
spirit rings

The red scale fire serpant also saw someone is approaching and hissed. Meanwhile Chu Feng aimed at it's eyes and shot the barett. It's hit the eye while the snake hissed loudly in pain and started chasing him. But everytime it got him it'll just pass through making it confused.

They ran in circles while Chu Feng arranged traps and shot the absorption rods towards the red scale fire serpant. At first the scales are touch only a few inches are dug into the serpant. But later it's started to get worse and teh scales dented and fell making if easy for him to shot the serpant.

Chu Feng blinded it's other eye too using his barrett and kamui in combination. The serpant started destroying everything in its path while Chu Feng did one last shot and killed it by opening a kamui into it's mouth and putting a bullet to it's brain.

A purple halo appeared while Chu Feng took both the corpse and ring into the kamui dimension. He then moved towards the cave of serpant and killed any hundred year old that appeared.

The serpants are guarding a treasure. A couple of flower to be exact. The flowers have the aura that is very suitable for him. One has a Phoenix pattern and other has a dragon pattern. This isn't shown in the series if he remembers.

Well he put the two in daikokuten where time stood still and then go to kamui and started absorbing the soul ring. With the vajra body, enhancement from bloodline and the body tempering from the crystal he did it easily. His first spirit ring is red scaled serpant's flame. It's poisonous and causes burns too.

Chu Feng though didn't sit still. He discovered a method to increase his soul ring age. The white halo and yellow halo he killed are absorbed and broken down into spirit ring essence by the kāma martial soul. He poured it on ti the first sprit ring and converted it into a ten thousand year old.

Then he started hunting for the second spirit ring after taking the two herbs. They strengthened his bloodline and also made his thunder and fire strong. The dragon scales became more tough and the sword became more powerful.

His second spirit ring is a ten thousand year old too. It's the ring of the thunder eagle. It has traces of Phoenix blood. After absorbing the ring a surprise appeared, he has an external spirit bone, Thunder eagle wings. The extenal spirit bone has a skill thunderstorm. He can shoot lightning and fire through his wings and the spirit bone can call a thunder storm to strike down his enemies.

His soul power increased to level 26 and he can graduate anytime now. Though he had other plans. He needs to build his own organization. So that he can build a foothold in this world. As for shrek, forget it. He needs to stop them from getting the chances and that's all.

There is also this titled douluo summoning card that summons a random titled douluo. It can average titled douluo, super douluo and limit douluo but he can only get their card in the lottery. Gacha is big scam he yelled in his mind.

The chance of the card is only 1%. So he needs to so in the wheel 100 times to guarantee one of the cards. The gacha whell costs 100 points. Don't see 100 as cheap. It's just a speculation. The gacah wheel has thousands of items. For he first hundred he can list a few with 1% chance and can get them. From the next draw from the thousands of options which one appears no one knows.

He looked calm at the gacha but fursing inwardly. He has not enough points now. He returned back to the nou ding academy and saw yu xiaogang and tang San who also returned. He told the system to set his soul power time level 13.

After that he looked at tang San who approached him," Chu Feng, I'll make you understand the great ness of my master. I'll defeat you and make you regret not taking my master as your teacher".

Is this a childish taunt. Would he supposed to get angry? No, it's too cringe. Let's just beat this guy to pulp and leave him there doubting his life.