
Douluo Dalu: A book

A boy is reincarnated into the douluo dalu world,with little to no idea of plot ,he walks the path of a spirit master with an uneasy heart English is not my fort but i will try my best,plus here is the discord,i will be asking questions about the douluo timeline and stuff like things from the 2nd ad 3rd douluo dalu to give mc an edge Here is my discord: https://discord.gg/x5aBFkAgb3

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Getting a ring for me

Although Nui Ha was confident in getting a powerful beasts spirit ring,that didn't mean it was actually that easy.

One has to know that although Nui Ha was physically fit for a kid and possessed an adults strength plus the fact that his spirit power was also at the bottleneck, but he was still naive.

After roaming around in the outskirts of the forest and looking at all the weak spirit beasts, Nui Ha was very worried.

'It might not be possible to get a beast with above a hundred year spirit beas' Nui Ha couldn't help but tremble when he remembered being chased by an rash iron bull that was 100 years old.

If it weren't for him summoning the book as a shield and evading its long horns,he might have been turned into a skewered kebab.

Just as he decided on killing a small beast for its spirit ring,his book started releasing a rhythmic vibrations

'Huh!whats wrong' the book shot out of his hands and started flying towards a specific direction.

Nui Ha could feel that his book was leading him to a treasure.

After running for a while ,he finally reached before a ditch,inside was the beaten body of a spear serpent with the cultivation of 1000 years,The book he read told him that the serpent 's body is blue in color and filled with thick ironclad scales ,its only weakness are its eyes ,the serpent is said to posses a great defwnse and offense ,its tail is shaped like a three pronged spear that is said to easily puerce a defense oriented beast easily.

Though the current beast was filled with scars and didnt feel threatening at all,Nui Ha knew he will die if he was careless.

It seems the serpent heard Nui Ha coming and lunged at him, seeing the sharp mouth of the swepent which looked more like the maws of a shark coming at him ,he had no time to react and thus summoned his book spirit in his hands and placed it in the incoming face of the serpent.

a crack was heard,Nui Ha was stunned as he saw the serpents teeth break,'Turns out you are very very durable'

The serpent wailed in pain,Nui Ha knew this was the time to act and took out the big dagger from his sheath and ran towards the serpent, with an accurate aim,lunged it inside the eyes of the serpent, the serpent ,though the eye was damaged,it did not reach the inside of the brain,at this moment, the book again teleased the rhythm it did before.

Without any further wait,the book flew in the direction of the eye and slammed into it,

the head of the serpent was finally pierced,it issued a final roar and died.a purple ring floating on the head of the serpent.

'My precious'

As he was about to touch the purple ring,his spirit book started floating above the ring and right in front of his eyes,the age started to decrease before it turned a dark yellow.

'what the heck was that '

oye you stupid book,give me back my purple ring. sob sob

i fought tooth and nail for that.

Nui Ha was truly shameless.

the book released a bright light before it opened up revealing a new page.

{Mental gathering technique}

'Huh,mental power,is that different from spirit power'

Shrugging his head,he decided to take what was left of the ring,beggers cant be chooswrs it seems.plus this kill was a joint effort by them.

Althought it would be dangerous to absorb it here so he picked the ring and ran for some time before he decided to absorb it after reaching the outskirts.

as Nui Ha was absorbing the ring,Two people came his way,One was Tang San,the kid from his dormitory and the other was a middle aged man with white hair and beard.

"Huh !its the weird brother from my dorm" said Tang san as he pointed at Nui.

Grandmaster also looked at where Tang San pointed and couldn't help but be surprised. He saw that the young man was absorbing a ring that was dark yellow in color.

Most likely a 700 year old ring.

"Xiao San,you said he was the same age as you,could it be that he was also an innate spirit master"

"No master,i remember him talking to shen Meng,he was spirit rank 9"

"Hmm...to increase his rank so fast" Master started contemplating something while Tang san decided to go ahead after Xiaogang asked him to go ahead.

On Nui Ha's side.He was currently being immersed in the beautiful feeling of pure power flowing into himself,like the time he felt when he ate his first pizza . Delicious.

It took him an hour before he finally assimilated the ring and broke through a rank as well.

He got a skill through the ring.

First spirit skill:Serpent spear

As Nui called out,his spirit ring shone with a yellow brilliance and a lustrous green spear came out of his book.

With the spirit in hand ,he started spinning it around,everywhere the spear moved,the wind swept up and slash marks were visible on trees all around him.

the shape of the tip was the same as the tip of the spirit beast,a three pronged spear.

Nui ha then opened up the book and sure enough there was a description of his first spirit skill on it

Serpent Spear

description:A spear manifested from the ring of a 700 year old spirit beast. The spear is able to produce wind blades when swept and has the ability to rupture defenses depending on the rank of the opponent.


"Eh!my ability can be upgraded" that was a new surprise for the sullen Nui Ha who lost a purple spirit ring.

"I will also have to take spear training classes"

"Wonderful spirit skill young man" just as he was lost in the thoughts of his spirit skill,someone called out

He looked back to see a middle aged man with white hair and some beard,looking at him with interest,particularly at his martial spirit which seemed to be flying around him in an orbital manner,as if protecting him.

"Who are you ,Sir" Nui Ha asked respectively,he knew the spirit was mainly under the supervision of the academy and he didn't wanna angry someone he couldn't fight against.

"I am called grandmaster,you can call me as such,i see that you have absorbed a ring far above the normal range"

"Just 200 or so more years more then normal"

Nui Ha replied respectfully, though he couldn't help but leak out the happiness in his voice.

The Grandmaster had a bit more of small talk with Nui Ha before he left after telling him to look for him in case he needs some guidance.

Nui Ha was really surprised by the knowledge of Grandmaster,he truly felt like someone who knew a great deal about martial spirit and spirit beasts ,though maybe everyone was just that talented.

Give comments for his 3rd ring,like suggest monster to put in ,whos ring the mc will get

MynameJeffcreators' thoughts