
Dr Fate starts from MHA

A boring start but a great journey Mr. random person find himself front of a pretending to a God after getting wishes and some skills he started to travel around different world and collection beautiful wife

DV_5559 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

chapter 11

I analyzed the villains that came out of the portal. One after another, more villains kept emerging until a particularly huge, purple creature with an exposed brain appeared. To my surprise, it was followed by a few more creatures. After a total of five more creatures appeared, Tomura Shigaraki finally arrived. Squinting my eyes, my mind raced. This shouldn't happen, a butterfly effect. As I started to move forward, I had a vision of many students around me getting killed.

Watching me move first, Aizawa said, "Aiden Blaze, stay together with the students." Hearing this, I stopped, not because I agreed with him but because I didn't want to become the reason for the students' deaths.

"Greetings. We are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity," Kurogiri said, "But... we've come here to kill All Might."

"Sensei! What about the intruder alarm sensors?!" Momo asked Thirteen.

"Of course, we have some set up, but..." Thirteen replied, "I don't know why they're not working."

Kurogiri, approaching the students, commanded, "Scatter." He conjured up multiple portals, dispersing the students across various disaster zones. I allowed this, needing the students to distance themselves from these creatures, aiming to alter the future I envisioned.

In an instant, I was pulled into one of the portals, and the world around me shifted. I looked around and found I was with Momo Yaoyorozu, Denki Kaminari, and Kyoka Jiro in the Ruins Zone.

As everyone started to look around, we noticed many villains nearby. Momo, preparing to create some weapons, glared at me and said, "Can't you look around?" As I turned away, she began creating weapons while Kaminari charged up his electricity, and Jiro used her Earphone Jack to detect any hidden enemies.

I casually blasted one of the villains who got too close. Finally, everyone was ready, and they started to take down the villains. While I also wanted to get some experience in fighting, the problem was that they were too weak. Recalling those five creatures, I decided to go there.

After ensuring there were no strong villains around, I told them, "I need to go back and help Aizawa."

"Can you take us? I think we can also help," Momo said.

"I think you also saw that purple creature," I replied. "It's made to defeat All Might; I don't think you would be able to help."

Momo clearly thought through her options. "We can't just let you go alone," she argued. "If they're that dangerous, you'll need backup."

"Well, I appreciate it, but I should go alone because you can't handle them," I said, then teleported away.

"Did we get underestimated?" Jiro said in a low voice.

Finding myself in the air, I looked down. The first scene I saw was Aizawa fighting the villains, using his quirk to take them down one by one. To my relief, those monsters were still there. Instead of taking immediate action, I watched as one of the Nomu finally started to move and grabbed Aizawa. Aizawa activated his quirk to nullify its powers.

"Eraser Head, you should stop wasting your effort. Your quirk won't work on Nomu," Tomura Shigaraki said. Looking up, he added, "Aiden Blaze, don't you want to come down before we crush the head of your teacher?"

As I descended, I asked, "Can you tell me the reason for bringing the extra Nomu?"

Shigaraki stretched his neck and replied, "It's because of you. Since you could teleport, we were worried. So, we decided to bring extra Nomu. As long as you leave to inform any Hero, we will order them to kill everyone."

Just like a typical villain, Shigaraki explained everything without a care, revealing their strategies. He continued, providing me the time I needed to prepare my next move.

"I see," I said, stalling further. "You're really that scared, huh?"

Shigaraki's face twisted with irritation, but I didn't give him a chance to respond. I teleported right behind the Nomu that held Aizawa and punched the Nomu, forcing it to release its grip. With Aizawa momentarily free, I grabbed him and teleported us both a short distance away.

Looking at his head, which was bleeding, I asked, "Sensei, are you still alive?"

Aizawa nodded, albeit weakly. "At least for now. Do you think you could bring some heroes?"

Shaking my head, I replied, "I can't do that, at least for now. You heard them; it's bad if they start killing. I will take care of the Nomus. You focus on the other villains." As I spoke, I also began healing him.

"You've underestimated us; do you think we'll give you enough time to heal him?" Shigaraki said, ordering the Nomus to attack me.

As soon as Aizawa's injuries were somewhat healed, he immediately prepared for battle, using his quirk to nullify the abilities of the villains he encountered. Meanwhile, I turned my attention back to the Nomus and Shigaraki.

Shigaraki laughed, a maniacal glint in his eyes. "We'll see about that. Nomu, attack!"

Using teleportation, I punched the Nomus with enhanced strength. My first punch, glowing with magic, hit the Nomu's head, causing it to explode, surprising everyone.

Taking advantage of the shock,I quickly punched down all four of the remaining Nomus.Were they weak, or was I strong? Thinking this, I shifted my eyes to Shigaraki. There was only one Nomu left.

Don't like the cliffhanger but my brain cells are already burned so see you next week

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