
Chapter 137: Full of Flirting Tricks, the Beautiful Dean is About to Fall!_1

Translator: 549690339

Erlong felt utterly unnatural.

Her pair of beautiful hands had nowhere to rest, and anxiety tightened her chest.

Calling someone "brother" was one thing, but addressing someone as "good brother" was another hurdle altogether.

Especially since this guy was obviously much younger than herself, how could she possibly say it?

Erlong's red lips moved faintly, her voice stuck in her throat, unable to come out.

Full of hesitation.

Yu watched Erlong closely, savoring the delightful scene before him.

The shy demeanor of a sexy older sister had a different charm altogether.

Erlong's feeble voice floated over, so unlike her usual decisive principal self.

"Um... can I not say it... Can we change the bet?"

Yu shook his head, "That won't do."

"You..." Erlong glared.

"What about me? A bet's a bet." Yu spread his hands and smiled.

Erlong looked at the man's smile, bit her moist lower lip, and complained, "I feel like I've fallen into your trap."

Yu expressed surprise, "You shouldn't say that. What kind of bad intentions could I have? It's because you were so sure that Brock's theory was correct that you lost the bet."

Erlong looked at Yu's innocent expression and felt that something was amiss.

She was like a little lamb, gradually stepping into a trap.

Yu crossed his arms, urging her, "Come on, stop changing the subject."

"Your three students are all watching here. You need to set a good example by keeping your word."

Erlong would have been okay if he hadn't mentioned her students. The reminder only intensified her embarrassment.

She turned her head to look over.

Three pairs of eyes were eagerly watching, not wanting to miss a single detail.

When they caught Erlong's gaze, the three students quickly closed their eyes and covered their ears, "Principal, rest assured, we can't see or hear anything."

Seeing them playfully watching the excitement from the sidelines, Erlong was unable to hold back her anger.

Rest assured her hammer, she wanted to hit someone.

However, seeing that the three of them really did cover their ears, she felt somewhat relieved.

She braced herself for a few seconds to summon the right mood.

The older sister's clear and lovely voice emerged.

"Bro... Brother!"

"Not right." Yu disagreed.

Erlong's face was filled with longing as she reluctantly opened her cherry lips.

"Good... good brother~"

"Your voice is too quiet; I didn't hear clearly." Yu dug into his ear.

"Good brother~"

Yu shook his head and sighed listlessly.

"No good, there's no emotion. It's too stiff."

Erlong glared at him, "Don't push it too far!!"

"I already called you, what else do you want?"

Yu spread his hands, full of helplessness.

"Look, I saved you twice and didn't ask for anything in return. I helped your student add a Soul Ring, and you don't need to thank me. Now I just want you to fulfill the bet, to call me 'dad'..."

"No, to call me 'brother'—is that so difficult?"

Erlong blushed to the tips of her ears.

Suddenly, she began to doubt herself, wondering if she had indeed made a mistake.

Was she being too prudish?

After all, he had helped her so much, and he wanted nothing in return. Just for her to call him "brother."

It didn't seem like an unreasonable request.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Erlong's attitude softened as she actively tried to conjure emotion.

"Good brother~"

"That still won't do; there's no feeling there," Yu said.


"See? The way you're saying it is so dry." Yu spared no mercy with his criticism.

Erlong rolled her eyes at him, giving Yu a sharp look.

She had no clue what kind of "feeling" he was talking about; she just didn't understand.

Then, as if struck by an idea,

her eyes brightened, and she took a deep breath.

She recalled the childhood feeling of sweetly calling out to her father.

Her red lips parted slightly, her tongue moved softly, and her voice trembled.

"Good... Brother~"

"Good brother—"


That little sound.

Although unpolished, it had the right flavor now.

The tingling, charming voice, combined with her fiery figure,

created a stark dissonance, yet it was peculiarly seductive.

Huang Yuan and the other two wore sly expressions, having long since removed their fingers from their ears.

Hearing their usually authoritative and fiery female principal actually emitting such a coquettish tone towards a man,

They mentally bowed down to Yu.

This was like witnessing the early domestication process of a female Tyrannosaurus.


They simply couldn't resist admiring.

Huang Yuan still remembered when a royal scion from the Tiandou Empire came to court Erlong with flowers and ended up violently kicked out of the academy. She had been so fierce, so violent.

Nothing like how she was subdued in front of Yu.

Erlong rebuked, "You stinking man, are you satisfied now?"

"It's passable. I'll make do for now, but you'll need to practice more in the future," Yu's mouth curled with a teasing smile.

"What?" Erlong clenched her fists tight.

"The bet we made is that you should call me this every time we meet," Yu emphasized.

Erlong felt a headache coming on as darkness clouded her vision.

Here, it wasn't too crowded, but if she had to call him that in a more public place...

It would be social death.

"It's just a title; what's got you so embarrassed?"

