
Chapter 136 Shocking the audience, Luo Yu is the true master, Liu Erlong is ashamed!_1

Translator: 549690339

Direction of the beast's roar.

The bushes soon transmitted a dense rustling sound.

Huang Yuan and the others turned to look, their hearts trembling.

Dozens of ugly wolves suddenly sprang out from all around, with green fur, fierce breaths, and thorny bone spurs protruding from their backs, encircling them from all directions.

The pack of wolves greedily fixed their eerie green eyes on Luo Yu and the others, mouths wide open, showing their sharp teeth dripping with foul-smelling saliva, ready to pounce and tear at any moment.

"Damn, scared the hell out of me."

"Ha, just a bunch of beasts after all. I was just in need of a Soul Ring, and here you are!"

Huang Yuan and his companions gazed at the wolf pack and let out scornful, cold laughs.

Without another word, they boldly summoned their Martial Souls.

The air swirled, their robes billowed, and their hair danced in the wind.

The wolf pack, as if by agreement, took a step back, watching the three men warily.

Seeing this, the corners of Huang Yuan's mouth curled into a ferocious smile.

They exerted their Soul Power to the max, stomping against the ground with their legs, and leapt up with full force.

Their speed was at its extreme.

The wolf pack watched with a vigilant gaze, adopting a defensive stance.

In the blink of an eye.

Huang Yuan and his pals had already dashed behind Luo Yu, shouting loudly.

"Benefactor, save us!"

Luo Yu's mouth twitched, his face turning dark.

What's with these three?

Weren't they acting all tough just now?

I was ready to watch you guys take on the wolf pack alone, and this is what you show me?

This is it?

Liu Erlong at his side couldn't bear to watch any longer, her beautiful eyes rolling.

Too embarrassing.

I don't know these three.

Luo Yu looked back in disdain: "Aren't you three a bit too cowardly?"

Huang Yuan said with a downcast face:

"Benefactor, you better handle it. The weakest of these Thorny Green Wolves have a cultivation level of a thousand years; the three of us combined wouldn't be enough for them to eat in one meal."

Luo Yu shook his head, not bothering with him.

He rose from the ground and charged towards the wolf pack alone.


Divine light emerged, the dragon's roar reverberated, intimidating the pack of wolves.

"Bang bang bang!"

Luo Yu was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Liu Erlong watched, somewhat spellbound.

The scene of a man fighting was filled with violent aesthetics, making her beautiful eyes shine with admiration.

This is what a real man is like.

She couldn't help but compare Yu Xiaogang with Luo Yu in her heart.

Seems like... there's no comparison.

Gradually, the image of Luo Yu became clearer and clearer in her mind.

After a series of explosions, the wolf pack lay on the ground, barely breathing.

In the eyes of Huang Yuan and his friends, there was nothing but admiration and reverence.

Too strong, truly too strong.

"Huang Yuan, right? Come here," Luo Yu beckoned with his fingers.

"Coming!" Huang Yuan swiftly went over, earnestly asking, "Do you have any orders, Benefactor?"

Luo Yu pointed at the Thorny Green Wolf beneath his feet, "You wanted to add your third soul ring, right? This one will do."

Huang Yuan's face lit up with joy instantly.

His Martial Soul was the Lone Wolf; absorbing this thousand-year-old Thorny Green Wolf would be perfect.

"Thank you, Benefactor!"

Huang Yuan was about to kill the wolf to start absorbing the Soul Ring when a voice stopped him.

"Hold on!" Liu Erlong stepped forward, her shapely white legs moving beneath her shorts, frowning as she said, "Xiao Yuan, you can't absorb this Thorny Green Wolf."

"Why not, headmistress?" Huang Yuan scratched his head.

Liu Erlong glanced at Luo Yu and then explained:

"For a Soul Master's third soul ring, the maximum one can absorb is about sixteen hundred years. Judging by the size of this green wolf, it's close to two thousand years old; if you absorb it, you will explode and die."

"This..." Huang Yuan's face turned pale with fright.

Luo Yu shook his head and patted Huang Yuan's shoulder.

