
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Thirty five

"Are you...okay?", he asked noticing her breathing becoming irregular. Vanessa's face was already all red,

"no...", she said immediately, "no...I mean yes",

Collins adjusted himself to take a proper look at her but she quickly stood up,

"Mmmmm...I don't think it's a great idea to let them go alone to fight the vampires", she said standing up,

"Are you sure you wanna go?", he asked worriedly,

"Sure I'm fine yeah", she said.

Seeing her face all red, he was not sure if she was okay or not but she was right though, leaving their friends to fight the vampires alone isn't a good idea.

The vampires were obstructed as Vanessa landed with a flash in front of them. Her gold eyes dared the vampires and before they attack, they were already attacked from behind. Collins tried doing most of the fight so as not to stress Vanessa more and within 2 minutes, the sixty-nine vampires drop dead. The heroes smiled at each other and looks around,

"shouldn't they be here by now ?", Vanessa asked looking around,

' something is off ', Collins felt, " let's go", he said and flashed away before she get to say anything. She followed him and met him hiding, she was about to check what he was hiding from but he pulled her back,

"just peep", he whispered to her and she did as he said.

"OMG!", she exclaimed. She wanted to get out of their hiding but he pulled her back,

"you can't go there?",


"We need to know what's going on?",


"trust me",

She sighed and looked back at her friends.

A man with his nose covered with a bandana with a black anorak and a black hood lifted Veronica with his hand. He held her neck not so tight to kill her at once.

"where is he? where is the savior?", his deep scary voice sends cold shivers through their veins.

"you mean they?",

Now it dawned on him, he has always suspected and doubted but he wasn't so sure. The female savior can now control her powers.

Veronica groaned and winced in pain, the anger surging in him makes him clench his fist, clenching Vero's neck along. She finds it difficult to breathe.

"where are they?", he asked, his red eyes darkening.

"We have no idea where they are", Max replied, the corner of his mouth was bleeding already.

He threw Veronica away.

"Nah", she cried as she felt pains in her rib. She held her neck, coughing.

Vanessa couldn't continue enduring the pain of watching her helpless friends. She used her power to throw all the vampires away, except the lord, who stood firm, unaffected by the strong wind.

"stop Vanessa", he quickly held her wrist and flashed into hiding,

"Why? our friends are in danger",

"yes I know but we are all in danger. They are not the target Vanessa<>we are",

lord turned at once to the direction where the power radiated from. He dispersed his servants to search for them and so did he. Almost half of his vampires died through the wind so he has just a few left. He is very sure they were around, and he began to search every corner of the environment allowing Max and others to escape. lord was very pissed that they slipped through his fingers, he killed four people out of anger, drinking every single blood in their bodies.

"I'll find you, I promise", he swore.

"why would you do that?", Lyndia scolded Vanessa immediately after they arrived at her place,

Vanessa looked at Collins but he wouldn't even look at her, he looks so angry,

"I was worried", she tried defending,

"Worried? seriously, Vanessa, you should know better by now that that was a trick", Lissa said, "he was only trying to lure you out, he can't get what he wants if he kills us",

"Moreover if he did, we joined this fight knowing we could die or live, it's you two that must not die, you need to save the world and that's why you have to be very careful", John added,

"We appreciate the fact that you care about us but we need to be logical",

"I'm sorry", she apologized.

They left to take care of Veronica, leaving her alone with Collins.

She isn't okay with the silent treatment he's giving her at all.

"Okay fine Collins I know I'm wrong and I am sorry", she said as she held his hand," so can you stop giving me...",

She was shut with a deep kiss. He held her cheek, kissing her as if his whole life depended on it. She returned the kiss almost immediately and it soon turned into an intense rough kiss. He groped every part of her body, causing her to moan which ignited the fire in him. They both didn't know when they got to bed. She wrapped her arms around his neck not wanting him to stop. He laid on her and proceed to kiss her neck, then her collarbone. He stopped and stared at her. She was panting, the feeling was so great that she doesn't want him to stop. She looked at him with a longing stare and that gave him the go-ahead. He captured her lips once again, but into a passionate kiss. His hand finds its way to her breast and gropes it.

"Nah", she moaned. He trailed the kiss back to her neck as he raised her blouse, unhooked her bra, and pulled it off. He now has full access to her breast. He looked at the big succulent breast whose nipple was standing, staring and daring him. He looked back at Vanessa who suddenly becomes shy at how he stared at her body.

"you are so beautiful", he said and pecked her forehead. The gesture makes her feel loved and fulfilled. She pulled him down into another tongue kiss. He groped her breast causing her to moan into his mouth. He trailed kisses all over her body, from her neck down to her chest and then he captured her nipple with his hot mouth.

"ahhhh, Collins", she moaned softly,

He loved the way she moan, the way she calls his name, he loves everything about her.

He sucked, nibbled, and squeezed her breast.

She wouldn't stop moaning,

"hmmmmm, ahhh", she moan as her fingers find their way into his hair, massaging his head as he does justice to her breasts, sucking and nibbling on them as if his whole life depends on them.

Collins knew he had to stop before he loses the last control and sense in him. He kissed her stomach, trailed his tongue back to her neck, then to her earlobe, giving her wet kisses, he kisses her eyes, cheeks, and forehead and then peck her lips.

He wasn't going to have sex with her, not now, not yet. He watched as she tried to steady her breath, her eyes flipped open slowly and caught the heavenly goddamn handsome man staring down at her. She blushed and hide her face in his bare chest. She tried recollecting when and how he took off his chest and remembered herself hurriedly unbuttoning his chest.

"iii", she hissed with no air. He chuckled and hugged her tightly to his chest as he lay beside her.

"Are you shy now?", he started,

"no", her reply was almost like a whisper," b.. but why did...",

"I stop?", he completed,

"no no no that's not", he laughed before she could finish her statement, "someone seems to enjoy the feeling of my tongue",

She gasped, "o..of course, I don't",

"Really? and you were all out, moaning, ah, hmm", he teased. She hit his chest,

"seriously", she hide her face, " I didn't do that",

He chuckled.

"you are bad", she pouted.

He pecked her cheek, "don't worry, you can only moan with me and me alone, cause you are mine", he said claiming her as he placed his leg on her. She chuckled. She loves it whenever he says she belongs to him.

"am yours", she replied. She expected him to say he also belongs to her but he was quiet. She looked up at him and find him staring at nothing,

"Collins? is everything okay?",

"Promise me Vanessa", he said, " promise me you won't get carried away by your emotions, no matter what, either I'm with you or not, you would never allow yourself to get affected by your emotions",

She smiled lovingly at him, "I promise",

He looked at her, "I love you so much",

She grinned," I love you too",

He cuddled her tightly and they slept overnight, in each other's arms.