
Douluo Dalu: A book

A boy is reincarnated into the douluo dalu world,with little to no idea of plot ,he walks the path of a spirit master with an uneasy heart English is not my fort but i will try my best,plus here is the discord,i will be asking questions about the douluo timeline and stuff like things from the 2nd ad 3rd douluo dalu to give mc an edge Here is my discord: https://discord.gg/x5aBFkAgb3

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

A week before the journey

Just like that a week passed with Nui Ha being holed up in his room,meditating all the time,he felt that he was about to bemreakthrough to rank 9.

Proof of that was the big bold 8.8 in his spirit power stats 8n the spirit book of his.

He deduced that just like how most beast spirit masters have some natural advantages, mainly increased physical paramters, he was also able to get some kind of advantage over the others.

There was a week left before he was supposed to go and study at the Nuoding academy for his spirit masters study,Unlike how he thought he will have to fight with Kim Ming for the scholarship that did not happen at all.

The butcher had saved up some cash and was willing to send his son on his own money ,quite the spoiled attitude, Nui Ha definitely wast jealous that the id wouldn't have to do anywork while he will have to odd jobs while studying.

Despite that, the both of them still did a little bit of small talk here and there,Nui Ha also got to find out that his book spirit was unusually durable,like being being able to slam it in his new friends face when he is possessed by his beast spirit.

It was night time and today Nui Ha was finally able to go from rank 8 to 9 ,this was highly due to his martial soul and its peculiar skill.

'It took me a week to go from 8 to 9,i wonder how long it takes for others,in the academy it might take me longer to do the same provided i will have to deal with classes and odd work.'

i must go from rank 9 to 10 in this week.

with a ewfpund determination he got back to meditating as the book in his hands glowed a brght blue color, painting the dark room in blue

'I can use this as a torch as well'

Just like that ,a week passed ,Nui Ha was making his way to the academy

'Sigh!i was so close to rank up' Nui Ha couldn't help but sigh as he stepped aboard the carriage and set out for the academy


After a speech by what looked like the principal,he was finally in the dorm,though at the same moment as he entered,he saw a body flying towards him at high speeds

By a close call ,he evaded it and saw what was happening,

"Now all of you must call me big sister,is that clear!"

"Oh my God,a loli plus tomboy,how am i gonna survive"

He saw a kid with black hair and a girl with brown hair put their beds together

'Oh my God,isn't this too fast'

With a confused mindset he went to sleep ,before he remembered that he was supposed to meditate and so he began meditation.

The beginning of next day,a bit of creaking opened his eyes,he saw that the kid from yesterday was silently leaving the dorm ,he gave a look before standing up.

'might as well wash up and get ready for the day'

The school uniform and such were provided by the academy so he had no problem with that. food was also no problem for now and he will be getting a gold coin a month from the spirit hall due to him becoming a rank 1 spirit master.

Thats right,Nui Ha was finally at spiritual power 10,now he just needs to get a spirit ring for himself and he will become a spirit master,for that he will have to notify a teacher and such ,get a pass and then will be allowed to go to the spirit forest.

How he knew that, turns out that the teachers are more then willing to flaunt their aithority and knowledge

He also got to know the human spirit ring configuration,

'I really wanna get a spirit ring that is 1000 years in age ,but looks like even getting a spirit ring higher then 500 will pose a risk for me'

Nui Ha released a sigh as he made way to the office,unknown to him,he will also be introduced to one of the main side characters of this world today.

With a sigh he opened the room and entered,


"Greetings principal " Nui Ha quickly half bowed in greeting

"Yes,what do you want"

'eh!,who am i talking to,a principal or a hooligan' Nui Ha couldn't help but scoff at the attitude ahown to him.

'This really is a xanxia world, huh'

"I would like to get permission to enter the spirit forest ,i have successfully broken through to level 10"

The reaction this time was a lot more deserving of praise,the guy quickly changed his tone ,praising Nui Ha for such an accomplishment,also asking how he did that to which Nui Ha did not give a reply and kept quiet.

After an hour and some,he was finally given a pass,the principal tod him to wait for a while and a teacher will be with him shortly,unfortunately even after a while no one came for him so he decided to go ahead himself.

"I will try to get atleast a 500 year old beast.besides i have read enough about the beasts to know how they act