
Chapter 138: The Ultimate Move, The Goddess Sister Lost in Thought, Utterly Defeated!_1

Translator: 549690339

A group of four, their expressions varied as they were about to exit Sunset Forest.

Huang Yuan and his three students gazed at Luo Yu's back from behind.

Gratitude and admiration that could not be hidden appeared on their faces.

Huang Yuan let out a deep sigh and looked towards the two beside him.

"I've always thought that we three brothers were considered geniuses at Blue Tyrant Academy, and even if we were compared with those from Imperial Fighting Academy, we wouldn't be too far off."

"Today, I've truly realized what it means that there are always people better than oneself. Comparing ourselves with our benefactor, we're just too weak; the gap is just too big."

The two beside him softly agreed, reflecting, "Yeah, thinking back to when we obtained some achievements, that little bit of complacency that arose makes me feel truly ignorant."

Huang Yuan clenched his fists tighter.

"No need to say more, let's abandon arrogance and impatience and make a diligent effort when we get back."

The other two's eyes shone with desire, "You say, how great would it be if Young Master Yu is still willing to guide us next time we add a Soul Ring."

Huang Yuan looked at them askance, "You two thinking about peaches?"

"Don't be greedy. An existence at such a level isn't someone we can invite easily. Be content with having this opportunity just once."

One of them pondered aloud, "You say, if Principal Erlong became our benefactor's wife, then our relationship would be much closer, right? Would we then have a chance to get guidance from our benefactor again?"

All three of them turned to look at each other and their eyes instantly brightened.

"That's a good idea!"

"It seems we need to put in some good words and blow some wind when we get back!"

"Principal Erlong should have gotten married a long time ago, don't you think?"

"Exactly, exactly."

"Right on!"

"Hopefully, the principal will marry our benefactor soon and not miss out on a good thing."

The three of them reached a consensus in unison.

Liu Erlong and Luo Yu walked ahead, completely unaware that her three students had already defected.


Luo Yu glanced sideways at the tall, hot sister.

"What's the matter? You're stammering, that's not like you," she said.

Liu Erlong bit her lip. "I want to hire you to be a teacher at our Blue Tyrant Academy."

Luo Yu quietly watched her.

"What's the matter, is there something on my face?" Liu Erlong touched her fair skin.

Luo Yu pouted, "I realize... not only are you beautiful, but your thoughts are pretty cute too."

Liu Erlong felt a little embarrassed; she was well aware of Luo Yu's value.

Blue Tyrant Academy really couldn't afford to hire someone of his caliber.

She had only wanted to try, longing for Luo Yu to come.

Suddenly recalling the type of plea Luo Yu liked, Liu Erlong's cheeks flushed, and she shyly glanced aside, her lips slightly parted.

"Big brother~ would you consider coming to our academy?"

"I'd be alright with calling you that every day if you agreed to instruct these students."

Luo Yu raised an eyebrow, "Just by opening your mouth, you want me to do all that teaching work for you?"

"You'll have to move some..."

"Move what, using funds?"

"Whatever you want we can discuss, as long as you are willing to come, I can give you everything I have," Liu Erlong quickly moved closer, her beautiful eyes glittering.

Blue Tyrant Academy had always been supported by this one woman; she was desperately in need of someone capable to assist her, and Luo Yu was undoubtedly the perfect candidate, too outstanding.

Luo Yu's gaze swept across the woman's pair of long, shapely legs.

He cleared his throat.

It's all because the woman was too beautiful, with a mature charm about her, constantly leading his thoughts astray.

Luo Yu asked, "Don't you have someone you like? Why not call on him for help? He'd surely help you share the burden. Why go to the trouble of recruiting me?"

Liu Erlong felt a sting in her heart and remained silent for a moment.

She didn't know how to answer Luo Yu.

Thinking of how she had supported Blue Tyrant Academy alone for so many years while that guy was who knows where, enjoying his life, her heart instantly crossed Brock off her list again.

Of course, Luo Yu had brought this up intentionally.

He felt like he was playing the villain, but without the slightest burden on his conscience.

Because Brock simply did not deserve Liu Erlong, letting a woman wait in vain for so many years.

Even the System couldn't stand it and had to issue a rescue mission.

Brock, you're finished.

The day for me to rise is not far off, now it's just lacking the final push.

