
Douluo Dalu: The Rise of Pokémon

As someone who is a animal right activists, Wang Shòu died after saving an injured dog instead of human But to Wang Shòu's surprise, he actually reincarnated in Douluo Dalu?! And not only that, he actually turn into Pikachu, the mascot of Pokémon! He find out later on, as long he get strong enough, he can turn into other Pokémons and even Legendary Pokémon! Looking at all of the unfairness that spirit beast is subjected to...he made a choice in his heart. Humanity! As long I am alive, you will never persecute the spirit beasts again! So watch the journey of Zero as he bring the rise of Pokémon and bring down the cruel God-King Tang San. -The mc is going to be anti-humanity, but in some cases, he will choose to cooperate with good humans such as Tang Wulin. Also in this novel, Gods and Titled Douluo will be much stronger.

Supreme_Lazy_Otaku · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


'This is the Sunroot Herb, correct System?'

Wang Shòu asked, examining the vibrant orange plant in his claw.

Wang Shòu was in his Charmander form, perched atop a tree several miles away from where he had obtained the Sunroot Herb.

[Yes, indeed. This is an authentic 500-year-old Sunroot Herb]

'Alright, so what exactly should I do with this Sunroot Herb? Is there a specific way to use it?'

Wang Shòu inquired, tilting his head.

[No, you can simply consume the Sunroot Herb, and you will be able to evolve without any problems]

Hearing this, Wang Shòu was taken aback.

'What? Ummm, are you sure? You're sure that the massive amount of energy contained in this plant won't cause me to explode or something?'

[No, the energy will be utilized to facilitate your evolution, and any leftover energy will be used as experience points]

'Oh, I see...wait, what?!' Wang Shòu nodded, but suddenly noticed a crucial information from the System.

'So, if I understood correctly, can heavenly and earthly treasures also provide me with experience points to level up?' Wang Shòu questioned.

[Yes, that assumption is correct. However, heavenly and earthly treasures are exceedingly rare, so it's advisable to seek them out primarily for evolution rather than squandering them on leveling up]

Upon hearing this, Wang Shòu sighed but then narrowed his eyes.

'Fine, fine, I understand...but...when you previously mentioned heavenly and earthly treasures, you never mentioned that they could also grant me exp. Why is that?'


After a moment of silence, the System responded.

[I considered it unnecessary to inform you of that. As I mentioned before, my purpose is to assist you, and I judged that sharing that detail would be unnecessary and potentially distracting]

Upon hearing this explanation, Wang Shòu's tense demeanor relaxed.

'I see...well, my apologies for that. I should have trusted you. But next time, please provide me with all the information rather than withholding it, alright? I'm not a child; I can make informed judgments'

[I will keep that in mind.]

'Good, I'm glad to hear that'

Wang Shòu nodded, shifting his attention to the Sunroot Herb. 'So...all I need to do is eat it, and I can evolve?'

'Hmm, I should probably find a safe spot to do it. After all, I don't know what might happen if my evolution were to be interrupted'

With this in mind, Wang Shòu leaped down from the top of the tree.

'So what would be a suitable place to do my evolution?"

Searching his surrounding for a while, Wang Shòu couldn't locate an ideal location for his evolution.

'Damn it, it might take a few hours to find a good spot, but I'm already growing impatient...'

Scratching his head in frustration, Wang Shòu looked around for a while before he suddenly have a good idea.

'Oh, wait! Hey, System, can you use your scanning ability to locate a suitable spot for me to safely evolve?'

[I can indeed do that. However, scanning might take a few minutes.]

'That's alright. Your ability to do so is good enough for me. I can wait a few minutes'

Wang Shòu said, and then he settled against a nearby tree, awaiting the results of the scan. A few minutes later, the System provided the results.

[Scanning... Ding! I have located a suitable location. Thirty-two meters to your right, there is a hole beneath a massive boulder where you can safely undergo your evolution.]

With this information, a blue map displayed, showing a red spot indicating the location.

'Excellent! Thank you! Let's go!'

Filled with excitement, Wang Shòu swiftly headed toward the indicated spot on the map.

Soon enough, he reached a colossal boulder. After double-checking the map to ensure he is at the correct location, Wang Shòu inspected the area around the boulder and spotted a small hole underneath, just large enough for him to enter.

Jumping into the hole, Wang Shòu was astonished to discover a spacious chamber within the small hole.

'Wow...now this is the perfect spot! Now, let's consume the Sunroot Herb!'

Placing the Sunroot Herb in front of him, Wang Shòu felt a mix of apprehension and excitement. After a brief hesitation, he summoned his courage and took a bite of the Sunroot Herb.

