
Douluo Dalu: The Rise of Pokémon

As someone who is a animal right activists, Wang Shòu died after saving an injured dog instead of human But to Wang Shòu's surprise, he actually reincarnated in Douluo Dalu?! And not only that, he actually turn into Pikachu, the mascot of Pokémon! He find out later on, as long he get strong enough, he can turn into other Pokémons and even Legendary Pokémon! Looking at all of the unfairness that spirit beast is subjected to...he made a choice in his heart. Humanity! As long I am alive, you will never persecute the spirit beasts again! So watch the journey of Zero as he bring the rise of Pokémon and bring down the cruel God-King Tang San. -The mc is going to be anti-humanity, but in some cases, he will choose to cooperate with good humans such as Tang Wulin. Also in this novel, Gods and Titled Douluo will be much stronger.

Supreme_Lazy_Otaku · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Jiggle Jiggle

[The Sunroot Herb is about to bloom]

Just after the system's announcement, the Sunroot Herb suddenly blazed with dazzling brightness, and its enticing scent grew even more potent.

Amidst the radiant light, Wang Shòu could faintly see the Sunroot Herb bloom, revealing its beautiful and majestic orange appearance.

Simultaneously, the temperature seemed to grow hotter, and Wang Shòu could distinctly feel the fiery heat emanating from the Sunroot Herb.

At this moment, all the powerful spirit beasts that were hiding amidst the wilderness, awaiting an opportunity, reveal their auras, each desiring to claim the Sunroot Herb.


An enormous eagle, approximately 800 years old and three meters in wingspan, concealed itself and then abruptly shot towards the Sunroot Herb, swooping down with its talons poised to seize it.


However, the other spirit beasts were unwilling to yield the Sunroot Herb to the eagle. A white panther, aged around 900 years, sprang forward with remarkable speed, launching itself at the eagle, catching it off guard.

Just as the eagle was caught off guard, it seemed to trigger a signal for all the spirit beasts vying for the Sunroot Herb. Soon, the area became a chaotic whirlwind of clashes and bloodshed among these creatures.

'...wow...this is far bloodier than I had anticipated....'

Wang Shòu's thought as he observed from above the tree, witnessing the brutal fight between spirit beasts and the spirit beasts that fell in the midst of combat.

Wang Shòu also observed a few particularly powerful spirit beasts that is asserting absolute dominance amidst the bloody, chaotic fight.

'Hmm, from my observations so far, three spirit beasts stand out as particularly powerful...'

'A white panther, nearly 900 years old...an enormous red snake at around 850 years old...and a large mantis, almost 950 years old?'

Question mark appear on top of Wang Shòu's head.

'Why would a mantis require the Sunroot Herb? It's not a fire-aligned spirit beast, so the herb's fire energy wouldn't be of much use...'

However, upon noticing the light energy on the sharp gleam of the edge of the mantis's large steely arm, Wang Shòu quickly understood.

What 950-year-old mantis sought is not fire energy but rather the light energy emanating from the Sunroot Herb.

'Regardless...given that they are close to a 1,000 years old, it is uncertain if my plan can succeed, but let's see...'

Without delay, Wang Shòu transformed into his Charmander form and leapt down from the tree.

Upon landing, he stealthily navigated the nearby bush, gradually approaching closer to the tumultuous battle scene.

As he approach to the edge of the chaotic fight, Wang Shòu quickly proceed with his plan.


In an instant, thick, billowing smoke billowed forth from Wang Shòu's mouth, shrouding the battleground.

The smoke rapidly expanded, obscuring the vision of the spirit beasts. Bewilderment and uncertainty spread among them as spirit beasts struggled to pierce the dense haze.

White panther swung its claw through the smoke, attempting to locate other spirit beasts, but found nothing. The red snake, teeth bared and ready to pounce, hesitated as its surroundings became a hazy blur. Even the 900 years old mantis, the strongest among spirit beasts stop as even with its acute senses, found itself momentarily disoriented.

The chaos intensified as spirit beasts is in confusion, attempting to grappled to find each another within the dense, dark smoke.

'Excellent! The opportunity has arrived!'

Wang Shòu's eyes shimmered as he observed the chaos that he had created. He knew that the smokescreen diversion provided the opening he required, but it isn't enough on its own.