Luo Yu beckoned, "Huang Yuan, come with me, let's head to that grove."

Is he wanting to take me to a grove?

Huang Yuan was taken aback.

Aren't you mistaking the person, benefactor? Shouldn't it be Principal Erlong?

"Is there a problem?" Luo Yu asked.

"No problem," Huang Yuan quickly shook his head.

The two quickly entered the woods to the side, and Liu Erlong curiously wondered what the two were up to as she waited quietly.

Half an incense stick of time later, Huang Yuan returned with an inexplicable look on his face.

Liu Erlong asked in confusion, "Xiao Yuan, why did you come back alone? Where is Young Master Yu?"

Huang Yuan seemed somewhat out of sorts.

He handed Liu Erlong a folded piece of paper.

"Principal, the benefactor has left. He said everything he wanted to tell you is written on this paper."

"What, he left?"

"Why did he leave so suddenly??"

Liu Erlong's heart trembled, her beautiful eyes widened in panic, her expression unavoidably revealing her anxiety.

She snatched the paper and quickly unfolded it.

The bold and forceful black script caught her eye.

"Please allow this to be our parting place, as I've already left Sunset Forest, you won't encounter any more danger."

"Forgive my sudden departure, but if I continued to stay with you, I feared I would fall in love with you, yet you already have someone you like. What purpose would my staying serve?"

"I suppose, in your heart, I am just an insignificant passerby."

"So... I have chosen to leave."

"Alas, fate brought us together, but destiny keeps us apart."

"Alas, eternal regret."

"Lastly—I wish you happiness and hope that person cherishes you."

Reaching the final line, Liu Erlong's slender fingers trembled as she held the letter.

Her heart felt heavy with an indescribable sourness.

Her eyes reddened.

She gritted her teeth, her voice choked up.

With her beautiful eyes wide with anger, she cursed, "Bastard, who said you were just a passerby in my life?"

"Was that just your own wild imagination?"

"What kind of passerby cuddles and embraces, and does such things to someone..."

After a string of indignant exclamations, Liu Erlong stared blankly at each stroke on the letter, her gaze fixed.

A complex, tender voice drifted into the distance.

"I've already—"

"Can't forget you anymore."

"Principal, this is what the benefactor left for you." At this moment, Huang Yuan, from behind, presented a translucent, white and purple Narcissus Flower-like Spirit Grass, exuding a fragrant scent.

Liu Erlong came back to her senses, "What's this?"

"The benefactor said that you've overextended yourself and have been poisoned by a snake, damaging your vital energy. This Ten Thousand Year Elixir can help you recover from your injuries and rejuvenate your foundation."

Upon hearing this, Liu Erlong's delicate body shuddered.

Her mind buzzed, and her heartbeat slowed for a moment.

He actually left such a precious Spirit Grass for me?

This Spirit Grass must be nearly on the level of Immortal Herbs.

Liu Erlong carefully took the Immortal Herb, deeply moved on the inside.

Do I really deserve this from you...

No, I have to go and bring him back, Liu Erlong clenched her teeth.

"Xiao Yuan, which direction did he go?"

Huang Yuan shook his head, "Principal, the benefactor left one more message. He said that if you were going to chase after him, I should tell you to forget it, because in the end, what would it change?"

Struck by lightning, Liu Erlong stood there lost and disappointed.

"Xiao Yuan, did he say anything else?"

"No," Huang Yuan shook his head.

Liu Erlong looked off into the distance, her lips tightly pursed, lost in thought.

In a feeble voice, Huang Yuan said, "Principal, I've never seen the person you like show up."

"If that person likes you, why hasn't he come to see you?"

"Is he dead?"

If it were before, anyone who mentioned Yu Xiaogang would've been blasted away by Liu Erlong's Martial Soul True Body.

But now, she did not deny it but merely nodded indifferently.

"Yes, he's dead."

"At least, he's now dead in my heart."

Without continuing, Liu Erlong just clenched the Spirit Grass tightly in her hand.

Instead of taking it as instructed, she carefully placed it inside her bosom.

A resolute and stubborn snort echoed in her mind.

Eternal regret, huh?

I refuse to accept a future without a chance for reconciliation.

Stinking man who left without saying goodbye, no matter where you are.

I will definitely find you!