
Chapter 2: The Namek Lands


Working on his farm, Oozak felt a stinging wind pass over his antenna. Forced to raise his head, his eyes found the sight of the cliff collapsing on his house. Everything over his years was gone in a flash, and the middle-aged Namekian's emotions were a mess before noticing two massive holes in the new cliff's face. Walking over to the rubble of his house, he knew immediately by all the rocks covering it that nothing inside it would have survived.

'you have got to be joking me....' He thought casually as he clenched his fist. Attacked by sudden rage, he began screaming profanities in Namekian tongue. Stomping the ground a few times he created a small creator and returned to his senses. Remembering the two holes in the cliff, he flew up to them casually before taking a peek inside them. One of the holes went all the way through while the other showed nothing but darkness to its depth.

"Might as well see who wrecked my house." He grumbled before flying near the dark hole. Using his Namekian biology, he stretched his arm into the hole and felt a round a bit before grasping too hard material.

As a Namekian in the warrior clan, he was familiar with armor. 'Some new Namekians from the warrior clan sparing maybe?' He thought trying to justify the destruction of his house. But he quickly came to his senses as he remember small rate of birth in his race.

'The time for birth hasn't come yet' He thought as he pulled the armored individual towards himself. Once revealed he simply raised an eyebrow, The thing he pulled out wasn't a Namekian or any of the other races he knew of. 'Is this an adult for their race?' He questioned as he grasped the fury tail of the mysterious individual that is Solace.

Immediately, the eyes of the small one-shot open as he threw a punch toward Oozak's chin. The sound of a smack echoed throughout the distance as the wind blew Namek's grass silently.

"W-what!" Solace said in fear as Oozak stared at him casually, A barrier of ki invisible to the young Saiyans eyes protected Oozak from the punch. "W-what the hell are you! An Acrosian?!" The young Saiyan said in confusion as he had never actually seen one for himself.

"What's a what?" Oozak said before floating towards the ground, Solace still in hand. "I don't know what an Acrosian or whatever is but I'm a full-fledged Namekian." Placing him down on the ground, Solace struggled to escape his iron grasp but couldn't, the hand on his shoulder was too strong. Oozak was merely too strong for him. "But I do know that you aren't from here. Is your race a new part of the alliance? It really caught up to that kind of stuff."

"I don't know what you're talking about. But you best let me go, you bastard! I have to get to Namarc!" Solace yelled with gritted teeth as he punched the arm that was holding him with no visible effect whatsoever. Oozak grew annoyed at what he assumed was a tantrum and threw the little brat to the ground. Running his eyes over the Saiyan who was quickly getting up from the ground.

Stroking one of his antennae in thought, Oozak watched as Solace looked around desperately for Namarc even going as far as to throw some of the rubble that was the Namekians' house. "Hah, I see." Oozak laughed a bit as he walked towards Solace before giving him a light whack on the head. "Thanks for the cleanup kid, but your friend Namarc isn't under there."

Glaring, Solace drew some ki into his fist. "Then where is he? Did you kill him?"

Oozak just snorted at the question in amusement before joking. "No, but my house is under there....." Solace just stared at him unphased by his humor. This only caused him to groan in disappointment. "Finnnneee..... you officially bored me. If you want to find him I recommend looking in that hole." He pointed towards the hole so Solace could follow along.

Solace immediately flew in it as Oozak followed silently behind. 'Maybe I can get them to build my house again as compensation.' He thought to himself as he got to the other side. Light assaulting his eyes, he squinted a bit as his eyes were naturally drawn to a long trail on the ground. Whistling to himself, he casually kept up to what he assumed was Solace's full speed.

The two eventually found the one Oozak assumed was named Namarc. The armor he was had been totally broken from the impacts he went through. Parts of his armor had even managed to pierce deeply into his body causing some internal damage. His back was totally burnt and shredded, with parts of his muscle showing in patches. Blood pooled from his head covering his eyes.

Solace could only stand there in silence as he stared at his dying mentor. The Injuries he sustained were too much and required surgery. Surgery which Solace assumed was not possible on a planet of this level. Enraged, Solace looked up at the sky trying his best to find the damnable ship that caused all this. "I'll kill you!" He screamed out as he grabbed his head. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

"Shut up. You're not much of a warrior if you can't control those emotions kid" Oozak calmly said as he appeared in front of Namarc in a crouched position and touched his chest. An orange wave-like aura covered Namarc. Seeing this Solace rushed trying to stop him. Oozak quickly took out the items impaled into Namarcs flesh before throwing them at the feet of Solace. The Pieces of Armor dug into the ground before Solace could even react causing him to pause

"I'm trying to concentrate on healing your friend," Oozak said clearly, still focusing on the procedure. Solace stared daggers at the Namekian before staring off into the sky once more.

