
yu xiaogang and tang hao

The next day yu xiaogang appeared in front of chu Feng again. Chu Feng looked at him and asked," You again, what do you need man? I told you I don't want to accept you as my teacher. If your theory can help me cultivate to titled douluo then you would've already done. I have no faith in you".

Yu xiaogang put on a ugly smile and asked," I'm not here to ask you to be my disciple. I'm here to ask you how are you able to absorb a ring of thousand years. Could it be you're a twin martial soul holder or do you have a secret method. Cam you share it with us? It'll be helpful to people".

Chu Feng sneered and said," Why would I share my method with you? If you want it that much then share your family dragon transformation skill with me or ask the disciple you have to share his skills that he is using".

Yu xiaogang didn't expect this kid him to easily counter him. Yu xiaogang expression turned ugly, not afraid of implicated by crowd, not afraid of threats, what should he do? Tang hao? That's right. With tang hao he can also make chu Feng drop to his knees and beg for mercy then accept as a disciple.

But he didn't know chu Feng isn't afraid of tang hao anymore. He has kamui and nothing can touch him if he wants. There is his susanoo, sukunhikona, and daikokuten. He probably just shrink tang hao into an ant sized one and throw him into daikokuten Or kamui and it's solved.

Or he can simply blast him away with a energy blast from isshiki's karma. He has many ways to deal with. Yu xiaogang tried to use many to make chu Feng hand over the skill but it's still useless. Every time he is slapped back with the same question he asked.

In the end he returned with gloomy face. Tang San looked expentantly for the secret technique but met with yu xiaogang sullen face and gritted hus teeth in anger while yu xiaogang sent tang San away saying the method will be here next day morning.

As soon as tang San left tang hao appeared in the room and yu xiaogang said," Your majesty, we need that method to strengthen tang San. That kid is also a good alley with a top-notch martial spirit. I'll pursuade him, if he isn't convinced then we can just kill him".

Chu Feng who is hearing this all this smiled evilly. Two old dogs wanted to kill him then he'll return it ten fold. Chi Feng returned to dormitory and took xiao wu into his kamui, they wanted to use this girl to threaten him and then make xiao wu sacrifice for tang San using him.

His figure flashed and appeared in his room. He lay on his bed pretending to sleep when there is a knock on door and a boy called him," Dean is calling chu feng. Who ever is chu feng come with me? ".

Chu Feng just followed the boy into woods and the boy then left saying dean will arrived here. Until chu Feng saw shadow and man in a black robe appeared. Yu xiaogang has a shit grin in his face. He looked at chu Feng and said," Boy, here is the titled douluo, clear sky douluo tang hao. Tang San is his son, if you can hand over the method to us and join me as a disciple we can leave you unharmed".

No nonsense, probably due to the arrogance of having a titled douluo. But he isn't weak either. His left hand flashed and red markings appeared on his body, a horn grew and one eye turned into a golden wheel structure while another turned into a complicated three sickle joint in red pupil.

He looked at tang hao and yu xiaogang before saying," Who is the coward that suggested this plan? Tang San or you tang hao. It's ridiculous to call your yourself titled douluo when you appeared here to beat a junior. An old dog who escaped the pursuit of spirit hall and evej threw away his wife for a mere title. Clear sky douluo my ass, he is nothing but a coward and hypocrite ".

Both yu xiaogang and tang hao are stunned by his words. Where did this kid get such a courage to say those words?