
vs tang san

Then there is this mission that freaked him out :

[ win against tang San

Rewards : xiao wu's affection : +100%, son of destiny title ]

What the fuck? Is the only question he can think. He can become the son of destiny in this. Wait, how the hell does that work? Anyway, let's get this over with. I have a loli *ahem* work to do.

Chu Feng told the system to hide the second ring and show the thousand year old first ring. When tang San saw the purple ring he is stunned. Even others too, Chu Feng held the sword and faced him looked menacing.

Tang San gulped and activated his mysterious heaven skill. Chu Feng used his movement skill - fleeting shadows and disappeared with an after image. Tang San is stunned and activated his purple demon eye and ghost preflexung track.

Chu Feng just kicked tang San away without giving him time react he punched him in the face. Tang San launched the hidden weapons while Chu Feng used his sword to deflect them all.

Then tang San first ring lit up and he said," First soul skill : entanglement ", chu Feng cringed at the shouting of skill name and used his fire to burn all the blue silver grass. Without blue silver emperor bloodline tang San blue silver grass is just like any other grass.

Chu Feng then used his first soul skill : red scaled serpant flame - Red flame slashes. A few red flame slashes released from his sword chasing after tang San like a snake and tang San used his blue silver grass tk defend and got kicked away by the flame.

Tang san frowned as he felt poison in the flame. Chu Feng sword is enveloped by a red flame and he dlahed towards tang San who gave up the match and gave chu Feng 10 gold coins as a compensation whole gritting his teeth.

Chu Feng put them in the soul guide - star light ring, he bought from the system shop. He has other spaces too but they're his Trump cards and this ring is just a decoy. Chu Feng stretched his waist and go to his room lay on his bed.

Chu Feng lay in his bed while a rabbit appeared beside him. She is looking at his face and blinking her big innocent eyes. Chu Feng opened his eyes and saw the little loli xiao wu. He stretched his hand and pinched her cheeks while the rabbit pouted.

She slappee the hand away and said," You kid, you're the one who defeated tang San", chu Feng nodded while xiao wu looked at him with a blush while putting her fjnger in her mouth. What is this rabbit doing? Charming me? That innocent look really is good.

Chu Feng pinched her nose and said," Yes, it's me whi defeated tang San, little rabbit. If you want carrots in future. I'll give them to you", he said while xiao wu pouted again and said," Stop treating me like a child and fight me".

Chu Feng chuckled while she used waist bow, but chu Feng turned into an afterimage before her scorpion briad can wrap around his neck. He appeared behind her and shouted," Boo".

xiao wu is startled and looked at him while he laughed. She poured at him and threw a punch but no matter what she used he dodged it and lastly pinned her hands to the wall before moving his face closer to her.

Their warm breaths fell on each other's face bringing a crimson tint to each other. Chu Feng just left with an afterimage while xiao wu dropped to her knees and hugged herself. She is blushing so much that her head looks like a ripe apple.

Chu Feng then gave her a few carrots and lay on his bed, xiao wu exited the room with those carrots and still blushing. Meanwhile tang San who looked at this clenched his fists. He felt pain in his heart when he saw xiao wu is blushing and being flirted with chu Feng.

In his mind he already had an answer to bury chu Feng. He gritted his teeth and picked up the hidden weapons while chu Feng appeared and knocked him down with punch.