"If you trust me, then don't listen to her. This green wolf's Soul Ring is just right for you."

Huang Yuan was torn, not knowing who to trust.

Liu Erlong glared, "Are you trying to kill him? The limit for a Three-Ringed Soul Master's absorption is about sixteen hundred years."

"Who told you that?" Luo Yu raised an eyebrow.

"The person I have feelings for told me."

Liu Erlong suddenly remembered that Yu Xiaogang had his strengths.

He was a peerless genius in the theory of Soul Land, not a worthless trash.

Luo Yu's eyes flickered, "Are you so certain that what he said is right?"

Liu Erlong nodded confidently.

"I'm sure, absolutely sure. There's probably no one in Soul Land who understands Martial Souls better than he does. This is his area of expertise, and he can't be wrong."

"Oh?" Luo Yu's mouth curled with amusement.

"Since you trust him so much, why don't we make a bet?"

"What bet?" Liu Erlong asked.

Luo Yu's mouth tilted slightly.

"If I lose, you don't have to repay the two favors you owe me."

"If you lose, you have to call me good brother every time we meet."

"Pah, shameless!" Liu Erlong glared, her beautiful eyes wide, "You seem to be much younger than me, how can you shamelessly ask me to call you brother?"

"Are you afraid of losing?" Luo Yu smiled.

"I'm not afraid; his theories won't be wrong." Liu Erlong was certain.

Luo Yu wasted no more words and looked straight at Huang Yuan.

"Boy, do you trust me or do you plan to believe that person your chancellor mentioned?"


Huang Yuan hesitated momentarily, remembering Luo Yu's extraordinary strength earlier, and then bit the bullet.

"I choose to believe you!"

Liu Erlong's face drained of color as she repeatedly tried to stop him.

"Xiao Yuan, don't take risks. The person I just mentioned is Yu Xiaogang, recognized as a genius in the theory of Douluo."

"Are you talking about Yu Xiaogang—Master Yu?" Huang Yuan's spirit was stirred.

"Yes!" Liu Erlong responded.

Huang Yuan was torn between his choices.

Looking at Luo Yu, who stood there calmly with his arms folded, and then at the Thorny Green Wolf on the ground.

He took a deep breath and made his final decision.

Ignoring Liu Erlong's obstruction, he began to absorb the wolf's Soul Ring.

"The youth is indeed teachable."

Luo Yu nodded with a smile.

He wouldn't force the youngster to make a choice; whether or not he could seize the opportunity was for him to decide.

"This cannot be."

Liu Erlong was about to step forward to stop him but was halted by Luo Yu's outstretched hand.

Looking into the woman's anxious eyes, Luo Yu spoke calmly, "Wait and see, you'll soon witness the result."

Liu Erlong stamped her feet in quick succession, her face full of worry. This was pure folly.


As a purple soul ring drifted from the wolf's corpse onto Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan let out a cry of pain as veins bulged all over his body.

Soon, crimson blood began to seep from his skin.

The two students and Liu Erlong beside him clenched their fists anxiously.

Yet Luo Yu was composed and unperturbed.

"What to do, Xiao Yuan can't hold on much longer!"

Liu Erlong wore a distressed look, pacing like an ant on a hot pan, extremely concerned about her own student.

Luo Yu rolled his eyes, "Relax a little."

"How could I possibly relax?"

Liu Erlong said with clenched hands, complaining:

"I've said it a thousand and six hundred years is the limit for three rings, letting Xiao Yuan absorb this is too dangerous, it could lead to disastrous consequences."

Luo Yu shook his head and held up three fingers.




With a boom, Huang Yuan achieved his breakthrough.

At that moment, all the pain on his face had vanished, replaced with a look of utter relief.

His strength not only reached level thirty-one, it soared rapidly.

He reached level thirty-two.

The rise in his aura continued until he finally broke through again, settling at the peak of level thirty-three.

"How... How is this possible!!" Liu Erlong's beautiful eyes were wide with disbelief, "Did Xiao Yuan really succeed in absorbing it?"

