounts of wind on the ground. Everyone else gasped in pure shock, though Gohan still smiled at his friend. It hurts...but not as bad as before. Izuku's index finger were red and swollen, yet he still had a full functional hand. Aizawa grinned as he saw Izuku's throwing distance, which was 705.2. "Mr. Aizawa….." The teacher looked at Izuku, who despite being pain, smiled at him. "You see? I'm still standing."

This kid…

I see. So by focusing his power on his finger, he lowers the chance of destroying himself. Gohan thought, still smiling. Good one Midoriya.

"He threw it over 700 meter."

"Nice. He's finally showing us his true power!" Ochaco shouted with her hands up.

"But his finger's broken." Aelita said.

"No worries. He can take it." Odd said with a grin.

"It wasn't a very pretty throw." Aoyama said, dissatisfied. Bakugo gaped in pure shock.

What the hell was that?! Bakugo thought in shock. If he had a Quirk, he would've gotten it when we were kids. This is impossible! He's up to something. A deep growl escaped Bakugo's lips as small explosions escaped his palms. I'm getting to the bottom of this. With that, he charged at Izuku. "Hey! Deku, you bastard! Tell me how you did that, or your dead!" Izuku screamed in shock, but just as he was a few feet away….

….a hand grabbed his wrist.

"That's enough." Everyone looked up in shock as Gohan suddenly appeared between Izuku and Bakugo, grabbing the latter's wrist firmly.

"Hey, let go!" Bakugo tried to pull away, but Gohan kept a firm grip.

"Okay, let him go Gohan." Nodding at his teacher, Gohan released Bakugo, who gave him a deep glare. "It'd be wise to avoid making me use my Quirk so much. It gives me serious dry eye. Whoever's next, step up" Gohan and Izuku began to walk towards their friends, who instantly began to compliment them.

"Geez Midoriya, didn't think you had it in you." Ulrich said with a smirk. "Your finger gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, it just needs some ice."

"Man Gohan, you were like a bullet. How fast can you run?"

"I haven't really kept track, sorry." As they kept talking, Bakugo glanced at them, glaring with pure hate.

Until the exam, he was nothing. A little bug I could crush if I wanted to. Just an annoying bug. He then looked at Gohan, who was laughing nervously as some of the others tried to ask what his Quirk could do. And his damn bodyguard.

'Some time later'

After the throwing test, the last three tests flew by like a breeze, though it was still difficult for Izuku since he barely did the pull up test. The toe touch and distance running tests serious hurt his score, so all he could do was pray he didn't come in last. After taking a quick breather, the students all gathered near the gym to see their results.

"All right, time to give you your results. I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the list." Izuku began to squirm nervously in the background, his already damaged finger hurting even more now. It wasn't until he felt a hand on his shoulder, revealing a smiling Gohan.

"Hey, don't worry Midoriya. I'm sure you did everything you could." Gohan said, trying to encourage his friend.

"I know but…...I also know I'm probably going home." Izuku said in a defeated tone. A screen appeared behind Aizawa, showing everyone's score. Of course, the top spot was given to Gohan, who did outstanding on all the tests. Opening his eyes, Izuku began to scan the board, trying to find his name…..until he found it….at the bottom. "I'm in last place. I failed." Gohan couldn't help but give his friend a sympathetic look. He did his best, especially in the ball throw, yet it proved to worth nothing.

"And I was lying, no one's going home."

…..wait what?

All the students look at Aizawa, who gave a broad grin. "That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests."


"Are you kidding me?! I was freaking out for nothing?!" Odd shouted in shock.

"W-well you did point him out." Aelita said to Yumi with a nervous laugh.

"Told you." Yumi said, despite sweatdropping with what their teacher said.

"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that. I'm sorry. I guess I probably should have said something." Momo said with a very small hint of guilt in her voice, getting a chuckle from Gohan.

"Even I didn't know he was lying. Well, at least everyone's staying."

"That was nerve racking, huh?" Sero asked the redhead, who was known as Eijiro Kirishima, who smirked slightly.

"Nah, I'm always up for a challenge." Kirishima said confidently, though Bakugo just scoffed, annoyed at the fact Izuku wasn't getting kicked out.

"That's it for today. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning." Izuku let out a deep sigh, happy that his first day didn't go to shit. However, before he could relax, Aizawa walked up to him with a piece of paper. "Midoriya. Take this and go have the old lady fix you up. Things are gonna be tougher tomorrow, when your actual training begins. Make sure you're prepared." With that, the erasure hero walked away.

I managed to make it through the first day. Izuku looked at the paper his teacher gave him. But there was so much I completely failed at. I started at the bottom, which means I've still got a whole lot to learn…..if I'm gonna achieve my dream.

'An hour later'

After gathering their syllabuses, the students of Class 1-A either began to make their way home, or just hang out with one another. "So tired…." And then there was Izuku Midoriya, who was walking across the walkway like a very slow zombie. He found out that Recovery Girl's Quirk only worked if he still had stamina and luckily he did, but while his finger was fixed, he felt like he was gonna pass out any minute. All he wanted to do was go home and just fall on his bed for eight hours, maybe ten…...maybe forever. However, before he could keep going, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Midoriya." Turning around, Izuku was shocked to see the person calling him out was none other than Gohan, who gave him a friendly smile.

