
CHAPTER TWELVE: wake up Cy...

Cyrene stepped into a large field glancing all over the place as if she was looking for someone or people. Hearing laughter and chatter at a distance in the field, she started walking towards the direction of the noise.

She finally came to stop at a clearing when she sited a mini ice-cream van with children and their parents standing around it.

It looked like a celebration of some sort was going on in the small town and there were stands where snacks and all sorts of drinks were sold. Various food trucks serving assorted delicacies were also in the field. It appeared more like a huge festival the more she observed the scene before her. It was a very happy occasion; she could almost taste the happiness in the air.

"Cy!" She heard her name and quickly ran towards the direction of the voice.

"Tim," Cyrene called out and laughed before turning to face the other two kids who sat on the mat fixing some jigsaw puzzle.