
Douluo Dalu: Martial Path

In the world of Douluo Dalu, being a Soul Master is an occupation. A title above normal mortals. Yet, despite the power and numerous other abilities one would gain as they thread the path of a Spirit Master, they were no different from a normal mortal. They would still die to natural causes and a spirit master didn't have a longer lifespan than a mortal, except when they reach the limits of a spirit master but they could only live by twice or thrice the lifespan of a mortal still. Just what was good being a spirit master? Especially if one can easily kill them by the hands of either technology or natural causes? They weren't much different from a mortal. That was what Feng Qin had come to a conclusion as he turned twelve, six years after awakening an unknown trash Martial Spirit. But, on a fateful day, one single lucky moment as he had just survive from a life and death situation, changed his life forever. ... AN: Hey it's yo boi, FroztDouluo back with another Douluo Dalu fanfic! And this time, it's a concept that I've taken inspirations from Martial World(just read the story since it's a prequel to True Martial World, my favorite story and one I'm hoping to make a fanfic of someday), True Martial World, Tales of Demons and Gods, God of Slaughter, etc. I really hope I can make this story great and won't eventually turn me off. Cause my last few stories were great in plotlines at the start but it had eventually gone downhill due to several reasons.(Mainly laziness, writer's block, and school.) So, I'm going to clarify a few things and reveal a couple spoilers. One, there will be some oc other than the mc in this story. Most of them would come from other stories that I had previously mentioned or you guys can help me create some of them through comments. Two, I prioritize pa-treon more than here so if you notice me being late to update than it must mean I was either busy writing more chapters in pa-treon or I'm resting from the exhaustion of it. Three, the update schedule is 2-3 chapters a week with at least 1k words. Chapters are uploaded in Wednesday and Friday/Saturday(UTC +8, Philippine time). Four, I will try to reply to most of the comments I see but don't count much, cause I don't really reply very well because I just don't know what to write back. I just hope it'll get to a hundred, or two, chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash.

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 29: New Land

Sky Fortune Kingdom is a renowned kingdom in the Star Luo Empire. It is one of the biggest cities in the region and is known for its thriving economy, cultural diversity, and stunning skyline. The kingdom is situated in a valley, surrounded by a range of hills, which gives the city a breathtaking view of the skies and a strategic advantage point against invading enemies.

The kingdom is famous for its unique history and rich cultural heritage, which spanned hundreds of years. The people of the Sky Fortune Kingdom are known for their hardworking nature, unparalleled bravery, competitive nature, and great strive for strength. Centuries ago, the kingdom was formed when a group of skilled spirit masters banded together with the aim of protecting their people and their land from invaders and other dangers.

Over the years, the kingdom grew stronger and more prosperous, thanks to their strategic location, natural resources, and the efforts of the skilled and talented people who lived there. Today, Sky Fortune Kingdom is a hub of commerce and trade, attracting merchants, artisans, and travelers from all across the region.

Today, Sky Fortune City stands tall, with large black iron walls to guard against invaders, humans or spirit beasts otherwise, as a testament to the determination and hard work of its people. It is a kingdom built on a foundation of resilience, ingenuity, and a deep love for the land.

It was the city in which both Feng Qin and Long Yuyin found themselves heading.

"Wow. This is the first time I've ever seen another awesome city than my homeland." Feng Qin said with a smile as he looked at the towering walls surrounding the Sky Fortune Kingdom. He and Long Yuyin were in line to enter the gates.

"Y-Yeah..." Long Yuyin replied, looking uncomfortable as she rubbed her left arm.

Feng Qin furrowed his brows in and let out a sigh. "Still not used to it?"

"No!" She snapped, her eyes wide, she looked around in panic and went near him to say in a low tone of voice, "Mas...Feng Qin, I obviously have not gotten used to it. I have a freakish tail just above my b-butt and I have no idea on how to make it disappear! Even untransforming didn't work!"

That's right. The long elongated tail that appeared when Long Yuyin successfully absorbed her 3rd spirit ring still hadn't disappeared, having currently wrapped around her waist as a sort of exotic belt.

They didn't know what it was, though it might have something to do with the Bloodfyre Wyvern, and what to do with it.

The tail obviously made Long Yuyin distressed, as its terrifying look and inability to disappear made her feel like she was some sort of monster.

Feng Qin decided the first thing they'll do when they get inside is to find further information about her situation.

He grabbed her hand gently and gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. We'll figure something out. Maybe there's someone in the kingdom who can help you with it. If not, we'll just scour the entire library, no matter how long it takes, to find the information that we need."

Long Yuyin nodded, feeling comforted by Feng Qin's words. They continued walking towards the gates, the hustle and bustle of the city welcoming them with open arms. As they entered the kingdom, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of the skyline and the vibrant energy of the people.

Their first task was to find a reputable inn to stay in. Sky Fortune Kingdom had plenty of great inns to offer, catering to the different needs and budgets of travelers. They settled on a mid-range inn that had good reviews and was conveniently located near the marketplace.

After settling in, Feng Qin and Long Yuyin decided to explore the city and get a feel for the local culture. They roamed around the marketplace, sampling the different foods and admiring the various goods for sale.

"Oh! Mas...Feng Qin, look!" Long Yuyin stuttered for a moment, blushing, she still excitedly pointed at a street vendor selling some ornaments and jewelry.

"Excuse me. Can I take a look?" She asked the owner, a kind looking old woman wearing black and purple clothes.

"Oho! Of course missy! Come, come. A fine beauty such as yourself would be perfect with some of my goods."

