
Dragnaroc: a new tale

The original series is written by KPj and illustrated by Magmi I do not own anything thing mentioned in the story expect my own characters. If the original writer ends up reading this I greatly appreciate the series and that this little fan fiction is made out of admiration. Boy dies gets wishes and reborn need I say more.

reddragon98 · Others
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20 Chs

chap 16 bonus chapter

Sarah pov

We are all walking out to the platform as Jako pulls me to the side, "Sarah don't do anything to rash while I'm gone but protect the village with everything you got." He says I just nod and pull him into a hug " I won't just be safe out there big bro." I says as I'm trying not to choke up , he nods and we continue walking out to the platform but he slowly changes into his dragon form. "Alright time to saddle up. Places to be Dragnarocs to save." he says as he lowers himself as net and bea climb on as ime does the same for anator. he turns his head towards the fifth who has already changed "After you my lord." The fifth chuckles and takes off circling up into the sky as ime follows slowly before he takes over and the three of them fly towards the south with Jako and net in the front.

Jako pov

"Whoa!!!!!" Bea and net call out as we fly along at a decent pace to let one get used to it. " Breathtaking isn't for as long as I can remember this view all ways makes me smile." the fifth says as we fly along "Yes my lord it is a great view it's a shame that most of the people have been killed by the cursed." I say solemnly as everyone nods. We keep flying in silence until we come close to the border when Anator yells "There is the snake valley we are coming close to the border from here on we need to be careful!" the rest of us nod as the fifth looks down at the valley before looking away "My Lord if I may ask what was it like before the sixth got crowned?" I ask.

He glances back at me "It was a time of wonderful joy and peace we dragnarocs didn't interfere much we asked other dragons to do that and report to us and we would act accordingly, but when I was crowned as the fifth my mate and unborn child died protecting humans from a cave in causing me to go mad with grief and in that madness I foolishly created the Zinchars. After I was captured I realized that I made a mistake but I wasn't trusted to help fix it and I accepted my punishment and once the time came I was presented a choice to help the other dragnarocs or to run and do things for my own benefit." he explains as we keep flying over the border for a few hours. We slowly land on a cliff and set up a small little camp as daylight fades.

"Everyone get some sleep I'll take first watch for the next three hours." I say lowering myself to let net and bea off. "No need." the fifth says before creating a massive rock wall forty meters tall preventing anything from the woods from getting close. "Ok now that was cool " Ime says changed back before Anator starts yelling "Ime are you crazy you can't transform in front of humans!" causing ime to step back "But Bea was there when I awakened hmph!" ime starts to say before clamping his mouth shut. "What!" Anator turns to Bea "Anator it's true but he awakened to save us from a Zinchar." Bea adds quickly before Anator or the fifth could do anything.

"sigh oh well guys let's deal with that later get some sleep." I say rubbing my eye before laying down and setting my tail down beside me before setting my head down. They all nod before Anator, ime, Bea, and net walk over and use my tail as a pillow. The fifth does what I just did and everyone goes to sleep while I stay up for a bit listening carefully for any strange noises. Four hours later Anator wakes up and he sees me still awake "Jako your still up?" I nods before yawning " Yeah I don't trust the area despite the wall lord fifth made." I say quietly. He nods "Well get some sleep we'll need you to fly." I nod and quickly fall asleep.

Another four hours later I yawn as the sun rises to see the rest of them shivering so I slowly heat my scales to a warm them before shaking them wake. "Ok everyone rise and shine." I says as they slowly wake and the fifth stands and stretches as Bea asks something " What are we going to do for breakfast?" as I stand and slowly climb to the top of the wall soon the fifth joins me. "My Lord let me hunt something for us we'll leave afterwards." he nods as I glide off into the woods before diving down to grab three deer.

As I fly back I see a group of cursed a few minutes away from our wall quickly I fly over and land" Quickly everyone get your things together there is a group of cursed not to far." I say lowering myself as everyone rushes to get ready as net and bea climbs on as ime changes and collects Anator. "Why rush?" The fifth asks "My Lord we know nothing about them or what they can do I would rather us be safe than sorry." I say as I leap of the cliff and fly up in the air which the both of them following as the cursed break a hole in the wall, " Jako you are right there is no telling what that can do, Be happy you made a dragnaroc admit he was wrong." the fifth states.