
Dragnaroc: a new tale

The original series is written by KPj and illustrated by Magmi I do not own anything thing mentioned in the story expect my own characters. If the original writer ends up reading this I greatly appreciate the series and that this little fan fiction is made out of admiration. Boy dies gets wishes and reborn need I say more.

reddragon98 · Others
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20 Chs

chap 17

"Everyone has those moments my lord but right now our main concern should be finding a place to set down to eat." I reply as we continue to fly south for a few minutes ,"Jako let's set down on that mountain." Anator points out to a mountain on our left and we bank right to land and let everyone off as I set the deers down " Anator prepare the food I'll fly around to make sure we are in the clear." I say as I take off and fly around the base of the mountain to find only some ruins of a house. Quietly I land and change back walking into the ruins. "To think that a family once lived here it's enough to break a person." I mumble to myself as I walk through the house.

After a minute of looking I find a chest under a old bed frame, "What is in here?" I mumble as break the latch open to find five daggers with anicent runes craved into the blades. "Strange but they are of good quality." I say to myself as I strap them to my belt before continuing my search only to find nothing else I change back into my dragon form and take off and head back to our temporary rest spot. " Ah Jako your back find anything?" Net asks in between bites as i land changing back " Yes and no found something yes any cursed or Zinchars no." I say sitting down and grabbing a bite of deer.

"What did you find?" Anator asks to which I pull one of the daggers out and hand it to him. "I found five of those I don't know what the runes say though." I say in between bites as the fifth goes pale " Those are daggers used by the ancient mages they can damage or even kill a dragnaroc if used correctly." He states as we all looked shocked as I take back the dagger and start thinking "My Lord I'm just thinking aloud here but could this be used to kill the person trying to find Prius?" I ask looking up as the fifth's eyes light " We could but it will be difficult." I nod and put the dagger back on my belt.

After a few minutes of eating " Hey net how far are we from Prius?" I ask as we are getting ready to take off, " If we fly through the night then we could be there my tomorrow morning." we nod "Ime can you handle a all nighter?" I ask only to see him smile and nod as the fifth, he and I change form and take off and fly south quickly and through the night nothing happens and as the morning sun rises "There down on the right there should be a gaint cave!" Net yells as we dive right and land as to people who looks alot like lizards run out "What do you people want ...Lord fifth please hurry we don't have much time!" they open the cave and everyone but me walks in " You guys go the hunter is coming!" I yell spinning around and drawing my sword as a man with black hair and gold eyes approach.

"Finally found him." the man says as his skin changes to tree bark. "Run to Prius and save him I'll buy you time I don't know how much!" I yell and launch myself at the man slashing my blade down only for him to block it with his arm. "You are brave for desendent." he snarls as he takes a swipe at me with his other hand as I back step to avoid it and swing my sword up in a angle only for it to be blocked again Before leaping back " Young Man take this!" one of the lizard men throws another sword at me and I catch it and use both swords to block two different strikes. "Thanks now GO!!!"I yell before kicking the man in the chest knocking him back a few steps, before slashing my right sword down to be blocked by both his arms and I swing my other sword and slashes his stomach open just enough to damage him as he jumps back.

"Your good for trash." he snarls and I chuckle " Your not to bad for a tree." before we both charge at each other and and become locked in a deadly dance for the next hour before we separate huffing hard." How are you not dead you worthless desendent?" he snaps as I start laughing " Because fuck you that's how." I charge at him again and we end up locked in place as we see a shadow pass over us before we separate to lock up as a grin comes to my face as a gold , Green and brown dragons take off and fly north. "NOOOOO!!!"he yells but before he can do anything I charge him and plant both of my swords in his chest and sticks him to a rock only for him to stab his claws into my right side as I pull one of the five daggers and stab it into his left hand causing him to pull his claws out screaming in pain as I drive another in his right hand.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He srceams bloody murder as I drive two more in his knee caps. panting I draw the last one" you failed I'll see you in hell" I say before slamming the blade in his heart killing the man as I step back shakily before transforming and taking off and quickly flying after the dragon that just left fighting to stay awake as I catch up " Jako you crazy bastard you did it." Anator yells the moment I fly up "Yes "Forgive me lord Prius but I...." I pass out and start to fall.

third person pov

"Jako!" He yell as he starts to fall only to be shocked when Prius dives down and catches him and flys back up "He is a brave soul we must hurry Miss Bea you are his only hope the poison in his body can only be cured by you just do the same thing you did for me." Priu states as we speed up and and Bea nods. After a few minutes of flying we come to where the group ate the other day Prius sets Jako down as Quintus sets me down and ime flops down panting as Bea jumps off and uses her magic to drain the poison out. After a minute Jako groans as he comes to and glances at Bea " Thank you Bea seems I owe you one."