
Douluo Dalu: 9 Goddesses Douluo

Follow the main character and his adventures. See how he cultivates girls instead of spirit power, acquiring their powers and boosting his own. Growing stronger as his harem does. Warning: There would be lemons as they are part important of the story but don't expect lemons in every chapter as it has its own plot. https://www.patreon.com/vdve

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75 Chs

Dining Hall

Just as Haotian woke up, he directly went towards the dining hall to meet with her girls. It was a pity that boys and girls dormitories were separated, but everyone had his own private room and it didn't seem too difficult to have a night escape with the girls to 'actualize'.

Arriving at the hall, Meijing and Biyun were already there sitting on a table while they were surrounded by boys fawning over them, the girls having forced smiles over their faces, almost at the point of explode. Both girls had powerful spirits, a great talent and were extremelly beautiful, causing any boy to try to take them.

"Someone is looking for a beating" Haotin's face turned cold as he approached towards the boys. He gripped the shoulder of the nearest boy and threw him back over 3 meters to the ground.

"Ahh!" The boy shouted in pain. He stood up and pointed at Haotian "What are doing bastard!?" He shouted angrily.

"So flies can talk in addition to buzz" Haotian ridiculed the boy "I was only cleaning the air as I see it was annoying for the girls."

"Tian/Brother!" Both girls shouted happily.

"Youuu, bastard!" The thown boy shouted angrily, two yellow rings appearing under him while some little wings appeared in his back, a little resembling of that a fly.

"Ha!" Haotian laughed 'Who would have thought, I got it right with the fly'.

The other boys followed the first, all of them activating their spirits, being all spirit grandmasters with two yellow rings. As they prepared to launch towards Haotian, Meijing and Biyun stood up, preparing to support him.

"What are you doing?!" A female shout was heard. Listening it, every boy stopped still, slowly turning to the voice. There was a beautiful and refined red-haired girl with an angry face and a black-haired young man with a cold and rigid face.

"Could I know what is this commonotion?" The young man said putting pressure over them.

"Let me guess. You were harrassing some unlucky girl with your numbers, like always, and someone confronted" The girl stared with a killing stare at them "You are tarnishing the nobles good name with your actions. I am reaching my limit. If I saw you again, you would have a taste of my poison" the boys' faces became pale "Scram before I change my mind!" She threatened.

"T-thanks!" The boys quickly flew off from the hall, never looking behind like if their lives were at stake.

Then, the girl and young man approached the table "I apologize for their horrible behavior. Please, do not stack all of us as such" The red-haired girl said to Meijing and Biyun "I am Dugu Yan. Pleased to meet you." She presented herself.

"I am Yu Tianheng." The young man bowed.

"Thanks for your help. I am Hu Haotian" Haotian presented himself in a typical noble manner. He didn't need any help to take out that trash around his girls, but he opted to keep a good impression.

"Thanks. I am Ma Biyun" "Thanks. I am Chen Meijing" The girls presented.

"There is no need. We are the representatives of the Heaven Dou class, it is our job." Dugu Yan smiled at the girls, however, when her gaze fell over Haotian, she frowned for an instant. A fact that didn't escape from Haotian, Dugu Yan looking down at him.

"I see that you are about to eat, so I will leave you. But, If you have any problem or doubt you can always ask us." Dugu Yan said before retiring from the dining Hall with Tianheng.

"Good morning!" Someone appeared at Haotian's back, hitting his shoulder as he greeted. It was Yu Feng "Yan doesn't like you, eh?"

"What are you saying? She seemed kind enough to me" Biyun rebutted towards Yu Feng.

"Yu Feng is talking about Tian" Meijing said "Her gaze was different when looking at him."

"Yeah, she seemed kind and close with you girls, but with me" Haotian said "I could feel some ridicule and looking down at me." Haotian turned to Yu Feng "And good morning to you too, Feng. Are you fine after yesterday?"

She lifted her right arm, making a pose placing her left hand over her biceps "Completely fine. I am used to be electrocuted once a month, a little of cold it's nothing" She cheerily answered.

"Good. I would be feel bad if you had some lasting wound" Haotian said "About Dugu Yan, do you know why she seemed to hate me? I don't remember even crossing the eyes with her."

