
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: I think I love you Tim.

She had nobody. Not June, she was Jason’s sister. Definitely not Tim. And not Mr. Craig, he was in cohorts with Jason. Just as she thought that everything was starting to go well, everything started going haywire again. It was almost like the good things were starting to slip away from her hands again.

Cyrene continued jogging along the trail and she remembered the first time she met Jason. It was on the same track and he broke her earpiece. The hot professor who happened to live a few blocks from her apartment, and whose sister became her spice of life almost the same period?

Why didn’t she think about it before? They played her. Everyone approached her on purpose. But at the same time, their presence was bringing back her memories.

Her mind drifted over to her repeating dreams. The third faceless person who took her to the building, who was she? She could remember all the faces she saw in her dreams except the girls face. She could be the key to everything.