
Douluo Dalu: 9 Goddesses Douluo

Follow the main character and his adventures. See how he cultivates girls instead of spirit power, acquiring their powers and boosting his own. Growing stronger as his harem does. Warning: There would be lemons as they are part important of the story but don't expect lemons in every chapter as it has its own plot. https://www.patreon.com/vdve

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75 Chs


Haotian's group calmly had breakfast, this time without any interruption, while Yu Feng went away saying that she needed to prepare something.

The food of the cafeteria was excellent, fit of nobles Haotian supposed. There was a lot of different food to choose from, all of them of extreme quality containing large amount of energy perfect to cultivate.

After finishing breakfast, the group left the building of the dining hall.

"Boom!" From the sky, something landed in front of them, rising dust "Perfect landing!" Yu Feng was revealed to be the 'thing' that had fall. She had her body straight with her arms extended as she smiled at them.

"Come, follow me" Yu Feng said cheerfully waving her hand, indicating Haotian's group to follow them.

"Where are we going?" Biyun asked.

"Fighting in the academy grounds is restricted to avoid material or personal damage" Yu Feng explained "But it's not like the academy prohibits them. If you want to fight you need to do it on a battle area that must be reserved previously. Don't worry, I already reserved one. Follow me!"

Haotian's trio started following Yu Feng over the academy while Yu Feng was showing them important places of the academy

"Here is the statue of the founder. Heaven Dou's emperor of 1000 years ago"

"Here is the basic cultivation area. The spirit power is denser in this place making it a perfect place to cultivate, but you need to take into account that the rooms are limited. You need to reserve with advance and you have 2 hours every week" Yu Feng explained as they passed over some type of caves "If you have a concrete element, there are better mimicry grounds. We have an ice pond for you" She said towards Haotian and Biyun "For you Meijing, I don't know much. But you can always use the basic one. The rules of the specific ones are the same, sharing the time you can been there."

"Is there some way to increase the time?" Meijing asked. She was the one who had the lowest rank, so she was the eagerest to boost her cultivation. Completely opposed to Haotian that his best mimicry enviorement would be a warm bed with his beautiful ladies.

"It's based on your ranking. As of now you have the benefits of the common student of the Heaven Dou class. You can enter the ranking performing some feats like breaking through or joining a team with an already higher rank. The rank of the teams being decided by strength" Yu Feng sighed "But it is truly too static, most students doesn't care for training or fighting, so the teams ranking position are extremelly rare to change."

"If you want to know, I have 24 hours every week, being the second highest time only second towards the primary members of the Emperor Team" She puffed her chest proudly "That would be the best way to increase your time, being recognized as the strongest and be accepted to the top teams. With your strength, once you break through spirit elders, you will surely be accepted to the Prince Team at least, maybe even as a reserve to the Emperor Team like me."

They continued walking while listening all kind of information and stories from Yu Feng. After an hour, it seemed that they had crossed all the academy when the finally reached their destination, a wide battle ground with soil.

"Wasn't there any other ground nearer?" Biyun said as she was surprised as how much the needed to walk around.

"Of course" Yu Feng said like nothing "But where would it be the fun? I wanted you to learn more about the academy and I thought it was the perfect time" She winked at them.

"You arrived late" An emotionless voice was heard. Over the battle ground, waiting for them, there was a girl. She had deep blue sea long hair with a white skin, making seem like she was a doll. She would have been incredible beautify that would cause men to flock to her, if it weren't for her cold and emotional face. Her blue eyes were void, completely devoid of any emotion and created an unnoprochable aura around her.

"Sorry, Lingling" Yu Feng joined her hand into an apologize "It had taken longer than what I thought" Yu Feng turned to Haotian's group "Sorry, for not presenting you." She signaled at the blue-haired girl "She is Xie Lingling. Her standing is even greater than me as she is part of the main Emperor Team."

Yu Feng signaled to Haotian's group "They are Hu Haotian, Ma Biyun and Chen Meijing. They are new students."

"""Nice to meet you!""" Haotian's group greeted. Lingling simply nodded at them, her face keeping that coldness.

