
Chapter 3: Plants vs Apes

Namarc with a barely visible golden glow on his fists jumped off the ground causing cracks and dust to form behind him. His past battles against the Tuffles proved that talking is useless in the face of conflict. Oozak seeing Namarc rush towards him only sighed before incasing his fingers in ki. When Namarc was close, Oozak swung his arm up forming a net of purple ki that caused a ton of dust to form removing his vision of the Namekian.

Namarc reacted by forcing his ki out of his body like a shockwave removing the cloud of dust around him. Trying to look around, Namarc noticed a shine of purple beneath his feet. Instinct drove him to jump up quickly as he looked down to see a field of purple unstable ki balls on the verge of exploding.

A powerful yet somehow condensed explosion roared to life as the ki mines went off causing a shiver to go up Namarc's spine. His Saiyan instincts told him that he would have lost his legs and maybe more to that explosion.

"That was a show of mercy." Oozak yawned in midair with no hint of care towards Namarcs readiness to defeat him. He even did a couple of cartwheels in place while in midair which made Namarc annoyed. Stopping in midair, Oozak grew very serious. "Now, will you stop this pitiful attempt of a fight and fix my house? Or will I have to make you rebuild it with no arms?"

Namarc extremely serious took a stance with one hand to his side. A golden glow appeared in his hand before growing to about the size of a bowling ball before condensing once again. The cycle repeated itself about 2 more times before Namarc took a pitching stance. All the while Oozak took the time to kick back and relax in midair like he was in a chair.

"Final Blast" Namarc yelled as he threw the golden ball of condensed energy towards the still relaxing Oozak. The throw caused air pressure to blast out from Namarc ripping some of the ground out from around him. Around the halfway mark the blast suddenly expanded in size taking up all of the Oozaks sight.

"Oh, that's nice. You made me a mini star to get a darker shade of green on my skin. You wouldn't happen to have any water would you?" Oozak chuckled a bit as he raised his hand to contest the blast. Predicting his enemy's plan of action, Namarc smirked as he made a motion with his right hand behind his back.

When the ball made contact with Oozaks hand and stopped as Namekian's expectations. It quickly grew unstable to his surprise before exploding with massive force. Air pressure from the explosion made some of the dragon clan members fly off their feet against their will. The explosion also radiated a massive amount of golden light forcing the ones who could stand to close their eyes.

When they opened their eyes a moment later they were met with Oozak standing there casually with a burn mark present on his palm. He had to also close his eyes to the light of the explosion. When he opened them again he looked to where he last saw Namarc only to see him gone.

Using his ki sense, he detected that a massive amount of energy had suddenly appeared from behind him. Namarc with a massive amount of ki encasing his fist hit Oozak directly on the cheek with all the force his body could muster.

The force of the hit resounded through the now silent air as Namarcs arm struggled to move the non-moving Namekian. Namarc realizing how futile his struggle was flew back immediately before settling a reasonable distance away from Oozak.

"Oh, so you are finally done?" Oozak said with a yawn as he scratched his green cheek which only itched a slight bit. "But is your race prone to attacking whoever willy-nilly? Even what I assume to be a youngling of your race wanted to fight me for just staring at him funny."

Namarc just silently stared at Oozak with aggression still on his face. Oozak noticed this and snorted before continuing with his questions.

"Anyways, what is your name and purpose for being here?" His eyesight landed on the Saiyans armor. "Judging by your armor, I would assume it wasn't for a peaceful visit. But I'll give you a chance to speak your intentions before deciding what to do with you."

Namarc stubbornly locked eyes with the nonchalant Oozak for a good while before sounding out an audible "Tsk" and looking down towards Solace. Solace while still young had potential but could not help out during their fight with Oozak. He had gotten steamrolled earlier and wanted to believe that Namarc could, but that hope was not effective. Both of the Saiyans knew they had gotten a boost in power from their fall.

Surecouldlity to fly but there was zero time from the ship breaking apart and the point of impact to react. If Namarc had failed to grab Solace in time, they would both be dead.

"Damn it, this isn't good," Namarc whispered to himself unaware of the Namekian's super hearing. Now that he had stopped fighting, he could observe the current situation as it was. 'I knew the mission wouldn't be easy. But this level of difficulty may be a bit too much for Solace's first mission. We have zero communication with our home world due to the destruction of the ship. Nor can we fly back and now we have to deal with the planets locals.'

A burst of aura from Oozak put Namarcs attention back on him. Seemed the Namekian was done playing around and wanted an answer to his questions.

Swallowing his saliva. Namarc turned towards Oozak with a serious stare. "We are Elite Saiyans of Planet Sadala. We are on a mission from our king to retrieve something called the dragon balls in hopes of de="

Immediately, Oozak was in front of Namarc with a hand wrapped around his throat before he could even blink. A dark and serious expression was present on his face, no signs of that past joking attitude were present.

"How do you know of the dragon balls," Oozak growled out in aggression ready to snap Namarcs neck at any moment. "What information do you have on them? We've made sure to keep them a secret even while in an alliance with the surrounding tribes." The grip on Namarcs neck got dangerously strong threatening to break his wind pipe. "Only I and a few other select Namekians have access to that information also so it's pure nonsense for someone as weak as you could know of them."