"Namarcs stab wounds would close and skin would cover his back once more. Oozak wiped some sweat off his brow and turned towards Solace. "He'll be fine for now, The outer injuries are gone, but the inner ones are something I can't handle. If you want him in good condition, I recommend you come with me."

"Fine..." Solace said with a frustrated tone as he stared at Namarc. 'I can't deal with this green thing.... maybe Namarc can though... It'd be best for him to get healed and get his power boost from injury...' Realizing something, he stared down at his broken armor and was immediately hit by a wave of pain. His Saiyan adrenaline had worn off and the pain came to him in folds causing him to collapse and pass out.

Both Saiyans were now at the Namekian's mercy.


"You want us to treat these people Oozak?" A solemn but young voice echoed throughout the room. A skinny Namekian with his short stature looked up at Oozak with a quizzical look. His fellow clan members donning the robes of the dragon clan standing behind him silently took glances at the interesting race before them. The building was pretty tight in space, but it had enough room for two beds to fit. The building was just there in case a Warrior Clan Namekian was ever injured during training. But a pair of saiyans by fates workings had somehow found themselves in these beds.

Oozak at the unease of the one in front of him nodded. "Yes, I need them to repair my home. They can't do that dead so I would ask again if you could heal them." Crossing his arms he would take a step back towards a wall to give his fellow a way forward. "Then again, you could let them die. But I won't remove the bodies, you'll have to ask the ones behind you to do that for you Spread."

Looking at Oozak for a second, he relented before bargaining. "Fine, but I'll need some of your crops in return. I can't heal them for free, they are strangers. Their actions after are also your problem, not mine." Oozak thought for a moment before eventually nodding to his offer. Spread at his answer made his way to the bedsides of the two Saiyans. A gap was present in between the two beds allowing for him room to place both his hands on the new patients.

A way more prominent and larger version of the orange rays Oozak emitted exploded out from Spread's hands instantaneously. Life seemed to flood back into Namarc and Solace's faces. Prior to the ray's paleness, they now had enough blood flowing underneath their skin to once again have a color to it. Spread noticing the change in their skin tone whistled and had an ignorant theory. 'So their skin changes via the amount of blood inside their bodies.'

Once done, Spread and let the rays die down. Looking at the patients, he notted that their rate of breathing had become less erratic. Placing his finger on where he assumed was their veins, he kept it there for a time and came out with their average heartbeats. The breathe of the older Saiyan suddenly changed.

Namarcs eyes shot open and started charging a blast with his off-hand. Driving his hand with the blast up, he aimed for the hand near his neck fearing for his life. Spread reacting in time managed to bring his hand back forming a ki barrier as fast as he could. Namarc's hand sped up and the blast grew uncontrollable from a sudden surge in power. Oozak noticed the change in the power grew serious, his prior amusement and thoughts of Spread being able to handle it went out the window immediately.

Putting ki into his heels, he broke the ground as he launched off towards Spread. Forming a ki barrier into his back, he managed to get in front of Spread before the blast went off. The blast destroyed Solace's bed but didn't manage to hurt him much to his luck. Oozak had taken most of the blast with a bit of effort so Spread was completely fine.

Confused, the dragon clan members who were standing behind Spread looked at Oozak and Namarc. To them, everything had happened extremely quickly, Namarc's hand had blurred and an explosion occurred with Oozak suddenly disappearing and reappearing in front of Spread.

Oozak looked at Spread a bit before smirking. "You still want those crops?" Spread took in the situation at that point and only smiled back coldly. "Didn't I say the actions after I heal them are all on you?" Oozak's antenna twitched a bit in annoyance. "You really aren't any fun are you friend."

Namarc after his instinctual self-defense was now fully awake. The Tuffles he fought against would sometimes manage to catch him asleep. This experience automatically put him in attack mode as he jumped out of his bed with a fully charged beam aiming towards Oozak. To Namarc though, Oozak suddenly blurred and his beam was now being fired into the ceiling of the building destroying it completely.

Oozak with his hand on a shocked Namarcs wrist clicked his tongue as he pointed towards the dragon clan members. "Now, now, is that how you treat your saviors? You should at least say thank you don't you think? Beams like these don't belong inside either!" Oozak then kicked Namarc through the wall of the building causing it to collapse revealing the outside world. "Neither should you go flying through walls either. Really, you must get your priorities straight."

Namarc holding his stomach in pain did a couple of flips against his will through the air before recovering into a float. Eyeing his opponent, he watched him slowly float up to his level to meet him eye to eye. He was green and had two antennae, it fit the data the ship gave him about Namekians. But the power as described from Earths Namekian to this one was completely different.

Clenching his fists, a golden glow covered them for a second before disappearing. He would have to fight this Namekian and hope he was the strongest one they had. If not, his mission would be in jeopardy. The pride and life of the Saiyan race was now his responsibility as of now and he would not fail.

He will complete his mission no matter what.

(End of Chapter 2)