
Douluo Dalu: Martial Path

In the world of Douluo Dalu, being a Soul Master is an occupation. A title above normal mortals. Yet, despite the power and numerous other abilities one would gain as they thread the path of a Spirit Master, they were no different from a normal mortal. They would still die to natural causes and a spirit master didn't have a longer lifespan than a mortal, except when they reach the limits of a spirit master but they could only live by twice or thrice the lifespan of a mortal still. Just what was good being a spirit master? Especially if one can easily kill them by the hands of either technology or natural causes? They weren't much different from a mortal. That was what Feng Qin had come to a conclusion as he turned twelve, six years after awakening an unknown trash Martial Spirit. But, on a fateful day, one single lucky moment as he had just survive from a life and death situation, changed his life forever. ... AN: Hey it's yo boi, FroztDouluo back with another Douluo Dalu fanfic! And this time, it's a concept that I've taken inspirations from Martial World(just read the story since it's a prequel to True Martial World, my favorite story and one I'm hoping to make a fanfic of someday), True Martial World, Tales of Demons and Gods, God of Slaughter, etc. I really hope I can make this story great and won't eventually turn me off. Cause my last few stories were great in plotlines at the start but it had eventually gone downhill due to several reasons.(Mainly laziness, writer's block, and school.) So, I'm going to clarify a few things and reveal a couple spoilers. One, there will be some oc other than the mc in this story. Most of them would come from other stories that I had previously mentioned or you guys can help me create some of them through comments. Two, I prioritize pa-treon more than here so if you notice me being late to update than it must mean I was either busy writing more chapters in pa-treon or I'm resting from the exhaustion of it. Three, the update schedule is 2-3 chapters a week with at least 1k words. Chapters are uploaded in Wednesday and Friday/Saturday(UTC +8, Philippine time). Four, I will try to reply to most of the comments I see but don't count much, cause I don't really reply very well because I just don't know what to write back. I just hope it'll get to a hundred, or two, chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash.

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 28: Fired Up!

Two days ago

As the sun shone brightly in the sky, illuminating the red forest with its bright, hot rays; bringing those Spirit Beasts aligned with the Fire and Yang Law Feng Qin was doing some exercises: push-ups, jogging around, shadow boxing, and revolving his Fire Core according to the Heavenly Vast Universe Art.

Red hot flames emerged from his body, surrounding him with an aura of power and strength. His muscles bulged, and sweat poured from his forehead as he increased the intensity of his workout.

Feng Qin knew that he needed to continue his training if he wanted to reach his goal and mastering his martial skills would help him.

Mastering martial skills is important because it makes the difference between a regular fighter and a great warrior. Feng Qin was determined to become the latter. He had already achieved great success in the Sword Breathing Style, a High Rank Human Grade Martial Skill, and peak success of all Low and Intermediate Human Rank Sword Martial Arts. Despite having not practised them even once.

Perks of swallowing memories. Decades, if not centuries of practising and using these sword martial skills had already ingrained into his mind as if they were his own. He could execute the sword martial skills as long as his body could follow the movements of the forms, but he needed to have his body remember the feeling of moving with the flow of the sword, achieve complete mastery, and not continue to rely on the Sword Immortal's understanding in the Dao of the Sword.

If he does, he wouldn't achieve beyond what the Sword Immortal had and it might even cripple his way of the sword.

As you have guessed, mastering a martial skill isn't as easy as copying the movements according to the instructions of the martial art or watching someone else perform the movements, unless they are a prodigious martial artist.

The stages of mastery of martial skills are: initial success, great success, peak success, and complete mastery. At initial success, the martial artist can perform the basic movements of the skill, but their execution is clumsy and lacks power. With great success, the martial artist's movements become smoother and more precise, and they're able to use the skill's power effectively.

With peak success, the martial artist's power and execution of the skill is at its highest. But it's in the complete mastery that the martial artist can truly understand the essence of the skill, and use it at will without any effort.

'Though why am I thinking about sword right now, when I don't have a sword to use?' Feng Qin thought and shrugged it off as a result of relying on the sword for so long.

The sword is an absolute necessity for him to have right now, especially since his cultivation is currently at rank 16, which completely overtook his previous spirit power rank due to the abundance of spirit power he absorbed from the Blazing Demon Lions.

But he wouldn't rely on a tool forever. No. What he puts his faith in, will always be his fists.

Which is why he's focusing on his unarmed martial skills, the Blazing Fists. It was also slowly helping him comprehend the Concept of Fire.

"Blazing Fists, 1st Form: Fire Fists."

Scorching hot energy surge into his hands, setting his clenched fists into two balls of fire, the flames surrounding his left brighter and hotter, with absolute apathy on his face, Feng Qin executed the first form of his Blazing Fists Martial Skill. His fists moved with incredible speed, leaving behind an afterimage as they struck the air, causing sparks to fly and grass around him to sway uncontrollably, as if they were excited.

Feng Qin continued to execute the form, striving to reach the great success of the Blazing Fists Martial Skill. Being only in the initial success of the martial skill, as the Sword Immortal didn't practice much of the skill and only wanted the skill to make his hands tougher and heat resistant. He knew that he still had a long way to go before he could achieve complete mastery of it, but he was determined to do so.

As he continued his training, he felt the Concept of Fire slowly become clearer to him. He understood that the Concept was not just about controlling fire, but also about understanding its essence and power.

Feng Qin had unsurprisingly 'saw' the unseen forces of world and 'touched' upon one of its domains – fire. When he formed the Fire Core in his left hand.

One of the basic elemental laws of the world. But a powerful thing to have nonetheless.

Feng Qin knew that as a practitioner of the Fire Law, he could use the Concept of Fire to enhance his martial arts. He continued to refine his understanding of the Concept, slowly unlocking its secrets and using it to improve his Blazing Fists Martial Skill.

