
Chapter 4: Addressing Threats


"Wake up," Oozak said as he started poking at the two unconscious Saiyans with his boot. After poking for a good few minutes, he sighed in exasperation before muttering some curses in his local tongue. "He said they would wake up soon. Damn geezer lied again."

While waiting for the two to wake up, he heard something breaking the surface of the planet directly above him. Looking above, he saw what looked to be a cylinder falling. "Why today of all things?" He grumbled before throwing the two unconscious Saiyans out of the way. Once done, he dusted off his hand and grumbled under his breath.

"At least it isn't going to hit my house this time." He mumbled before turning towards the still-falling ship. Staring at it, a feeling of unease crept up his spine before settling as a cold feeling on his neck. "Wait is that my fie-."

Before he could fully recognize what had happened, the spaceship landed directly in the field he had toiled at for months. Immediately, the heat from the impact vaporized the plants and created a humongous cloud of dust. His field had been destroyed In pain, he dropped to his knees at started screaming as tears flew down his green cheeks. In anguish, he looked directly into the sun and started to scream.

"What the hell is up with today? Why me!"

Grumbling from the shockwave produced by the crash, Solace and Namarc both woke up only to see a screaming Oozak and a giant cloud of dust falling toward them. Before they could react due to their massive headaches and exhaustion, the wave of dust hit them covering them. Coughing, Namarc, and Solace flew out of the dust cloud miserable and confused.

Namarc stared at the dust cloud for a bit before turning towards Solace. "What the hell is going on anymore?" Solace only looked at Namarc with confusion. "I don't know, aren't you the more experienced one in this situation."

"I'm tired of this!" Oozak screamed as a massive shockwave of ki blasted out from him clearing all of the dust. The clearing revealed a massive hole buried into the earth that used to be his field of crops. Frustrated and angry beyond Namekian belief, he flew into the hole screaming curses only understood and shunned by fellow Namekians.

Immediately, a beam of ki came from the hole Oozak flew into. Namarc and Solace were immediately on guard and observed as Oozak got pushed back out of the hole with zero to no physical damage. Annoyed Oozak looked back at the hole before shaking his head and sitting down. "Yeah, I'm too pissed to move. Let them come to me for their beatings." Sitting there, the three outside of the hole stared at who would emerge from the hole.

"Bek! Why was there no boom!" A rough voice yelled from the hole before an explosion went off. After the explosion, a skinny and weird-looking alien was thrown out of the hole. In a panic, the skinny alien was waving his hands around as soon as he regained balance in the air.

"I-I- I warned you that the battery wouldn't be able to take it." The skinny and beat-up alien stuttered in fear. "Shooting the booming cannon too much made the auto recharge from the solar battery unable to keep up. After the 10th shot in a row, I warned you that we were on the verge of shutting down!" With more courage from anger, Bek started shooting ki blasts into the hole. "Start listening Captain Brick!"

After the burst of anger, Bek started to breathe heavily as he stared at the cloud of dust. Oozak who was still in a criss-cross type sit could only blink slowly from the drama. "What has this planet come to." The namekian muttered under his breath.

In the silence and awkwardness of the moment, Namarc eyes widened as he immediately grabbed Solace and threw him behind him. A massive explosion occurred from where the rough voice was present. The heat from the explosion completely evaporated Bek until he was nothing but dust.

Namarc was lucky enough to put up a shield of ki to negate the heat caused by the explosion. Solace who was behind Namrc was protected as well. Oozak seeing the scene dumbly stared at the ground in front of him as he tanked the heat. The explosion had evaporated all signs of plant life near his once garden.

Numbly, the Namekian would look towards the Saiyan duo. "Oi, you two. Fight him. I am not in the mood to move anymore." He would then begin to stare blankly at the burnt ground around him in deep thought. Signs of tears would even start to appear in his eyes but not escape them.

Brick now out of the dust for all to see had his muscles bulging under his armor. An angry almost childish look was still present on his face after blowing up his subordinate. Grunting he would scratch his bald green head as his beady eyes looked around at his surroundings. "Useless Bek, should have made ship do boom, not go boom!" Looking around, his eyes soon landed on the two Saiyans. His aggressive beady eyes looked them up and down before he burst into laughter.

"Saiyans on this planet!" Brick started to laugh as he aimed his hand at the two. "You must own the ship that went boom!" Laughing dumbly, sparks of ki appeared in his hand before he swiped it. Namarc sensing danger set up a ki barrier around him and solace. Ripples appeared in the air and went in a wave toward the Saiyans before exploding.

The explosion catching them off guard launched them brutally back into the ground below. The ground dug around Namarcs barrier and reminded him of the time they crash-landed on the planet. Putting two and two together, Namarc could guess which bastard exploded their ship and put them in this situation.

Regaining their stability, Namarc and Solace floated up into the air and took a good look at the explosive alien called Brick. The acrosian armor that told of his affiliation was there for both of the Saiyans to see.

