
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Thirty eight

Collins kicked the door open and ran towards the secret door. He met it open and went in. They got to the conference room, Collins told them to go to the other door while he went through the door that was left open alone. He jumped down and ran through the transparent nylons of blood and opened the next door. He saw the rail,

" this so-called vampire lord is crazy", he said and flashed to the den. After killing some vampires to get across, he searches through the place, trying not to attract more vampires till he gets to the hall. He heard Vanessa scream and was immediately alerted. Thankfully no vampire was there. He ran in that direction and his heart aches a lot to see her in such pain.

" Vanessa", He called immediately he saw her and jumped high to the cell but it burns his hand immediately he touched it. He became more worried and scared.

" hang on Vanessa", he said panicking and with his ability, he opened the padlock and loosen the chains even though it was so hot that it burns his hand. He opened the cell and piggyback her out, her body was burning and she fell unconscious. Immediately her screams stopped, the lord was alerted and he flashed immediately towards the hall. But before he arrived, she was gone. His red eyes turned angrily towards the door he was sure that they went through. Mirabel who was with lord before he speed away turned to Coly,

" Is it that she's dead", she asked,

"no she can't be dead just like that unless she's not the chosen one, if she is, she would spend at least a week in that cell before losing her powers and will surely die", Coly said. He was happy that the person that erased his memory has been caught but now they're been suspicious.

" Now that she has stopped screaming and the lord isn't back yet means one thing",

"what's that?", Mirabel asked,

" She escaped".

Max and others opened the second door and switched on the light. They saw the two men, seriously beaten and looking so pale and worn out.

"Dad! Dad!!", Lyndia called excitedly when she saw him. She ran towards him and embraced him so tight, crying out.

" Lyndia?", he called not believing his eyes,

" Dad", she cried out,

Others watched as both father and daughter reunited.

" c'mon let's be fast, there's no time", Max said as they began to untie them and helped them up. They could not stand up not to talk of walking, so Max and John assisted them out. They carried them into the Minivan and waited anxiously for Collins and Vanessa. They were relieved immediately they saw him coming out with Vanessa behind his back, they zoomed off immediately after he settled into the van.

Collins laid her down on the double bed, the temperature of her body was high. Lissa handed a bowl of water and a towel to him and he began to mob her body. The men were laid on a different couch and they started receiving first aid treatment.

" We can't treat them all by ourselves", Vero said,

" but it will be dangerous if we take them back to the hospital", John said,

" then what are we going to do, they need treatment",

" let me call my mum, she'll be able to help", Lyndia said and dial Alice's contact,

" Hi, mum.....yea.....mum, I have something to tell you....dad is back...yes he's back.... come to overall building....room 15...ok", she said excitedly before hanging up.

Just at that moment, Vanessa woke up,

" Vanessa", Collins called sitting closer to her,

" Are you okay? are you feeling hurt anywhere", he asked worriedly.

" Are you okay?", Lissa asked.

She opened her eyes widely and managed to sit up with the help of Collins. She relaxed her head on the headboard.

"I am fine, where are others?",

" they are attending to the men who rescue from the house",

" one of them is Lyndia's father",



She smiled feeling happy for her.

" She would be so happy right now",

" you can say that again", Lyndia replied as she approached her Dad.

"Lyndia!", she giggled and looked at the man who wouldn't stop staring back at her. Her heart skipped and beat fast.

" my dad insisted on seeing you",

Her eyes became teary, she remembered watching him in the system mirror back in the cave.

" Vanessa Carson", he called her. This time, the tears that were building up fell. She was speechless and so happy that she wouldn't stop crying.

" How did you know her surname dad?",

" Paul lied about him being Paul Zedd Carson when he's only Paul Zedd, Carson belongs to her real father", Collins said,

" I am Wilson Carson", Wilson said,

Tears streamed down her cheeks," the man I watched his love life with my mom, the man that was kidnapped for me to drink his blood, the man I saw behind the door but couldn't be recognized quickly is my father", She said and tears fell from her father's eyes. They moved closer to each other in full embrace.

' Does this means Vanessa is my sister', Lyndia thought in her mind.

" my daughter",

" Dad",

They cried in each other's arms as they hugged each other tightly.

" All these while when we were together, I thought I only loved you just as a friend, so you were my sister all along", Lyndia said making Vanessa chuckle with tears of joy.

" I thought I'm an orphan, I thought I no longer have family or anywhere I can call home",

" and I thought I lost everything, but in fact, I am blessed with two daughters", Wilson said happily. Everyone was happy at the reunion. Lyndia heard a knock on the door and went to open it,

" Mum come in", she said and took her to Wilson,

" Wilson?",

Wilson turned and smiled on seeing her,

"you came back?",

She nodded and went to hug him,

" thanks for coming back",

" Thanks also for coming back, for taking care of my daughter Amberile",

Now everyone was shocked when he called Alice Amberile.

" This is my daughter whom I thought is dead, Vanessa",

" OMG", she was so happy, " can't believe you are my stepdaughter after all", she said and hugged her.

Vanessa felt blessed, she is now reunited with her dad, a sister, and now a stepmother. She was like the happiest daughter right there.

" But mum, why did Dad call you Amberile instead of Alice", Lyndia asked.

Amberile broke the hug and turned to Lyndia.

" I was known as Amberile but for my reputation especially when I was getting married to your dad, I changed my name to Alice",

"ho", Lyndia said knowing what she meant by her reputation as she was aware that she was once a one-night stand lady.

" I have always suspected Vanessa to be Wilson's daughter as they had lots of similarities but when I heard Paul's full name, I concluded it might just be a coincidence",

" no, she's my daughter",

Everyone was happy about the family reunion, they knew it calls for celebration but the man needs medical attention.

" I think we should start going, they need treatment", Amberile (Alice) said and they all made to leave but Wilson was shocked when his daughters said they are not going home,

" why?",

" Not until the war is over",

Wilson respected their wishes knowing fully well it was their responsibility. They hugged each other and left with the predictor. Collins, Max, and John helped them to the car before finally bidding them bye. Their friends celebrate the reunion with Vanessa and Lyndia while Wilson felt blessed with two gifted daughters, a savior and a seer but he misses his wife, he missed Vera a lot.