As he rested between sets, he looked up at the blazing sun, feeling its heat on his skin and absorbing its vitality. He could feel his own power increasing each moment, and he knew that he was on the right path.

"...I should go hunt for lunch and dinner." Feng Qin said as he straightened his back and took a deep breath. He was about to walk towards the trees before taking a moment to look back at Long Yuyin.

He let out a sigh and muttered. "Don't take too long, Long Yuyin. Because I can't leave you for too long, in fear of any other powerful spirit beasts coming to kill you, we both haven't taken a bath. We both reek, especially you since you got bathed in blood..."

With a powerful kick to the ground, Feng Qin disappeared into the red bushes with the intention of hunting some game.

This process would repeat for two whole days until...

"Haa.... Haa..."

Feng Qin panted as he held both his fists up, completely covered in bright red and orange flames. Sweat pouring out of his forehead and body but it'll all dry up in the next moment as his body erupted into a blazing fire.

"Blazing Fists, 2nd Form: Eight Consecutive Punches!"

"Blazing Fists, 3rd Form: Flaming Claws!"

"Blazing Fists, 4th Form: Dragon's Breath!"

Feng Qin executed each form with impeccable precision and power, his fists moving at incredible speeds, leaving behind afterimages and causing the ground to shake and crack. The air around him sizzled with heat, and sparks flew everywhere as he unleashed his full power.

Finally, after two days of relentless training and experimentation, Feng Qin had achieved great success in the Blazing Fists Martial Skill, and had a better understanding of the Concept of Fire. He felt stronger, faster, and his control over his flames had improved significantly.

He took a deep breath, feeling the heat radiating from his body, and smiled in satisfaction. He had made great progress in just two days, and he knew that he was well on his way to becoming a great warrior.

Just as he was put out his flames, he soon discovered that the spirit power in his Fire Core started circulating and pumping out huge amounts of pure, fire attributed spirit power throughout his spirit channels and meridians.

He felt his body warm up, to the point of his skin turning red, but the back of his body where the four-pointed mark let out a resplendent light and started cooling down his body, turning his skin back to normal but more healthier looking than before.

"This is, Yin and Yang energies?" Feng Qin said out loud, pleasantly surprised to find two of the most universal and powerful laws to appear in his body.

Infinity gave birth to primal chaos, and primal chaos gave birth to the twins, named yin yang energy. This yin yang energy was the basis of the world.

Yin and yang were the greatest source foundation of the world, where all of existence derived from.

The Yin Yang Laws could be considered relatively high level Laws within the universe. Although they were inferior to source Laws like Cosmic Laws, they were still above the Five Element Laws: Water, Earth, Fire, and Wind.

He was even further surprised to see the flames around him turn a vivid red and the flames surrounding his fists turned a purple color.

"The first level of the Concept of Fire, Burning Heat! And my Blazing Fists martial skill had broken through the second level, Blaze!" Feng Qin excitedly said out loud as he looked down at his flaming fists with a wide grin.

With these, Feng Qin wouldn't need a sword to deal with the Blazing Demon Lion King or the Bloodfyre Wyvern.

The surprises didn't end there.

"HAAAAAA!" A loud war cry sounded out that spook the birds out of the forest.

Suddenly, a great surge of spirit energy erupted from behind him, sweeping across the field of grass, passing through his body and rustling the leaves of the nearby trees.

Feng Qin quickly turned around, his eyes narrowing as he saw a figure emitting spirit power fluctuations.

It was Long Yuyin, and she looked... slightly different than before.

Her hair was now a bright shade of red, and although her eyes were closed, green sparks flashed across her eyelids, as if they were filled with a powerful energy. Her body was covered in thick golden scales, and her hands and feet had sharp claws, terrifying blood wings flapped briefly behind her back, she was in her Golden Blood Dragon transformation. Three spirit rings surrounded her body: yellow, yellow and purple, her third spirit ring giving off a menacing aura.

But the most impressive thing about her was the deadly tail, with a bladed tip, swaying lightly around behind her.


Feng Qin stared, completely bewildered at her new transformation. He knew about her getting some passive blood ability after breaking through Spirit Elder, but not about a badass tail. And to be honest, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous at how cool she looked.

Long Yuyin smirked, her eyes closed, and as if she knew where Feng Qin was standing, she turned towards him with V hand signs and said.

"Good morning, master! I'm officially a Spirit Elder! How about that!"

Silence permeated in the air.

Long Yuyin opened her eyes with furrowed brows and was surprised at the look of disbelief on her master's face.

"Aah! Master, what's wrong!? D-Did I turn ugly...? N-No! Don't look at me!" She immediately misunderstood the situation. Feng Qin immediately snapped out of his daze, taking a step forward, and quickly replied.

"N-No! It's not that. Long Yuyin, I think you should take a look besides you. By your left." He said, pointing towards the deadly tail.

Needless to say, the reaction was expected.

"AAAAHH?!" She let out a high pitched scream and promptly fell to her knees and started sobbing. "A tail? Why do I have a tail?! I've never seen or heard anyone from my family have one when they achieve the Spirit Elder realm!"

Feng Qin...didn't know what to do.

Even he didn't expect this to happen.

Well, first things first. Comfort her, pack up their stuff, go to a nearby river or any kind of body of water to take a bath, and then head out towards human civilization.

"It's okay, Long Yuyin..." He barely gets those words out before he pinches his nose and briefly turns his head away.

Ugh, yeah. She needed a bath.


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Btw, I've got a poll up on patreon, don't worry it's public free for anyone to vote, it's a poll on my other story called: Legend of the God of Fate. It's basically Mc with the FGO system in Soul Land.