To his surprise, the taste was invigorating, and a warmth and light sensation spread throughout his body. Wang Shòu experienced a surge of energy, and a thrilling sensation coursed down his spine.

As time passed, the transformation commenced. His body emitted a brilliant radiant glow, and his form began to shift. Gradually, Wang Shòu, in his Charmander form, grew larger, his limbs extended, and his tail blazed brighter. The essence of evolution pulsated within him, showcasing the wonders of Pokémon evolution.

At the same time, the truly powerful individuals began to notice the miraculous scene of this evolution that was commencing.

Beneath the deep lake in the heart of the Great Star Dou Forest, a colossal 300-meter silver dragon slumbered. It exuded a faint yet majestic aura that seemed to command all creatures' submission.

However, the immense silver dragon suddenly opened its regal purple eye, seemingly detecting a unique aura.

'What is this distinctive aura? It resembles the Lake of Life's aura I'm recuperating within, but it's seem different...'

The silver dragon's thoughts were foggy, as it was still recovering from the injuries sustained while fleeing the God Realm. Nonetheless, it didn't pay the unique aura much heed as it was too weak for her to care.

Closing her eyes, the silver dragon drifted back into a deep slumber, awaiting complete recovery.

High in the sky of the Douluo World, in an enigmatic realm inaccessible to ordinary creatures, there is a middle-aged muscular man with impeccably combed black hair and carry a divine aura as if he was a God.

This person was the Douluo Planar Lord, responsible for overseeing the Douluo World. He is currently looking at a particular location, where the invaders from the Abyssal Realm are invading through.

Suddenly, he detected a faint but peculiar, unique aura—something he wouldn't have noticed if he weren't the Douluo Planar Lord.

"Hmm?! This aura...resembles the aura carried by the Goddess of Life, yet it's different...as if it emanates from a higher power?"

Before the Douluo Planar Lord could further explore the unique aura, it vanished swiftly, as if it was an illusion.

Observing this, the Douluo Planar Lord contemplated the significance, wondering what it might entail for the Douluo World.

"That was peculiar...this wasn't accounted for in my son's plan...it implies a variable, but whether it's favorable or unfavorable remains uncertain..."

However, none of these matters concerned Wang Shòu, who was currently undergoing evolution.

Amidst a final burst of radiant light, the evolution reached its culmination. In place of the Charmander now stood a magnificent Charmeleon.

Charmeleon, a mid-sized, lizard-like Pokémon, bore a unique blend of characteristics. Its scales predominantly sported a deep teal hue adorned with vibrant red stripes along its limbs and tail. The flame on its tail burned with heightened intensity compared to its Charmander stage, symbolizing its elevated power.

Wang Shòu, now a Charmeleon, roared victoriously, signaling a successful evolution. And the surprises didn't end there; Wang Shòu could still sensed that in his body, there are still energy left from the Sunroot Herb.

Not surprisingly, Wang Shòu heard the system's notification.

[Congratulations! You have leveled up! You are now at level 19!]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up! You are now at level 20!]

At the same time, Wang Shòu want to look at his status window too.

'Status Window'

[Name: Wang Shòu]

[Race: Charmeleon]

[Ability: Blaze]

[Level: 20 (500 years old)]

[Self Created Move: Smoke Explosion, Spark Tackle (Unusable)]

[Pokemon: Pikachu (20), Cleffa (13)]

'Excellent! I'm undoubtedly stronger now!'

Wang Shòu clench his white, large claw in excitement.

After that, Wang Shòu peer through the hole and can see the sun's brilliance. Seeing that, Wang Shòu felt a newfound confidence, which the source come from his powerful strength that he can clearly feel.

When he first come here, Wang Shòu was full of pressure with the only goal is to survive and grow stronger. Because of that, he hadn't enjoy the Douluo World very much, but now he evolved into Charmeleon, he can see hope that in the nearby future, he will enjoy his life, and become very powerful.

But of course, he is still level 20, a weak Pokemon but there is hope. Wang Shòu is confident of that fact.

'My journey has not ended! Lets go!'


Explanation: If anyone is curious about what happen with the evolution scene, evolution is a condensation of life energy bringing out inner potential, and the evolution is given by Arceus, so that is why Gu Yuena and Tang Hat sense it since it is given by Arceus the most powerful Pokemon ever. And this will happen only one time because Wang Shòu as a Pokemon Is assimilating with the Douluo Universe, and the first evolution allow the Pokemon Universe assimilating with the Douluo World to a certain extent, since evolution is a critical part of Pokemon universe.