Feng Qin faintly smiled as he looked at her, all her discomfort from her situation seemed to have disappeared. Even her slight fumble of how she addresses him didn't seem to

On the way here he had finally made Long Yuyin call him by his name as it would cause him unnecessary attention.

He hadn't thought much of what she called him because a lot of stuff was going on but since he had most of the things he wanted to do done, he finally addressed the master issue.

'Now then, while she's occupied I'll go and try to find information about where we are.' Feng Qin turned to walk towards a nearby newspaper shack.

Buying the latest newspaper with a small spirit gold coin, courtesy of the bandits, Feng Qin went back towards Long Yuyin, finding her still preoccupied, he just stood by her and started reading.

Feng Qin's eyes went wide, face paling, as he clutched the sides of the newspaper, threatening to tear it apart.

'N-No way...'

The newspaper read: Latest News, brought by the Star Luo Imperial News!

The Three Year Nation Youth Competition is underway! Sky Fortune Kingdom, one of the big cities of the Star Luo Empire, is starting the preliminary competition for young spirit masters in one week time!

The Zhu Family, one of the powers of the empire, is in chaos because their third young miss has gone missing!!

A powerful spirit beast has been reported in a random area of the Red Flaming Forest, a variant of the Flame Wyvern has been spotted. The mysterious Dragonseal Family has sent a notice that anyone who can provide any sort of information relating to the spirit beast would be handsomely rewarded.

The Royal Family has noticed the growing dangers of bandits in the land and has sent a royal decree to exterminate all bandit settlements with haste!

'S-Star Luo Empire!? Just how far did those bandits take me away? And why didn't mom at least warn me that I wasn't in our empire anymore!!' A bead of sweat slid down his temple and nervously gulped. His nervousness was palpable, well of course he is.

Feng Qin had never gone far outside the city before, much less another region, and now he was in another empire that he's mostly ignorant of! How could he calmly deal with this?!

'Dammit mom, I should've asked you for a map or what place I was at the time.'

What he didn't know was that Sheng Li thought her son was heading towards Wu Tan City as they had planned, unfortunately however, that didn't happen.

Feng Qin let out a sigh and calmly folded the newspaper under his pit. He was already here anyway, getting frustrated wouldn't solve anything right now.

Right now his main priority is to find information about Long Yuyin's situation. Then find a decent blacksmith to make him a suitable sword to use.

"Hey Long Yuyin, should we head towards the library..." Feng Qin said as he raised his head towards Long Yuyin, only for him to stop short as he saw her getting harassed by three guys surrounding her, all of them were slim, looking like some common street thugs.

"Hey pretty girl. You new around here? Wanna hang out with us? Us big brothers can... help you look around this big city."

"Yeah, yeah. Trust us. We know a lot about this city than anyone."

"Hehe. We're certainly better than that guy you're with."

'Oh no.' Feng Qin sweatdropped and took a few steps back.

Now, in a normal situation a guy like him would stand up towards those guys and fight them off the girl he was with as a courtesy and to impress them at the same time.

That is, if Long Yuyin was a normal girl.

Long Yuyin's face was cold, her eyes narrowing as she glared at the three guys. "Back off. I don't need your help."

The guys laughed, thinking it was some sort of game. "Aw, come on. Don't be so cold. Let us have some fun with you."

Long Yuyin growled, her aura starting to flare up. "I said, back off!"

The thugs finally realized that they were in trouble and tried to make a run for it. However, they didn't get far as Long Yuyin's tail shot out and caught them by their ankles, lifting them up and making them hang upside down in the air.

"A-Ah! What the hell is this!?" One of them yelled in terror.

Long Yuyin walked up to them, her eyes cold as ice. "I warned you. Be grateful that I don't end your miserable lives right now for mocking my master, only because I don't want us to get in deep trouble. Now get lost before I decide to teach you a lesson."

"Run! She's a spirit master!"

They quickly scrambled away, not wanting to mess with the strange girl with a tail that seemed to have a mind of its own.

Feng Qin couldn't help but stare in amazement at Long Yuyin's display of power. He had seen her fight before, but this was different. It was almost like she had complete control over her spirit power and her body, the tail acting as a third arm.

"Long Yuyin... since when did you have such control over your extra appendage." He said.

Long Yuyin turned to him, her face slightly red. "I-I don't know. It's mostly instinct really." She looked thoughtful for a moment and started to pout.

Feng Qin noticed her behavior and asked, "Long Yuyin? What's wrong?"

"You didn't help me out..."

"But you can easily handle them. There was no need for me to step in to deal with them."

"Hmph!" Long Yuyin still looked unhappy as she crossed her arms and turned away.

Feng Qin looked completely bewildered and started scratching his head, 'Did I do something wrong?'

"Haa... Men are still men, no matter what generation it is. Ohoho." The old woman shook her head, laughing.

Feng Qin raised an eyebrow and asked, "Excuse me granny, but do you know any library nearby that contains spirit master related books?"

"Oh that would be the Grand Fortune Library, a private library for only spirit masters use. You just have to go left from here..." She then gave them the directions.

"Thank you." Feng Qin said with a thankful smile and started heading towards the Grand Fortune Library together with Long Yuyin.

As they walked away, Feng Qin noticed Long Yuyin wearing beautiful silver earrings with a shining, polished sapphire inlaid in it. He couldn't help but compliment her.

"It looks good on you, Long Yuyin."

"...Idiot." She replied, her face turning even more red.

Feng Qin was even more confused.

What did I do?


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Btw, I've got a poll up on patreon, don't worry it's public free for anyone to vote, it's a poll on my other story called: Legend of the God of Fate. It's basically Mc with the FGO system in Soul Land.