Liu Erlong clenched her teeth, "It's not you who's calling, so of course you think it doesn't matter."

"Then I'll give it a try."

"You call then!" Liu Erlong challenged.

Luo Yu gave a faint smile.

His eyes suddenly became profound, and his voice magnetic as he uttered an affectionate sound.

"Sister Erlong—"


Liu Erlong's mind trembled, her entire skin tensing.

She had never experienced this before.

The man's voice seemed to have a magical power, instantly piercing through her entire body.

Looking at the man's handsome face and his deep, starry eyes.

Liu Erlong felt her heart touched fiercely as if a string had been plucked.

Why... suddenly I really want to...

Hug him.

Hold him in my arms.

"How about it, the demonstration was okay, wasn't it? This is called putting feeling into it."

Luo Yu's teasing voice rose, breaking Liu Erlong's state of mind.

"You that... with all due respect."

"It's nothing!"

Liu Erlong, who should've been ashamed and angry at the tease, seemed to lack the energy to react.

Her eyes shimmered, pondering something.

Huang Yuan and the other two were watching, dumbfounded.

Holy shit.


Our benefactor here isn't just a theoretical master; he's clearly the Heavenly King of Romance.

Just a few words and he's got the principal all fluttery.

Looking at the situation, it seems that Principal Erlong is about to fall any moment now...

Huang Yuan and the others understood the scene clearly, but they wouldn't dare to put it into practice themselves.

Picking up girls also requires the right hardware.

Without Luo Yu's appearance, strength, and knowledge, anyone else would probably be beaten to death by Principal Erlong.

After this small interlude, Liu Erlong's emotions had changed.

Even she herself hadn't realized that Yu Xiaogang's impression in her heart was gradually becoming blurred, while Luo Yu's figure became more distinct.


On the forest floor lay the massive bodies of two thousand-year soul beasts.

Two other students were absorbing Soul Rings, with blood seeping from their pores and occasional painful groans coming from them.

Liu Erlong paced back and forth with her beautiful legs, unable to hold back her inquiry.

"Young Master Yu, are they alright? Aren't the Soul Rings they are absorbing a bit too old for them?"

Luo Yu let out a yawn out of boredom, only glancing at her and not replying.

Liu Erlong's face reddened, guessing what he meant.

She began to comfort herself internally.

I didn't really want to call out; I'm just worried about the two students.

Yes, that's it.

"Dear brother~ are they okay?"

Only then did Luo Yu reply.

"Don't worry, the age of those two soul beasts is just at their limit of endurance."

Liu Erlong was still somewhat anxious.

Because the Soul Rings they were absorbing had exceeded seventeen hundred years, if it were up to her, she would have chosen Soul Rings of at most fifteen hundred years for these two students.

"Boom, boom!"

Two sounds indicating a breakthrough echoed.

They really succeeded in absorbing the Soul Rings?

Liu Erlong was shocked, staring at Luo Yu in amazement.

How did he manage to assess so precisely?

The two students had already gotten up.

With looks of sheer joy on their faces, they bowed deeply to Luo Yu the first chance they got.

"Thank you, benefactor, for your assistance!"

Luo Yu waved his hand, "It's a trivial matter, nothing to make a fuss over."

He said that, but the others present didn't think so.

Liu Erlong knew all too well how terrifying Luo Yu's discernment was.

You should know that two things determine a Soul Master's limit in battle power: one is the Martial Soul, and the other is the Soul Ring.

Martial Souls are innate; there's nothing that can be done about that.

However, acquiring Soul Rings becomes the most important thing for every Soul Master.

On top of matching one's Martial Soul attributes, the older the Soul Ring, the better.

But who can know what their limit is?

If the Soul Ring absorbed is too old, there is a risk of the body exploding from the strain.

If the years are too few, there will be a loss in combat ability and developmental potential.

So every time a Soul Master chooses a Soul Ring, they are plagued with difficulty and headaches.

Luo Yu's ability to see through a person's bearing capacity and select the appropriate Soul Ring for them absolutely exploded the minds of the few present.

It didn't take long for Liu Erlong and the others to believe that once Luo Yu's talents were known, he would immediately become a hot commodity in Soul Land and a distinguished guest among all major forces.

Seeing Luo Yu's Banished Immortal appearance and monstrous strength, capable of single-handedly smashing a ten-thousand-year soul beast, Liu Erlong fell silent.

She truly could not fathom which power could have nurtured such a prodigy.

Such an outstanding man...

Does he really like me—

Or is he just playing with my feelings, to toss aside once he's done?

Liu Erlong's heart fluttered, creating ripples.

She felt that she was unable to resist this man.

The charm he emitted was something Yu Xiaogang could never compare to.

Comparing Yu Xiaogang with this man.


It's just too much of a difference.


PS: Received feedback from the brothers, Ah Yin must be saved! She will appear later in the story.