"Don't worry about her. Lingling is always like that, someone who has difficulties to show what she truly thinks." Yu Feng explained "I think" She said in low voice "I never see her even smile. But she is incredible skilled in healing, being the best of all the school, even surpassing the teachers. If someone happen to you, you can always ask her, she would always help the injured."

"So, are you so afraid of being hurt for our fight that you brought a healer?" Haotian asked with a teasing smile.

"T-that's not it!" She shouted offended "I saw that you were containing. I want to become strong, I don't mind the pain that I would feel. With Lingling here while you aren't dead, she would be able to heal you. Use your full strength!"

"If you want" Haotian nodded. He turned towards Biyun "Yunyun, you should start."

Yu Feng was a little surprised as she expected Haotian to be the one fighting but nevertheless accepted the fight. It was Yu Feng's complete defeat. It didn't pass even a minute before Yu Feng fell to the ground after being completely frozen by Biyun's flames, becoming a block of ice.

After being defrosted by Biyun, Yu Feng quickly stood up "How could it be?" She was shocked at how easy was she beaten by Biyun.

It was the normal outcome. Even with Yu Feng greater cultivation, she was unable to surpass the suppression of a true phoenix like Biyun, restringing most of her abilities. Moreover, Biyun's second ability was Phoenix Wings that increased the power of her flames and let her fly, being able to compeate in the sky like Yu Feng. That and her ice restringing Yu Feng's movements and speed and Yu Feng unable to destroy it with her actual strength, made this a quick battle.

Blue petals started raining over Yu Feng, her burned marks disappearing and returning to top condition. This was Lingling skill Heal. Lingling had the Nine Heart Flowering Apple as spirit, the strongest healing spirit but restringed with only one skill. It doesn't matter how many rings she had, all of them would produce Heal, only changing its strength and spirit power consumption.

"I want another round!" Yu Feng demanded, completely unaffected by having lost. A strong fire could be seen burning in her eyes with determination.

"Mei, your turn" Meijing stepped forward.

This fight lasted longer and finished with Yu Feng's victory. It was a fight that Meijing couldn't win. With her short range far outstripped by Yu Feng, Meijing had no way to reach her. Moreover, Meijing was unable to always avoid Yu Feng's feather, some of the piercing her defense and hurting her.

Lastly, after Meijing was healed, it was Haotian's turn. He created an ice dome around him and stood still. Yu Feng was tired, her spirit power reaching her limits after the two previous fights so she was unable to break it. Once she choosed to attack, the dome broke and Haotian quickly disposed her, freezing all her body.

"Your strongest strength over us is your flying capability and greater spirit power due to your rank" Haotian said to a exhausted but healed Yu Feng who was panting over the ground "It's not wrong to use them but you rely too much in them. Once they are suppressed, you are nothing. You are destined to lose" Haotian explained "You should improve your close combat and I saw you have some control over the wind"

"Yes, it's my second ring. It let me increase the sharpness of my attack with wind" Yu Feng explained.

"Really?" Haotian frowned, but quickly shook his head "Anyway, you need to improve it. With enough control, even spirit skills can evolve to something completely different and much stronger. You should focus on that control."

"Control" Yu Feng mumbled as she reviewed the battles, thinking about how to improve herself.

As the battle had finished, Haotian approached Lingling and shot his best smile "Truly thanks for your assistance. It's truly a godly ability."

Haotian expected some kind of reaction but like always Lingling stood quiet and made a little nod. If Haotian hadn't listened her saying that they were late, he would even doubt that she was able to talk.

Lingling turned around and silently left the battle ground as her work there had finished. Somehow that picked Haotian's interest, but it was only that, a light interest.

After that Haotian's group plus Yu Feng went to take some lunch and calmly passed the afternoon explaining more about the academy. Finally, everyone saying goodbye and returning to their own rooms.


Over a room, a white-haired girl was taking care of a long sword, cleaning and sharpening it. Her red eyes were cold and devoid of emotion "Why are more girls approach you? Why do you need more girls? I only need you" She carefully lifted her sword, her eyes flashing with a red light "And you."

Next chapter would be a little time skip.

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