
Douluo Dalu: 9 Goddesses Douluo

Follow the main character and his adventures. See how he cultivates girls instead of spirit power, acquiring their powers and boosting his own. Growing stronger as his harem does. Warning: There would be lemons as they are part important of the story but don't expect lemons in every chapter as it has its own plot. https://www.patreon.com/vdve

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75 Chs


"Ahhhh!" Biyun moaned in a doggy position.

"Clap!" Haotian slammed Biyun's ass rhythmically as he thrust his big cock "Who is a bad girl?" He whispered over.

"Me! I a-AGGGG!" Pleasure surged from Biyun from each hit "I am a bad girl!"

"You need to be punished!" Haotian directly slammed his hard cock all over Biyun's pussy, brutally destroying her insides.

"YESSSSSSSS! I need to be punished!" Biyun moaned, her body convulsed with pleasure, the pain over her body only increasing it further as she reached her climax.

Biyun's pussy's walls clenched over Haotian's cock trying to squeeze him dry. With the last push, cum was shot from Haotian's cock, painting Biyun's inside.

"AHHHHHHH!" Biyun trembled with her thirst orgasm. She collapsed over the bed with a happy and funny face as she reached her limit.

Seeing her asleep, Haotian took out his still hard cock from her pussy "I'll need to find Mei later" Haotian let himself fall over the bed. Even after fucking Biyun silly, his lust wasn't satiated. He was ready for more rounds.

"It's becoming worse" These days his lust seemed insatiable, not reaching his limit even after a full night fucking Biyun and Meijing. He could continue, however, he controlled himself to not hurt them as they would be destroyed if they took his full might. "I'll need to take a new girl soon."

Haotian stood up, carefully to not wake up Biyun. He dressed in the academy's uniform that was laying all around Biyun's room. He was really glad about the wide and strong walls of the dormitory that stopped any sound to leave the room. It would have been much difficult to fuck the girls without it.

The sun was just showing its first rays, it wouldn't be much before most of the students woke up so it was better to leave Biyun's room quickly, to not find anyone and had an uncomfortable situation.

"Have a good rest" Haotian planted a kiss over Biyun's forehead and jumped over the window. Biyun's room was on the 3rd floor but with his body's strength, it wasn't a problem at all.

5 months had passed since the trio had arrived at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and they got used to their new routine. Training, socializing, fighting, cultivating, fucking... the everyday life.

In these months, Biyun had broken through rank 30. She was helped by the academy's professors to search for her third spirit. With their help, it had been easy to find and hunt a compatible spirit, being a Red Salamander of 2.900 years old. The professors were a little shocked seeing Biyun being able to absorb such an old ring as 1.800 years was usually the limit. But they thought it was thanks to her strong spirit.

Now Biyun was rank 34 and was directly accepted as part of the Prince Team. The Prince Team being the second strongest team, only after the Emperor Team, and the ones that actually are preparing to represent the academy as the second team at the Continental Tournament.

Meijing's cultivating was a step slower. She had reached rank 29 and was very close to breaking through the next rank. Like with Biyun, it was decided that once she broke through to spirit elder, she would become part of the Prince Team.

Lastly, Haotian had followed Biyun's cultivation and had reached rank 30. He was also offered help to search for a spirit beast, but Haotian had refused for obvious reasons for him and not so obvious reason for the academy.

Biyun and Haotian had broken through rank 30 in the first month, so staying 4 months without absorbing any spirit was frowned upon, being considered a waste of time, wasting the best time to cultivate. However, when Haotian showed his rings, they were forced to shut down.

Once Biyun had her third spirit ring, Haotian's second ring became 2.900 years old after one of their sexsions. This caused the power of his own Pure Yin Phoenix to increase, the blue flames becoming stronger.

Haotian explained to the principals that his spirit was a special mutation. He was able to age his own spirit rings, exactly the same as people cultivated. However, to have a new spirit ring he needed to equalize his previous rings to the new one. This would cause him to need time before he was able to hunt for a spirit ring, but it would cause an explosive growth once he broke through, skipping some ranks and counter the time lost.

The principals accepted the explaination, at least for the time being. They were also thinking to make Haotian a representative, but it would be only once he broke through. So even if he was lying, they wouldn't give him more resources until he demonstrated that what he said was true. There were countless spirits and wonders over the world, so it wasn't like it was impossible the exitance of such spirit.

That was fine for Haotian and he was glad for them to accept the explanation. This way, even if he increased his ranks explosively after breaking through, he would have an excuse.


As Haotian was walking over the academy's grounds towards his dormitory to have a shower as he was all sweety after his morning exercise, he smelled a strong essence that made him frown. It was poison.