"Don't take it as something personal" Yu Feng said "Yan is always like this with everyone without a noble lineage. She can't help to look down at the others, thinking that she is over them. It's nothing exclusive for her as it's very common thinking from this academy."

Yu Feng turned to the girls "You wouldn't have any problem as your spirits are very powerful and known. Even if you aren't nobles, you are very close to it, even being able to become one without much difficulty if you desire. However" She turned to Haotian "Your Frost Sword is unknown like with your background. You will have a difficult time here."

"So as with someone, I'll need to go beating everyone?" Haotian cheekily teased Yu Feng.

"I-I'm not like them!" Feng defended with a little red face "I'm not looking down at you. It's the contrary" She said calmer "I thought that you seemed strong, so I wanted to fight you. To become strong I need to face stronger opponents or I won't be different from most of the students here, flowers in greenhouses." She said with a determined look.

"Yeah, you're truly different" Haotian laughed gaining an angry glance "So I'll need to show them my strength?"

"Most probably. Nobles are like that. Unless you show them your undeniable worth, they will look at you like lower than them. And even if you show that you are strong, most of them would continue thinking it, saying it at your back" Yu Feng said with a somewhat pissed looked "That was my case at least. I'm also a commoner and I was looked down on. In the end, I was more or less accepted only for my talent. That if you don't know I reached rank 35 at 12 years old, now at 13 I am rank 38."

"What a speed!" Biyun shouted shocked. It seemed that they had the same age and Yu Feng had surpassed her cultivation by almost a full realm and she had been helped by Haotian's spirit, recovering the time lost due to her bad condition.

"Hm!" Yu Feng puffed her chest proudly "My recommendation is to ignore them. Those who thought of themselves as far superior from others for their mere birth. Those had never put any effort into anything. They are only trash!" She spatted "Luckily, not everyone is like this. The principals care about the truly talented. And there're some noble that really work hard, like the ones in my team."

"Are you talking about the Emperor team?" Haotian asked.

"Yes. Yan and Tianheng are also part of them. Don't think too bad of them, they are really striving to become stronger. I'm sure that if you met them more, they will accept you. Is what happened with me." Yu Feng stopped for a moment and made a confused face "How did you know about the Emperor team?"

"I saw you and your team fighting at Suotuo City against Shrek Seven Devils" Haotian answered.

At that Yu Feng's face went down "You saw my first fight" She sighed "I was truly ashamed." She made a sad face "You know? The Emperor team would be the sponsored team from Heaven Dou Empire in the next Continental Tournament. I'm only a reserve of the team, not being part of the main seven who participate in the 7vs7 matches. That time, it was my first fight with them. It was my time to shine, to show them that I was worthy of being part of the main team. But in the end" She was clenching her hands tightly "We lost. I was not even being able to win against someone with a lower realm."

"You didn't make a bad fight" Haotian tried to cheer her "You were simply suppressed by a phoenix spirit" The truth is that it was the same against him. Even if it was only partially used, Haotian had the Pure Yin Phoenix of Biyun, being able to suppress any bird type, Yu Feng not being an exemption.

"Yes, but that doesn't help!" She said angrily, some tears threatening to leave her eyes "I even lost to you. I'm weak and I always would be" She said in despair, her eyes turning dark.

"Feng" Haotian said worriedly.

"Sorry" Yu Feng seemed to recover her cool, cleaning her tears "I've become a little sentimental about it, don't worry" She forcefully smiled at them.

"Let's train together, Feng" Haotian said.

"What?" Feng blinked in surprise.

"You want to become strong, striving with your all for it. I'm also like this. Let's train together to become strong together. Let's show even to that stuck nobles that we are far superior, let's go against even fate if needed!" Haotian said.

"Hum!" Yu Feng nodded "Let's train together. I will become stronger" She made a light smile with very determined eyes.

Looking at Yu Feng animated, Haotian couldn't help to smile. At that moment, he had decided it. Haotian liked her. She was a funny girl that put a lot of effort into everything plus a flying speed spirit that if he was right would be the fastest of all the continent, perfect for his spirit. She would be his third spirit ring.

"Let's have a spar now!" Yu Feng shouted excitedly, but she quickly realized that they were about to have breakfast. She blushed embarrassed and said in low voice "After breakfast."

Sorry about not posting anything in this time. But I was busy with starting college and I couldn't find the time. I will try to post more often.

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