
Douluo Dalu: Martial Path

In the world of Douluo Dalu, being a Soul Master is an occupation. A title above normal mortals. Yet, despite the power and numerous other abilities one would gain as they thread the path of a Spirit Master, they were no different from a normal mortal. They would still die to natural causes and a spirit master didn't have a longer lifespan than a mortal, except when they reach the limits of a spirit master but they could only live by twice or thrice the lifespan of a mortal still. Just what was good being a spirit master? Especially if one can easily kill them by the hands of either technology or natural causes? They weren't much different from a mortal. That was what Feng Qin had come to a conclusion as he turned twelve, six years after awakening an unknown trash Martial Spirit. But, on a fateful day, one single lucky moment as he had just survive from a life and death situation, changed his life forever. ... AN: Hey it's yo boi, FroztDouluo back with another Douluo Dalu fanfic! And this time, it's a concept that I've taken inspirations from Martial World(just read the story since it's a prequel to True Martial World, my favorite story and one I'm hoping to make a fanfic of someday), True Martial World, Tales of Demons and Gods, God of Slaughter, etc. I really hope I can make this story great and won't eventually turn me off. Cause my last few stories were great in plotlines at the start but it had eventually gone downhill due to several reasons.(Mainly laziness, writer's block, and school.) So, I'm going to clarify a few things and reveal a couple spoilers. One, there will be some oc other than the mc in this story. Most of them would come from other stories that I had previously mentioned or you guys can help me create some of them through comments. Two, I prioritize pa-treon more than here so if you notice me being late to update than it must mean I was either busy writing more chapters in pa-treon or I'm resting from the exhaustion of it. Three, the update schedule is 2-3 chapters a week with at least 1k words. Chapters are uploaded in Wednesday and Friday/Saturday(UTC +8, Philippine time). Four, I will try to reply to most of the comments I see but don't count much, cause I don't really reply very well because I just don't know what to write back. I just hope it'll get to a hundred, or two, chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash.

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 27: Long Yuyin

AN: Hi everyone! So, just a slight warning, I decided to try things differently with the POV in this chapter. This chapter is a self introduction of Long Yuyin for the most part and, well, you can see for yourselves. Peace!


My name is Long Yuyin, and I am the only daughter of the mysterious and prominent Dragonseal Family, the main one specifically, we have a lot of branches scattered and hidden across the empire. We are one of the five clans that has the most power in the entire Star Luo Empire and is ranked second in power, just below the royal family of the empire – the royal Dai Family.

However, the truth was that our family trumps the royal Dai Family easily with our elders mostly at the Titled Douluo and Soul Douluo level, with my mom especially a rank 93 Titled Douluo that can wipe the floor of that arrogant, hypocritical emperor.

The only reason why my family hadn't knocked them down a peg and taken over the authority of the empire was because our ancestors had an agreement with theirs, when they were the stronger ones, to not attack any of their family members as gratitude for helping them with something that we couldn't recall, which included the Zhu Family, but honestly the main reason they didn't right now was because nobody gave a damn towards the royal position of the empire.

Hell, even my scheming and ambitious cousin wouldn't touch the throne of the empire with a ten foot pole. Why? Because it was that troublesome to manage the Star Luo Empire. We were drilled from the day we understood words and wrote that we shouldn't be greedy and go after mortal politics; that was a road pave with blood, unrest, and incomprehensible stress.

But back to myself. As of right now, I was in the process of absorbing my third spirit ring and a high and rare quality one as well!

A Bloodfyre Wyvern is one in a ten thousand chances of being born that its information was scarce and most wouldn't even know it existed, except for our family of course. With our special spirit called the Golden Blood Dragon, a true and tyrannical dragon in ancient times was an existence that could beat down the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, the so-called strongest Beast Type Spirit in the Heaven Dou Empire.

I wouldn't know because our family doesn't really interact much with the outside world unless necessary, like the Star Luo Empire being invaded because the religious group called the Spirit Hall starts getting ambitious but like that'll happen...

But the Dragonseal Family isn't an isolationist clan of spirit masters, like how the Clear Sky Clan had become because one of their talented geniuses decided to go berserk and killed the former Supreme Pontiff, a feat that amazed and boiled the blood of numerous new generation like myself. Truthfully, our clan just likes our peace and quiet is all.

Not because the elders are a paranoid bunch or something, it isn't that kind of cliché setting, but rather it's a preference that is passed on through the generations. Unlike other clans that manipulate or dominate others to get what they want, we value mutual respect and stand by our word. It was a philosophy that was instilled in me since I was young and one that I continue to uphold.

As for my personal abilities, obviously, I inherited my deceased father's Golden Blood Dragon spirit, who died together with several other adults and elders in the service of protecting the clan from foreign enemies when the children of the Dragonseal Family were undergoing their Spirit Awakening Ceremony.

That was the day, for the first time in its history, the entire compound of the Dragonseal was dyed in red in both its people and enemies. It was the day that I experienced true despair.

...It wouldn't be a lie to say that I miss him. Even though he's been dead for the last eight years, back when I was still an innocent child that hadn't known the wickedness of the human heart, I could still recall the times of when he, mom, and I were a complete happy family.

His death and numerous other relatives and friends I've known that fought or were victims in the attack, caused not only my mother's personality to change but also cover my heart in several layers of ice and thorns in the following years.

That is, until I met him...

'Master...' Even now, with flushed cheeks, I couldn't help but think of his handsome visage, mysterious prowess that helped her escape a hellish place and severely injure a powerful spirit beast, but most importantly is his muscular and manly body that put other boys his age to shame because they put more emphasis to looking pretty and clean like they're women for some god awful reason! Eww! Just what the hell is with them?!