Without hesitation, Wang Shòu quickly turn into his Cleffa form – a small, cute pink star-like creatures.

'Fortunately, I've been able to raise Cleffa's level to 13 over the past few days, which should make its move somewhat more effective...'

Quickly, Wang Shòu jump toward the middle of the area among the dark smoke. He surveyed the scene, assessing the situation and his next move. The chaos around him is beginning to get more chaotic as the creatures struggled to regain their bearings.


Then, with a gentle voice that resonated like a soft melody, Wang Shòu unleashed its soothing power. He began to sing, a delicate and enchanting tune that filled the air.

The sweet notes seemed to transcend the chaos, influencing spirit beasts who was in confusion due to the smoke. One by one, spirit beast's fierce expressions softened, and their movements grew sluggish.

Soon every spirit beast's eye begin to grow heavy, and starting from the weakest, spirit beasts lay upon the ground, their breaths deepening as sleep overtook them.

Not long after that, white panther, red snake, and even the 950 years old mantis the strongest among all spirit beasts, succumbed to the move 'Sing' that Wang Shòu is using.

As the lullaby-like song echo and envelop through the entire area like a spell, the whole area is finally quiet as all spirit beasts has fallen to the ground in deep sleep.

Soon the singing has stop, and Wang Shòu look through the entire area in satisfaction with the effect of his move.

'Damn...even if I borrow the idea from Jigglepuff, the move Sing is much more terrifying than I thought!'

Gazing over the tranquil area, Wang Shòu's attention shifted towards the Sunroot Herb in the distance.

Without delay, Wang Shòu leapt towards it, closing in on the vibrant orange plant in full bloom. The plant's delicate petals shimmered in the dappling sunlight, emitting a captivating aroma that seemed to heal Wang Shòu's mind and spirit.

With careful precision, Wang Shòu plucked the Sunroot Herb, cradling it gently in his small arms. As he did so, the herb emitted a dazzling burst of energy before returning to its serene, beautiful orange state.

Cradling the Sunroot Herb delicately, Wang Shòu turned to survey the area, now populated by slumbering spirit beasts – a stark contrast to the prior blood-soaked chaos of their struggle.

'Now, my priority is to quickly leave, or else I might find myself in a troublesome situation, haha...'

Wang Shòu's inwardl chuckle, terrified of the potential outcome should these powerful spirit beasts awaken to find a seemingly weak creature like him, carrying the Sunroot Herb.

'But before that, there's one more thing to do...'

Clutching the Sunroot Herb in his left arm, Wang Shòu extended his right arm towards the wounded spirit beasts.

'Healing Pulse!'

Having first tested the Healing Pulse on the Blazing Demon Lion, Wang Shòu continued employing the technique, discovering that Healing Pulse can turn into AoE healing move, although the healing effectiveness will be weaker

But this AoE Healing Pulse is what Wang Shòu need right now. A rosy, magical aura emanated from his right arm, branching out towards various critically wounded sleeping spirit beasts scattered around.

Gradually, the injured spirits basked in the soothing pink glow, their injuries beginning to mend.

After a while, the injured spirit beasts had heal to a certain sort of degree, no longer in danger of facing the threat of death.

'Whew! That was tiring...'

Wang Shòu's thought as he wiped the sweat off from his brow

When he was devising the plan the previous night, Wang Shòu had made a conscious decision to attend to gravely injured spirit beasts. He believed that once he leave with the Sunroot Herb in hand, the spirit beasts who have awoken up, would have no reason to continue fighting each other.

But at that time, the severely injured spirit beasts would be the unlucky one, as they have gain nothing and even became foods for other spirit beasts.

Admittedly, this might sound somewhat naive, but these spirit beasts had neither attacked nor harmed Wang Shòu, so he have no reason to not help spirit beasts who was in unfortunate circumstances.

'Nonetheless, it's time to leave....'

Quickly, Wang Shòu leapt, leaving from the area populated by sleeping spirit beasts, his small form gradually disappearing into the distance.

Several hours later, the slumbering spirit beasts began to wake up, and look at each other in dismay, confused of what happen

After sharing dismay look at each other, spirit beasts began to disperse with some of them disappointed while some expressing gratitude toward an unknown benefactor who healed their wounds.