Huang Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, stood up, and as his first act, bowed deeply to Luo Yu at a ninety-degree angle, his voice filled with excitement and gratitude.

"Thank you for your guidance, else I would not have dared to absorb this Soul Ring."

"There's no need to thank me, get up."

"This was your own choice; you deserve your breakthrough."

Luo Yu watched all this with indifference, everything within his expectations.

Huang Yuan stood up humbly, his gaze towards Luo Yu filled with utmost respect.

He had indeed reaped a substantial benefit.

This one Soul Ring was enough to put him ahead of his peers.

The two fellow students around him looked on enviously, their eyes filled with a longing as they gazed at Luo Yu.

"How can this be possible, the theory of Soul Ring absorption is Yu Xiaogang's lifelong research achievement, how could it be wrong?" Liu Erlong was shaken, shaking her head repeatedly.

Luo Yu asked, "Why can't it be wrong?"

"He is recognized as Douluo's number one theory master," Liu Erlong replied.

Luo Yu slowly raised two fingers.

"Firstly, as far as I know, the Soul Ring absorption theory you're talking about was actually developed by Martial Soul Hall."

"Secondly, that theory actually has its limitations."

"Wasn't it researched by Yu Xiaogang?" Liu Erlong's eyes were vacant.

Luo Yu sneered, "A person's capabilities are finite after all. How many Soul Masters could he possibly have seen? Who gave him the data to research?"

"This Soul Ring absorption theory is from the collective experiences of Martial Soul Hall, gathered from countless Soul Masters across various Martial Soul branch halls around the world. How did it become his research?"

"This…" Liu Erlong found no words to rebut.

Luo Yu scoffed, "I think it's likely he knew someone of high status within Martial Soul Hall who helped him take this theory out, made minor modifications, then claimed it as his own."

Liu Erlong's eyes dimmed, her body swaying slightly.

She was somewhat unwilling to accept this reality; it was too much of a shock for her.

Luo Yu continued, "However, even the theory he took has flaws."

"Because each Soul Master's constitution and tolerance levels are different, how can you apply a fixed standard to measure it? Isn't that misleading?"

"Do you know the correct theory?" Liu Erlong looked at Luo Yu.

"To sum it up in one sentence, it's about teaching according to one's abilities, without being rigidly bound by standards."

"Analyze each student individually."

"Take Huang Yuan for example. If I'm not mistaken, he must have been persistently practicing body refinement over the years."

"So his physique is exceptional, allowing him to withstand Soul Rings of higher ages and reap the maximum benefits."

Liu Erlong was astonished, "How did you figure this out, that's incredible??"

Luo Yu just smiled, his eyes shimmering with an amethyst-gold luster.

"This lad's physical condition can't escape my eyes."

"The eighteen-hundred-year-old Green Wolf is the extreme Soul Ring I selected for him from the pack."


Not just Huang Yuan and the two other students were taken aback.

Liu Erlong was deeply shocked.

Although the man spoke simply, only she knew how difficult it was to possess such knowledge and judgment.

She originally thought Yu Xiaogang was a genius in theory and fully trusted him.

She had no idea he had taken the material from Martial Soul Hall.

The information was also flawed.

And there was no need to doubt the veracity of what Luo Yu said.

He was clearly the true master!

The example of Huang Yuan maximizing his Soul Ring absorption was starkly apparent before her.

If Huang Yuan had listened to her, his future could have been hindered, and his talent buried.

Liu Erlong felt deeply ashamed and blushed, hardly daring to meet Luo Yu's eyes.

At the same time, she felt an overwhelming sense of admiration for this man.

He was indeed too amazing; was there anything he couldn't do?

A particular emotion began to rapidly burgeon in Liu Erlong's heart.

The shadow of Yu Xiaogang had already begun to fade.

"Ahem, has someone forgotten about our bet?" Luo Yu hinted.

Liu Erlong's fiery body trembled, her cheeks flushed, her beautiful eyes almost brimming with water.

Must she really say it?

It was too embarrassing; how could she possibly say it out loud...