
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter thirty seven

The love between Vanessa and Collins has become something their neighbors wish for, something everyone has begun to admire. They were like the perfect couple, the cutest couple as they always text each other, and send each other's love cards. One of the love cards Collins has come to love most is the one that says:

The day might be dark and scary but

seeing the petals still says you are here

my heart already began to race to know

you'll call my name and now my ear is

longing to hear you call it,

I can't feel the darkness or the coldness

that surrounds me because I know you are

here, now my heart won't stop singing your

name, my eyes have become a detective that

always target you even in the crowd, not

only because you've become my addiction

but also because you are mine.

This is how their love has made other lovers jealous and doubtful after seeing the unexplainable and unconditional love.

They were free that day, and everyone was present when they decided to go through the briefcase Vanessa took from home, can't be called home again but that's the place she once called home. They found a diary, Paul's diary. It contains lots of information that surprised them all as they read.

" A great task was assigned to me by the vampire lord. Everywhere was under vampire attack, especially the hospitals but right there, the powers of the babies weakened every ability and power of the vampires which was reported to the lord. The lord sense the danger and that's when I was honored to serve him. The Lord knows a lot about some research I was carrying on and if this research can be successful, I'll become one of the top ten richest men in the world as it is about something that carries lots of information. I was ordered to rescue the mother and the child and keep them safe in my house and also show them love and care ",

...I finally succeeded in making Vera mine, I am getting married to her today..... it's been a while since I write something down isn't, well after all these years I finally got another order from Mirabel and Coly and that is to kidnap Vanessa's father which Vera and her daughter won't even know he's still alive, Vera is also beginning to complain about how I inject her daughter but I kept on lying that it's to protect her child but I guess she's beginning to suspect so with the permission from the lord and after getting the potion I'm still trying to figure out, I injected Vera and now she's in a coma. The Lord told me I'll have to always go to the hospital and secretly inject her to prevent her from waking up.

Ho diary, are you wondering why we are kidnapping Vanessa's father and the man who told the prophecy? the reason for kidnapping her dad is because after the injections have destroyed her power, she'll be served her father's blood to become one of the most powerful vampires and be a great tool for the lord...",

They couldn't go further as every single thing they need to know had been revealed. Vanessa was worried and eager to save her father, she knew for sure that one of the men that were tied to the chair is her father. Lyndia was curious, her heart was beating fast, and she would also love it if they can go on the rescue mission faster. She thought that her father must be one of the men Vanessa saw. It must be the second man. or something, she doesn't care, she just wants to confirm.

Before they knew it, at a speed, Vanessa grabbed her coat and the calculator and jumped out of the window.

"Vanessa!!", Collins shouted and immediately made to go after her but Max stopped him,

"we'll go after her, but not in a rush",

After reading all that is in the book without stating anything about how her mum got kidnapped or anything pissed her off and the fact that her father is in there, in his custody makes her aggressive.

" Not anymore will I let you have your way"?

lord threw Paul away making him hit his back hard on the wall. He fell and groaned in pain.

" You've become so incompetent", he said and turned back to Zamel,

" And you? find the girl, the vision girl, and come back with the report on where she is ",

lord went through to door back to his den, leaving the two alone in the sitting room.

" how about we work together, that will give us fast results", Zamel said,

He hissed as he managed to stand up," what should we do?",

" you find Vanessa while I find the vision lady, I'm sure if we find Vanessa, we'll find the vision girl",

"and how would we find them",

Zamel racked his head for a plan," let's go", he said immediately after he arrived at one. They both went out of the house and Vanessa arrived immediately after they left. Her eyes were red in fury, she dashed into the house with annoyance and wasn't thinking of pardoning Paul, he has caused her a lot of damage and now she is not going to pardon him but unfortunately, Paul wasn't around. She stood in between the conference room, looking at the door that hide her father away from view, and then back at the calculator in her hand. She didn't choose the door, rather, she pressed the code to open the door and went in with rage. She didn't even bother closing it.

Immediately she got to the den, she didn't fight them, rather she just set them ablaze and walked through the corridor, with rage, determination, and hatred. The presence of her power could be perceived by anyone. She kicked the hall door opened and immediately, the fight began. She snaps some vampires' heads, and cracks some bones but cracking their bones doesn't seem to work, they healed back.

She scoffed and jumped at one of them back who happens to be healing himself. She angrily snaps his head to the back, turning him to the ashes he ought to be. After fighting some vampires, including those that didn't die, those that keep healing themselves, and those that she makes sure died in pain. She saw two vampires, a male, and a female. She cast such a dangerous look at them but they weren't showing any act or intention of fighting her.

" Scared huh?", she said and walked towards them, " where's the lord?", She asked venomously,

"over here",

She heard him respond. She turned to where the dangerous voice came from and saw him, sitting graciously on his throne with his legs crossed and a glass cup of blood dancing slowly with his wrist.

She was shocked to her bone marrow, her mouth was opened agape, and she just couldn't believe the person that the person sitting right in front of her is the lord. This person was well-known and well-respected. He was admired by both students and parents, this is the mentor of the majority of the students, the person that was awarded as the best teacher of the term, Mr. Godwin.

She was still battling with this shock when the lord smirked and threw her into the iron cell with his power. She landed heavily on the floor and groaned in pain. The cell door was immediately locked with chains and a padlock. Before she stood up, lord smirked and with his ability, she makes the cell and the iron so hot that it could burn her into ashes. She screamed out in pain. It was so hot, everywhere she touches is hot, it was like the whole place was set on fire. There was smoke coming out of her body, from the chains.

"ahhhhhhhhh", she screamed at the top of her voice but the vampire lord smirked and walked out with the two vampires.