Like, I can understand if they swing that way but no! They all look like that but still liked girls!! Just what happened to boys, no, to men like her father, uncles, and grandpa??

It was one of the reasons why she disliked getting anywhere near a boy, they didn't fit her type!

But not master, no, he looked...perfect! A good looking face, paired with his thick luscious hair giving him a wild air, bulging firm muscles that made her hands feel small, multiple sexy scars scattered around his body that made her drool, and a very, very long dong! Hm!!

It was truly love at first sight. Meeting him when I was at my lowest, feeling my heart speed up as he gazed into my eyes with such passion as we exchanged vows to help each other and for me to give my eternal loyalty towards the master, to give him everything; my power, wealth, and even...my body! Kyaa!

(AN: For context, this is what Long Yuyin 'remembered' when Feng Qin bit her neck and absorbed some of her essence of blood and soul. A false memory. Whether it was due to an external force or her own imagination conjured that up, I'll leave it up to your imagination!)

'Oh, shit. I could feel two parts of my body being damp...' I inwardly said, a droplet of blood rolled out of her nostrils as her face turned completely red, and most of it wasn't because of her absorbing a thousand year old spirit ring from a mutated spirit beast.

AAAH! PURGE! EVIL THOUGHTS, BEGONE!! I SHALL NOT SULLY MY MASTAH!(AN: No, this isn't a typo. Hahaha! Also, try to imagine this with a chibi version of herself screaming in her head.)

"Ack!" I winced, grinding my teeth in pain. Feeling my body started heating up, and within moments, steam and blood started coming out of my pores as I felt my spirit power going slightly out of control. Dyeing myself in blood, again. 'Shit. Shit, shit, shit! I pulled a spirit channel, disrupting the harmony I meticulously created to assimilate the spirit ring into me! Hooo. Calm down, feel the spirit power...'

I closed my eyes, focusing on the energy swirling around me as I began to absorb and integrate the spirit ring into my body with much more focus and determination, eliminating all distracting thoughts from my mind.

The process was painful but familiar, a sensation that I had endured multiple times before, with a slight hiccup but it was an easy fix and only took a bit of time.

As the energy dissipated and feeling a sudden new powerful sensation coursing throughout my body, no, my blood.

I opened my eyes, blood red sparks coming out, feeling the surge of power coursing through me.

I stood up and stretched out my arms, a surge of spirit power burst out of my body and took on the appearance of a golden with four limbs, with horrifying gigantic red jaws, double pupils with the colors gold and red mixed together, and two terrifying wide crimson hard wings that can easily destroy a city with a single flap of its wings.

"HAAAAAAAAA!" With a loud war cry, my body easily transformed. Golden rhombus-shaped scales started appearing, replacing a her human skin. Her ten fingers elongated and bulked up, transforming into a pair of terrifying golden claws with blood red tips, looking extremely menacing.

But the most impressive change of her transformation was expectedly the three spirit rings and surprisingly two deadly looking blood dragonic wings, with a 3 meter wingspan that can easily cover her entire body.

It wasn't her third spirit ring ability, no, it was Long Yuyin's passive ability she gained after she entered the Spirit Elder realm, Blood Manipulation! Though that wasn't the only surprise of her transformation...

Spirit rank, 31. Age 14 and a pure Attack Power System Spirit Master with two yellow and one purple spirit ring! A rare genius in the whole continent! A wide smile spread across my lips at thought, even my cousin, the current most talented genius, took a year longer to reach this stage.

With the addition of the Bloodfyre Wyvern spirit ring, my strength would increase exponentially, and I couldn't wait to test it out. But that would have to wait until I familiarize my newfound strength.

And also...

I lowered my arms and turned towards my master,

"Good morning, master!" I smirked, closed my eyes, and threw out a V hand sign towards my master to show my excitement and sense of achievement. "I'm officially a Spirit Elder! How about that!"

'Hm?' I furrowed my brows, bewildered at the lack of response from my beloved master. I opened my eyes and saw the utter disbelief covering my master's face.

I know that reaching another realm of cultivation could bring new changes to the spirit master, whether it be internal or external, but I didn't think my change would be that much drastic. Could it?

'Don't tell me–!' My face quickly lost all colors as the worst came to mind.

"Aah! Master, what's wrong!? D-Did I turn ugly...? N-No! Don't look at me!" No! This is the worst case scenario! I don't want my master to look at me in disgust!

"N-No! It's not that. Long Yuyin, I think you should take a look besides you. By your left."

Huh? I blinked my eyes and looked at him. By my side?

Listening to master, I turned to the side–

"AAAAHH?!" I let out a high pitched cry as I saw a one meter long, elongated flexible red leathery tail, it was as thick as her arm combined, and its skin looked smooth, awesome and deadly. But its most impressive part was the 10 inch long, jagged one-edge blade at its tip with a red tint along its sharp edge.

"A tail? Why do I have a tail?! I've never seen or heard anyone from my family have one when they achieve Spirit Elder realm!" Unknowingly, tears started to swell in my eyes.

Why?! Just when things were going great for me, it then turns bad!!


I've got a goal with my patreon, although I haven't put it in there or was it taken off. But anyways, when it's reached, I'll increase my updates by 2 chapters a day according to my schedule. That means 4 chapters a week, 2 chapters each on Tuesday and Thursday. Tedious but I'm willing to work for it! Cause I'm getting myself a laptop or pc! For college! And other very important stuff as well that involves gaming!!

Oh and I also have a poll going on in ny patreon and it's free of charge at the moment.

Goal: $10/35