Curiously, Haotian followed the essence reaching a fountain that was situated in a hidden corner. Over the fountain stood a red-haired girl with trembling legs as she was cleaning her face over the fountain.

"Are you alright, miss?" Haotian asked worried as he could smell poison from her.

The girl quickly turned towards Haotian, her green eyes looking terrified as she looked to Haotian. Her face was completely pale, devoid of any color, all her body was trembling and she had sweet all over her body, seeming to be exhausted.

Haotian quickly recognized who she was. She was Dugu Yan and she looked incredibly weak and pitiful, nothing like her usual arrogant and confident self.

"Haotian!" She shocked with a little coarse face, Yan also recognizing him. Yan quickly straightened her posture, trying to put a strong front as her usual arrogance returned. However, she was unable to hide her trembling legs.

"What are you doing here, commoner?!" She lifted her chin, looking down at Haotian with an angry look.

"I'm not the one almost crawling in pain over the floor, miss Dugu" Haotian said. Haotian thought about what could have happened to her. She usually had a faint smell of poison over her body that was normal considering her spirit, but now it was too much. It had become a stench.

Then, an idea crossed over Haotian's mind. "Could it be that you are affected by your own poison?" Haotian asked. Thanks to the novel, he knew that Dugu Yan's grandfather, Dugu Bo, suffered the side effect of his own poison before being healed by Tang San and that Yan would likely die from it. It wasn't told in the novel, but maybe Dugu Yan had also started to suffer some light effects.

Dugu Yan flinched with Haotian's words, her eyes becoming wide open in shock. However, it quickly morphed into an angry stare "I have the Jade Phospor Serpent. I have full control over my poison!" Four rings appeared under her, two yellow and two purple, and her two legs joined becoming a serpent tail.

"W-what?" Haotian said surprised by Yan's quickly change in temper.

"How you dare to insult me?!" Her third ring shined and she leaned forward, expulsing a violet poisonous mist towards Haotian, swallowing him.

"Who is the one crawling now, commoner? If you kneel and apologize, I might forget and heal you!" She said smirking, but her face wasn't looking good, becoming even paler.

Dugu Yan had full confidence in her poison, able to instantly take out people of the same rank, not talking about Haotian who was over a full realm lower. As she waited to hear Haotian's screams, she saw a purple glint over her mist.

A shadow launched over the mist and charged towards her.

"Bang!" She was slammed towards the nearest wall by a strong body, finding herself blocked by two strong arms. Lifting her face, she could see Haotian. However, he wasn't like usual, his features became sharper and more handsome, a strong and dangerous air was surrounding him. Moreover, his eyes had become slices and looked down at Yan.

Yan knew what was that gaze. It was a predator gaze, looking down at its prey.

"Wha-mmm?" She tried to talk, but she was silenced by Haotian who leaned forward kissing her. Without any contemplation, Haotian's tongue violated her mouth. Haotian's right hand fell over her hips, pushing her towards him.

Yan was paralyzed, in shock at Haotian's sudden kiss, until she felt a bulge from Haotian's pants pocking her nether regions.

She tried to resist, struggling with her body trying to free herself, but Haotian's embrace was too strong. With her last strength just before summiting, she swung her tail.

"Bang!" The tail slapped over his cheek, however, it didn't seem to have caused any damage. Haotian lifted his left hand and touched his left cheek where he was slapped.

Haotian blinked, his eyes returning to his normal ones as he opened them again. He wasn't hurt, but he was able to clear his mind thanks to the hit. Seeing his position, he quickly released Dugu Yan, moving away from her.

He remembered being attacked by her and then his instinct took control. Haotian looked at the red-faced Yan whose face had a mix of anger and embarrassment "Don't attack others so lightly" He turned away trying to run away "Take care of your poison" He said before leaving the place.

Finding that Haotian had gone, Dugu Yan's spirit disappeared, her legs returning to normal. She fell over her knees, unable to stand up as her legs were trembling for a very different reason than before.

"W-what was that?" She panted loudly, her face was deep red and her skin had gained a healthy rossy color. The pain from the morning as she woke up completely gone.

Haotian turned around a corner, finding himself alone. He leaned over a wall with a painful look. He put his right hand over his right eye, covering his right eye who had persisted, becoming a slice again.

"I'm reaching my limit" He lifted his face and his nose wiggled. He could smell hundreds of female essence tempting him.

"Bang!" He hit the wall with his left hand, marking the wall with his punch and clearing a little, his right eye returning to normal. He clenched his teeth "I need to find Mei." He quickly dragged himself towards Mei's room.