
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Thirty six

Lissa bid her friends and walked towards her house. At a light speed, he appeared beside her, she was surprised to suddenly feel his presence without hearing any approaching sound from behind.

"hi, princess",

"hi", she would have tried to avoid him but he didn't give her any bad aura, rather he has such a calm face and gentle smile.

"Please I hope you won't mind describing the area I can get the bulb, I am near this neighborhood and I have to fix my light",

"ho that's not an issue", she said and turned to the opposite direction and described where he could get whatever home appliances he wants to get,

"Seriously thank you so much <> I'm grateful", he said extending his hand for a shake which she took.

It was only that two seconds Ethan needs to see every single thing she has ever seen and read before. Before he lets go of her hand, he stared into her eyes and said,

"forget you ever saw me", he said and compelled her.

Lissa blinked her eyes a few seconds after she was compelled, she found herself alone on the street, standing and reaching out her hand to nothing.

"Why am I standing?", she questioned herself and looked around but there wasn't anything unusual. She shrugged and strolled to her house.

In front of an abandoned building, a lady stood alone in the lonely environment like she has nothing to fear. The sounds of the cricket do not scare her, nor does the dark. She was dark herself. The only colored thing on her is the red lips stick she used. Her eyes were dark, her dress was all in black trousers, a black t-shirt, and a black overall jacket, and her boot was also black. Her red lips only stand out of the darkness. She stood fearlessly and patiently for someone.

' is he busy reaping their flesh apart while he kept me waiting here? ', just as she was thinking in her mind, she felt the warmness of the breeze change. It was cold. She knew then that he has arrived, one of the deadliest vampires she ever knows. Ethan.

He suddenly appeared in front of her, looking so innocent and calm, smiling gently with a cool charming face. It pisses Lia off how could such a dangerous vampire like him still maintain such an innocent and calm face.

" you kept me waiting ",

" your task can be done during the day, not mine", he said and walked passed her into the abandoned building. She followed him in.

"How were your findings?",

" it takes fewer hours to get my information since all the vampires here can stay in the sun, they all had the sun ring, and also, just as how lord as said, the lord is still immature and slow, the only thing I know he did to help in killing the chosen ones is everything that he manipulated already. Our lord was right, he builds his empire that wasn't free to feed at first, according to my findings he wants to build his clan with the chosen lady becoming either his servant or his bride",

"oh yes, he's also being ridiculous", Ethan said and opened the door by igniting his claws into it and then unlock it. They both entered it together. The door was leading to the vampire world.


The portal to the vampire world opened up and two vampires jumped out of it. She stretched herself and proceed to the castle with Ethan to report back to the vampire lord.

" so what's your discovery",

"Why should I tell you",

"What ?",

"you ain't the one who sent me on an errand ",

"I just told you mine",

"it was your choice", he said arrogantly,

Lia's fangs become visible out of anger. She looked at him with her red eyes and suddenly, out of eyes calculation, she kicked his legs off the ground but he jumped and hit her back hard Instead. She stumbled forward but regained her stamina back almost immediately. She made to scratch his chest with her claws but he dodged all her moves. She is a very skillful fighter, but not to Ethan. He hit her hard on the neck immediately after he got the chance. She staggered back holding her neck as she felt a little dizzy but that was for a second. Before she made any move again, Ethan smiled and zoomed off at a light speed.

" jerk", she cursed and zoomed after him.

Ethan bowed immediately as he got to the palace and soon Lia joined him. She also bowed before her lord,

" I guess you two already had one or two rounds of fight", the lord said. He sat on the red throne with his flowing robe. His long hair was packed in a pony shape, and his black eyes and black lips accompanied his dark aura. He is one of the most powerful vampire lords and the deadliest of all.

Lia showed off her fangs to Ethan in a dare, but he scoffed and looked away.

" what's your report?", he asked getting his answer from the angry stare Ethan received from Lia. He defeat her as usual, he guessed.

" the chosen ones are very powerful my lord, but so far there has not been a powerful fighter accompanying them, the rest are just normal humans except two people. One of them is a seer and the second person is dark which I don't know why",

" are the chosen ones still as clueless?",

"and naive my lord ",

"I see", he smiled devilishly,

"Why don't we make use of this to attack them, right now they are just so clueless and foolish",

"c'mon that will be spoiling the fun, a lord has gone to the world to end them, he's a bad-tempered vampire, a reaper, and a future seer. He went to the human world after seeing he was the first lord to get killed, he's cunning and manipulative but he lacks lots of things. He was lord because he's the god's favorite but let's see how these chosen ones get to defeat him when he has manipulated everything that could help them defeat him. Let's watch and see if they can defeat him still",

" what if they did?",

He said smirking devilishly. He took the glass cup and blood and sipped slowly.

"but my lord, these chosen ones are now lovers", Ethan said, " the closer they become, the stronger they get",

He laughed hysterically and stood up. He walked slowly towards him, his robe sweeping the floor as he walks,

"I also think it's a good idea to end them earlier, carrying the task out also makes me think the lord has at least made a good choice about trying to end them quickly, the earlier the better",

He smirked evilly and caressed her cheek with his claws,

"no my darling, he was scared of being killed first or having humans as superior to him, he didn't even bother cultivating more powers before he left, and that was a mistake...", he turned to Ethan,

"you shouldn't think of your enemy's strength before a fight, you think of their weakness".He said and smiled mischievously. Ethan and Lia looked at each other clueless about what he was trying to get at. The only thing Ethan can consider as a weakness fell on Vanessa's side and it's how emotional she is but he also understands that emotions can also be very dangerous. But the weakness the lord is referring to isn't the emotions, it is something else.

" and if they end up killing him, the door of the portal will be close",


" That will be for the meantime, they won't live forever, will they?",

" Are you saying after the battle it's over?", Ethan asked looking annoyed, the lord seemed so relaxed to his liking,

" it's not over yet, their weakness is them being clueless, they can't close the portal when they are not even aware of it, so the battle is endless, relax you won't lose your preys".