A blast of ki hit Oozak on his arm causing his attention to temporarily look towards Solace who had his hand out and facing him. A look of panic and very slight fear was present in the young Saiayns eyes. Oozak seeing this calmed himself before roughly letting Namarc go.

While Namac was coughing and trying to get air, Oozak watched in thought before coming to his decision. Knowledge of the dragon balls was serious to Namekian culture as anyone who knew of their true value would do anything to get them.

"Come with me," Oozak said with a serious tone. "The Grand Elder will require your presence. We'll leave immediately so inform your comrade."

Namarc would comply with the Namekian's wishes.


Oozak with the two Saiyans behind him landed near a waterfall. Facing it, he calmly got down on his knees before bowing. "Grand Elder, I request a meeting." Namarc and Solace immediately grew tenser. If this Grand Elder deserved respect from Oozak, it meant their situation got a lot more difficult for them.

Oozak still kneeling sighed in relief as the waterfall suddenly stopped. The water no longer fell but instead became static floating in the air. Splitting itself, an opening was present to welcome them inside. Getting up, he did a short bow again thanking the Grand Elder before motioning the Saiyans to follow him.

Begrudgingly, they followed with their suppressed pride desperately trying to claw its way out of their chests. The darkness of a cave was not present as orange crystals littered its walls giving a great amount of visibility to their surroundings. Namarc was unphased by the sight with Solace being the only one of the two to show childish interest now and then.

Soon the trio came across a wooden door. The big space of the cave paired with the small and fresh wooden door didn't fit at all which was a bit humorous to Solace.

Solaces thought was cut short as the hairs on the back of his neck stood erect. Sparing a glance at Namarc, he recognized that he felt the same. The door creaked open once again to welcome them inside. A feeling of oppression came from beyond it. It brought both fear and excitement to both of them.

"You may enter." A deep and powerful voice resounded causing Solace to flinch. With the namekian in the lead, they went through the door to be welcomed by an unexpected sight. It was actually a pretty casual room.

The walls were white and looked pretty soft. The floor was made of polished wood. The furniture inside was pretty casual at best and had signs of someone being able to live and function normally. Hell, the place even had a mini fridge and a small little cooking device.

"Sorry." The deep voice apologized before walking out of an adjacent door from them. "Usually, my meetings are scheduled, so excuse the mess."

Standing in front of the trio was a huge and muscular Namekian with pajamas and a sleeping cap. Confused the two Saiyans stared at the Grand Elder before hearing a cough out of Oozak. "Grand Elder, You are still in your sleeping attire and we have guests."

"Sleeping attire?" The Grand Elder asked before looking down. Looking back up, he had a blank and serious face. "This is battle attire."

"Whatever you say," Oozak muttered before throwing his hand back towards the two saiyans. "Anyways, these two know of the dragon balls. I thought you should see how much they know exactly before we decide what to do with them."

The Grand Elder sighed in exasperation before walking up to the two saiyans. A feeling of pressure casually radiated on the two as his height made him tower over them. The Elder began to mutter under his breath, "Those damn dragon clan members, this is the 3rd case this century." Looking down at the two, he grew serious. "Stand still, this will be fast."

The Saiyans complied while still being on guard. Any signs of hostility from the Grand Elder and they would without a doubt fight tooth and nail to escape this place even if it required losing a couple of limbs. The Grand Elder seeing their reactions merely shook his head before placing his hand on their heads.

The Grand Elders' palm was extremely large and cupped both their heads before an orange wave of energy encompassed the saiyans heads. Their eyes rolled back as the Grand Elder made a sour face. Still, in a bad mood, he pushed the two saiyans down to the ground as they were now unconscious.

Putting a finger to his forehead, he groaned in a mixture of anguish and stress. "This is so annoying." He moaned in annoyance before turning towards Oozak with a mean look. "You brought the worst type of news for a namekian who was asleep. I hope you are willing to make up for it Oozak."

Bowing, Oozak smirked a bit. "Trust me Grand Elder. I am willing." He then looked up with interest. "So are those two enemies?" In response to that, the Grand Elder sighed and shook his head.

"They are merely a group of 'elite warriors' on a mission for the dragon balls. They have no clue about their wish-granting capabilities. Probably their king trying to keep them from wasting wishes and keeping them to himself." Pinching the bridge of his nose, he once again groaned. "But that part is irrelevant. The bad part is that an infamous galactic empire is now bringing its main forces toward us in hopes of acquiring the dragon balls. Another war over these damn things is something we don't want but are getting anyway."

Oozak silently listened before turning to pick up the two saiyans hauling them over his shoulders, he began to leave towards the door. The Grand Elder confused asked in a perplexed manner, "What are you doing Oozak? Aren't you going to stay and help me fix this mess?" Oozak hearing the Grand Elders turned and bowed with he two saiyans still fixed on his shoulders.

"I will Grand Elder." He humbly said before walking out the door. "But these two need to fix my house. They blew it up on their little freak crash landing." The Grand Elder in response to this could only sigh before sitting down in a recliner.

"Dear Namek, I rule a bunch of incompetents." He mumbled before putting a finger on one of his antennae. Orange waves exploded out of his room and out of the cave before encompassing all of Namek. Once he was sure it reached every crevice he could find on the planet, he propped his feet on the recliner and sighed once again. "That's the signal for a meeting, now I must wait."

The Grand Elder then sat there for a minute before mumbling once again as he look at what he was wearing. "Oh, I'm still wearing my pajamas."