"H-Hey there Gohan, what's up?" Izuku said, suddenly getting all his energy back.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see if your finger's okay." Gohan said with a very small hint of concern. The injury wasn't life threatening by any means, but it could still bother his finger if he was right handed.

"I-It's doin' fine, thanks to Recovery Girl." To prove his point, Izuku raised his bandaged finger at Gohan, though it was a bit tough since he was a few inches taller.

"That's good, and that was some seriously good moves you pulled in the tests." Hearing this, Izuku lowered his head.

"No it wasn't. I barely got third in the distance throw, and the rest I completely bombed. If Mr. Aizawa had been serious about dropping me-"

"I doubt he would've actually done it." Gohan cut off Izuku, who looked at him curiously. "Mr. Aizawa reminds me of a friend who trained me when I was a kid. He was…...tough and didn't hold anything back on me….." A nostalgia smile appeared on Gohan's face as he remembered the early days of his training with Piccolo. "But deep down, I know he was doing it so I could learn and become stronger, and that's what Mr. Aizawa did for you." He then reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. "I might not know what your Quirk can do, about after seeing it twice, I can tell that if you keep training and push yourself, you'll be a great hero."

"Y-You really think so?" Squeezing his shoulder slightly, Gohan looked at him with a warm smile.

"I know you can." To say he was happy with what Gohan was saying would be a complete understatement. Izuku felt so….inspired to keep going, especially after seeing the amount of power Gohan had during the tests. If he kept pushing himself and learning more about his new Quirk, maybe….one day he could surpass All Might. A big smile crept on Izuku's face before he bowed his head and Gohan.

"Thank you Gohan, thank you so much." This got a chuckle from the half Saiyan as he reached out and ruffled Izuku's hair a bit like he would do for his little brother.

"Come on, no need to thank me. I told you before, just be the best hero you can be." His words got Izuku to smile again.

"Hey! Wait up you two!" The two males turned to see Ochaco running up with them, waving her hand.

"Hey Uraraka, something up?" The brown haired girl stopped just a foot behind them, smiling.

"I just wanted to know if you guys were going to the station too. If you are, I wanted to know if I could join you guys." Both males looked at each other before smiling.


"Thanks, and that was a seriously cool throw Deku!"

"Huh?!" The girl tilted her head at Izuku's reaction.

"Yeah, didn't Bakugo call you that? I thought Izuku was something Gohan called you, like a nickname."

"Actually Uraraka, Izuku is his real name." The green haired male moved his hands left and right while looking nervous.

"Y-Yeah, Deku's what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me." A frown appeared on Gohan's face. He had heard others being called names, like Frieza calling him, his dad and Vegeta monkeys just cause they had tails. But to hear a fellow classmate make fun of his friend was downright wrong. Seeing her mistake, Ochaco scratched the back of her head.

"Oh, I didn't realize that. I'm sorry." She then perked up while clenched her fist. "You know what? I like Deku. It could make a great hero name. Plus I think it sounds kinda cute." Suddenly, Izuku's whole face turned red as he spoke without thinking.

"Deku it is!"

"Huh?!" Gohan suddenly hoped to the side a bit with his arms hanging from the side(a bit of a nod to Xenoverse 2 lol.) "Didn't you say Deku was meant to make fun of you?" Izuku covered his face and hid it.

"Paradigm shift! My whole world is upside down!"

"Wait what?" Ochaco's eyes turned to small black dots as a large question mark appeared over her head. Blinking a bit, Gohan's lips began to twitch before he let out a loud laugh, getting confused looks from his two friends before they eventually began to join him in his laughter.

If this is how UA is, I think I'm gonna like it. As the trio began to walk towards the train station, they failed to notice a certain Explosion using male scowling at them while leaning against a tree.

Deku, and that damn nerd with him. Bakugo thought before squeezing his fist. One way or the other, I'll crush them like bugs.

'Unknown area'

In the same room where the mysterious figure had received the video weeks prior, the same person was currently examining the schematics of what looked like a humanoid figure. Rubbing their chin, they began to type on their keyboard, trying to find the right code to add.


As they were working, they received yet another video from SCIPIO. Minimizing the schematics on their desktop, they clicked on the video, who shocked Gohan at the train station, waving good to Izuku and Ochaco. "Is that him?" A deep, male voice called out from the darkness, though from what little light was in the room, one could tell his hair was navy blue.

"Yes it is." The mysterious figure said to their ally. "It seems like he was accepted into UA High, as predicted."

"So when can I fight him?" It was clear that the blue haired male was impatient.

"Not yet. I haven't finished your absorption modification. But rest assured, when I'm done, you will finally have your chance to fight the son of Goku, okay….22?" The male, now called 22, smirked as he raised his head, allowing his red eyes to be seen.