"You're a scout I'm guessing?" Namarc said as he got into a fighting pose, Solace followed suit also. Brick hearing the question snorted as he swiped at the air again. Namarc and Solace split off avoiding the wave of explosions that appeared in the middle of them.

"Useless talk! Go boom!" Brick yelled as he slashed at the air, his muscles bulging with every movement. Constant explosions rang out and lit up the air causing massive vibrations for those around the planet. Warrior clan members knowing the location only scoffed before going back to rest.

Namarc and Solace completely focused on dodging grew closer and closer to the green brute before suddenly the explosions stopped. Brick appeared directly in front of Solace before swinging his arm down at him with a beastly roar. Unable to dodge, Solace kicked up with his leg covered in ki.

Upon contact, a condensed explosion occurred launching Solace into the ground. The reinforcement with his ki managed to save his leg from being completely blown off. Namarc taking the chance, sent a ki-reinforced fist to the middle of Brick's spine. Before it could land, Brick spun around and tried backhand Namarc who reacted by dodging underneath it. Changing the trajectory of his fist, Namarc uppercut Brick managed to land a complete and clean hit on him.

"That tickles." Brick giggled as he grinned down at Namarc. Namarc raised his off-hand with a fully charged beam at the ready. Brick saw that his grin quickly disappeared as he tried to get away from Namarc.

Roaring, Namarc followed Brick before releasing his beam of ki directly into Brick's face. Brick under the assault of the constant stream of energy started to scream in pain. The pain however began to turn into a roar of rage as a massive amount of energy gathered around him in a frenzy. Namarc quickly retracted his beam and flew up while encasing himself in the strongest barrier he could manage.

Brick no longer under the beam was unable to see due to his eyelids being melted but detected the gathering of ki above him and launched all of the acquired energy at it. An explosion made the whole planet vibrate causing many of the warriors around the world to show slight concern before once again remembering whose area it was. Namarc under immense concentration kept the barrier up as blood began to seep from his nose. The explosion was extremely strong and some vibrations made it through the barrier damaging him a bit.

Once the smoke from the explosion cleared, Namarc was seen panting as his barrier began to crack and fall apart. He could still fly but fighting would be a lot more difficult. Brick groaning in pain tried to look around but couldn't due to his blindness. The stress of releasing so much energy had his muscles constantly spasming.

"Damn Saiyan." Brick mumbled with heavy breaths as he tried to feel any sign of ki around him but couldn't. Thinking he had exploded his opponent and everyone around him, he started to laugh weakly with rasps due to his throat being burnt a bit as well. "Did you go boom? Serves you right!"

Still weakly laughing in the sky, A small hand would go through the weakened alien's stomach causing Brick to stop in confusion. "What? It's impossible to survive boom!?!?!"

Solace with anger in his eyes would be seen as he brutally ripped his arm out of the Green alien's stomach. Dark blood would cover the young saiyans's arm but he didnt' seem to mind it. The nature of his race actually made him enjoy the violence a bit.

Brick still confused and unable to see could only feel the cold approach of death as he fell into the giant hole his ship had originally made. His green body disappeared into the deep abyss out of everyone's sight. Namarc who saw all this took a bit to collect himself before slowly flying towards Solace.

"That was your first kill as a warrior." Namarc would say as he put his hand on top of Solace's head. A proud look would be on the older saiyans face. "Take pride that it was a leader of the acrosian army. Usually, kids your age would have killed someone unable to fight back. But you skipped ahead and killed someone who is strong and can give full squads trouble."

Oozak would suddenly appear beside the two saiyans with a blank look on his face. "Sorry to interrupt your moment." The Namekian would say as he brought his hand towards the massively destroyed ground that once held his home. "But please explain how I'm going to live here now. And how you will fix this?"

Namarc just stared at the namekian dumbly. "Why not just make your house somewhere that isn't destroyed? Wouldn't that be much easier than.... that...." The Saiyan said also pointing towards the massive abyss that was a crater.

Oozak had some light regain in his eyes. Thinking, Oozak soon had an idea of where his next home would be. 'That pond of water wouldn't be too bad actually. It has a beautiful view and no mountains surrounding it.' As he thought, the Saiyans looked at each other in monotone once again. They couldn't do anything against the weird namekian so they reluctantly waited.

"You know, I have a place in mi----." Suddenly, before Oozak could finish. A bunch of power levels suddenly appeared at the surface of the planet. Some of those power levels where at the stage of the strongest warrior clan members. A singular one actually made Oozak cautious for once in his long long career.

Namarc and Solace feeling all these power levels began to sweat. Namarc feeling the power levels looked up with an extremely grim expression. 'The acrosain fleet has arrived. This is what I wanted to avoid by getting the dragon balls quickly but we failed.' Many of those opponents outclassed both of the Saiyans. The alien they had just beaten seemed weak compared to the monstrous force that had just appeared.

Oozak looking up at the sky sighed once again for the uncountable time that day. "seriously..." He would mumble. "What the hell is happening to this planet."

