
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: I knew it! I knew it!...

"She almost caught you here sir. I told you it was a bad idea. I just broke the patient doctor confidentiality oat," Mr. Craig said to Jason who looked at him nonchalantly.

“I didn’t force you to do it. In fact, I paid you for it.” Jason stated.

"She will soon regain her memories. Everything will soon be back," Mr. Craig said changing the topic.

Jason sat on one of the couches, precisely the place where Cyrene just stood up from. “Help her remember, convince her to take the hypnotherapy. There’s no time anymore. She needs to return to her rightful position before it's too late," Jason told him

"You heard everything, I'm sure she'll ask for it soon. Her memories are all over the place and all jumbled up,"

"So some of the things she remembered might be true. I just knew it, I knew it! Fuck!" He slammed his fist on the arm of the sofa before standing with annoyance written all over his face.