
Dr Fate starts from MHA

A boring start but a great journey Mr. random person find himself front of a pretending to a God after getting wishes and some skills he started to travel around different world and collection beautiful wife

DV_5559 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

chapter 1

As I walked along the road under the glaring sun, I couldn't help but think it would have been a perfect start if some random truck decided to send me to another world.

As I thought this, in the next second, everything around me changed into white space. Looking at the old man in front of me, I felt like this was a very boring start.

I glanced at my phone and then back at the old man. "So, no truck, no stabbing, no thunderbolt from the sky. Why am I here, Mr. Pretending-to-Be-a-God?"

'It's not that I didn't want to travel to another world, but this start is really boring.'

"You know, I clearly remember I haven't died, nor was I playing any game, just walking down the road, so why am I here? What's your scam—I mean, plan?"

The old man chuckled. "You have a good reaction, little boy. I was expecting at least a bit of panic, or someone jumping around at the chance for a new life."

"If you were a god, I might be jumping around, but I think you're probably a devil or some higher existence, but definitely not a god."

The old man looked intrigued. He had an amiable appearance, and the space around us was pure white, like a heavenly realm or a place where heroes were summoned.

The boy continued, "I'm not a good person, which is reason enough for me to believe you are not God, and if you're a devil, I'd say my belief in God is still strong enough for me not to be afraid of you."

"Well, you won. You might not be qualified to know who I am, but because of your attitude, I will at least give you an extra random skill."

"Before that, I at least want to know why I'm here."

"A classic question. I summoned you here so you could go to a different world and make some changes."

Looking at the old man, I asked, "Shouldn't you be able to do it yourself since you can even bring me here without any effort?"

"Unfortunately, I have no control over these worlds. If I were to go, it would start a war with the local guardians."

"And you think it's a good idea to send me there?"

"With your weak strength, they wouldn't bother with you. We're still allowed to send people into each other's territories."

"And I don't think you're going to tell me about these guardians?"

"They are at the same level as me, so if you ever want to know their identities, you'll need similar strength."

"So, what are you going to give me to help you?"

"Three wishes and a random skill. Don't ask for something like making you as strong as me or limitless growth—that would be a waste."

"Before that, can I get the random skill first?" Before he could complete a sentence, a giant wheel appeared.

Watching the giant wheel with names like Iron Man technology, Doctor Strange template, demon transformation, and angelic abilities, I couldn't help but think about how many novels I've read with this exact setting. I made my way to the giant wheel and started to spin.

As the wheel began to slow down, it stopped at Doctor Fate's helmet.

Watching this, my mind was in chaos. Should I really use this thing? I understood the pitfalls of this helmet. Just the chance of losing my freedom and my body was not something an average person could accept.

"Don't worry," the old man said. "While the helmet comes with the cloak of destiny and all necessary things, there is no God inside this helmet. This also means you wouldn't be able to use magic spells from the start."

Hearing this, I finally sighed in relief. Since I have three wishes, I guess I know what to do.

Turning to the old man, I made my first wish. "I need a magic book that is connected to me and can only be read by me, and it should contain all the magic."

"You are trying to make three wishes into one. That's really not a good idea. I can give you a magic book connected to you, it will have all magic of of DC which is related to Doctor Fate's."

"So, are you going to give me some skills to travel to different worlds, or do I have to include that in my wish?"

"You should include that in your list. I only plan to give you one chance to travel to different worlds."

"Okay, my second wish is the ability to travel to different worlds. Make sure I can travel the way I want."

"That should be fine. Now, your last wish."

"I need a system."

"No, that's too much. Ask for something else."

"Then give me a skill to analyze everything, like the sage skill in the slime anime."

"That should be possible, but it won't evolve. You need to remember this."

"That's okay, but last question: will somebody be able to steal the skills you give me?"


"Ok, thanks for clarifying. Now do your thing and let me start my new life."

just some thoughts and I thought my not right at into an hour even if I am writing another novel which is more important for me I still plan to give some time to this so I hope I could get lots of suggestions

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