
Douluo Dalu: A book

A boy is reincarnated into the douluo dalu world,with little to no idea of plot ,he walks the path of a spirit master with an uneasy heart English is not my fort but i will try my best,plus here is the discord,i will be asking questions about the douluo timeline and stuff like things from the 2nd ad 3rd douluo dalu to give mc an edge Here is my discord: https://discord.gg/x5aBFkAgb3

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

A Fight with a wolf

Just as i got back from the forest,i heard some commotion ,though i really wanted to go ahead and get myself registered and get my monthly stipend,it had to wait,mainly because i saw my dormmates among the crowd.

walking closer and asking my dorm mates,i found out that it was a fight between the working students and the private students.Although Nui Ha didnt have much thoughts about it,he still didn't like how the private students were jeering and making comments about the poor students, which means they were also mocking him.

"Hmph!whats so great about living on your family's money,we working students work twice as hard as you" Nui Ha passed the comment and soon enough everyone began to jeer at each other.

A fight,before long a guy with blue hair came forward about to smack aside the fatty meng from my dorm,although i did not have much interactions with the guy,he was still nic3 enough to talk to me.

I sped forward at blinding speed,blinding for those below rank 10 anyway and summoned my book ,effectively guarding the strike.

"Get back"

Fatty nodded at me.

"Its broody Ha"

'when the hell did i get such a nickname'

i couldn't help but think to myself ,"Who are you"

"Nui Ha,a working student"

"Hah! another fodder,whats that supposed to be,a book martial spirit ,haha, what are you gonna do with that,teach me theory"The blonde dude said as he acted like some clich young master

"Nope,i am just going to teach you some humility"

i used my spirit skill and summoned my first skill.

With a push,i was in front of him and thrust my spear forward.

"Lets see then ,Defense spirit,Shield Spirit ,Defense"

Unlike how everyone thought,my spear broke through the defensive spirit like knife through butter.Though i had to evade as a claw came at me.

Everyone became quiet as the whole scenario happened in a moments time.I looked at the burly figure in front ,Looks like some kind of wolf spirit.

"Ha! meet our most famous genius of our Nuoding academy,The Xiao Chen Yu,martial spirit:Wolf, rank 11"

I did a retake at the guy,he is the same rank as me.though i don't really feel threatened at all

"Let's see who is better,us or you" the blonde boy laughwd as he spoke

Though i an really surprised,this guy took six years to reach rank 11,what a waste

The wolf guy used his spirit skills and claws emerged from his hands,he lunged at me.

i launched myself at him,swiping my spear at him,causing him to come to a roll befkre he balanced himself.

The students began cheering when i one uped the wold dude,according to the books,isn't beast martial spirit supposed to be stronger usually.

The came at once more but i could see him clear as day,with a jump i launched myself at him,wind swiping at him, causing him to lose balance before i put the spear tip in front of him eyes.

"I admit defeat" just like that i won my first fight.

I think the wind from the spear also helps me move faster, another point to be noted.Just as i was about to move away and let this farce end,the blonde bastard ordered everyone of his cronies to attack.

I saw atleast five guys moving forward to fight me,though i really dont feel scared at all,the spear in my hands and the book spirit revolving around me both seemed to be humming at me.

i dont really wanna hurt em too bad but this might end up with most of them getting cuts .

Just as i was about to smack the guy at the front,he was covered completely in river grass,completely immobile and with nothing to do.

"Tang San, Rank 13,River Grass spirit"

"Don't forget about me" I heard another voice as the loli from yesterday also moved and effectively dealt with the blondie ,sitting on his back and cracking his arms as he started crying

"Haha,Call me elder sister Xiao Wu from now on"

i remember her telling me to call her that as well

With our victory over the bully,everyonr congratulated us for becoming spirit master.

This event led to the bond between me and the others becoming stronger,though without realizing it i started enjoying the company of these guys.

I really developed a special bond with Xiao Wu when we always teamed up to beat-train the other every week ,which helped me better my spear mastery everyday.