

Festus_Darko_1226 · Sci-fi
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35 Chs


The four students that had been called had returned to the classroom. The trainer returned a little while later and started teaching about Domain elemental control along with all the different ways to use your domain element. He even explained how to apply your domain ability to aid you in everyday tasks. "Now class, am going to explain the different types of skills, the differences between these skills and how to gain these skills." Trainer Aaron said.

Active skills: skills that are created through the gathering and releasing of one's domain element outside of one's body, these types of skills are created mostly to deal damage to someone or something. These types of skills are obtained as quest rewards for completing certain system specific quests or from certain passive skills.

Passive skills: These are skills that are created by gathering one's domain energy within and sometimes around one's body, they are always active and some can only be seen when the user's emotions are heightened. These skills don't follow any set rules and allow the user to get a better grasp of their domain elements, some passives strengthen the body, others give better control and add some special affects to active skills, others allow for the creation of active skills. The only way to disable a passive skill is to either kill the user.

Ultimate skills: These skills refer to either active or passive skills that have a few requirements that if met can have very explosive affects, likewise if you don't met these requirements and force the activation of these skills they can have very devastating consequences. These skills can be created by a domain user, all that needs to be done is to list the affects of the skill and the requirements and downsides will be provided by the domain system.

Innate skill: This is a unique skill that differs from person to person, this skill is acquired as soon as a person developes a domain element and is the Trump card of a domain user in any dire situation. This skill doesn't follow any set rules or guidelines and can be literally anything at all. Innate skills tend to be extremely helpful in any situation but the downside is that a person can only have one innate skill, therefore if your innate skill was useless in one aspect you would have to make it useful in another aspect as you can't change it.

"Now class, I have a title in the military that I bet you guys have heard of multiple times on TV, my title is the Duke of shards, this information seems irrelevant to the lesson but it actually is important, the reason for my title is because of my innate skill which allows me to create shards that are under my complete control, these shards are very sharp, fast and have an added bonus that I won't be disclosing." Trainer Aaron then brought out a total of twenty crystal blue shards that were the same size as the blade part of a butcher knife. "Now am about to do a demonstration of how flexibly I can control these shards." Five of Aaron's shards surrounded his hand and started rotating around it while leaving an equal distance between each of them, at the same time five shards working together managed to open the windows to the classroom and the final ten shards had surrounded the necks of the first row students, two shards per student and they were pointed directly at each from row student's neck including John and Coby. "This is what practice has allowed me to do. For the next lesson we are going to be practicing with our innate skills. Class, follow me to the training building." Trainer Aaron said and led the class to the training building he had left a few hours ago.

When they got into the training building trainer Aaron went through the training steps the students needed to do. "Activate your innate skill, follow your instincts and let the system guide you, then after a while you deactivate the skill, do this until you can use your skill without the help of the system and your instincts." Trainer Aaron told the students. He then gathered the original four students he had called this morning and left to another part of the training building. When they got there he arranged for Francis, Alden and Coby to use military grade equipment to train their innate skills while he left to train John himself.

When he and John reached their destination Aaron asked John to describe his innate skill and was pleasantly surprised when he found out John had a better version than himself. "Ok John, since I know how to use shards the best am going to need you to create fifty shards." Trainer Aaron said to which John tried and found out the hard way that creating shards wasn't easy, he also found that he could only control five shards, if he created anymore he would loose control of the previous shards, Aaron gave John his first task, which was to create and control fifty shards before the day was over which was actually pretty harsh, when John finally completed the task he collapsed on the ground and didn't wake up until 12:00pm Tuesday. As soon as John woke up he continued training with trainer Aaron. All the students learnt how to control their innate skills with John, Coby, Alden and Francis learning something extra. The whole week had been hard for everyone but finally it was Friday. The day all the teams would meet up for their weekly beast hunts.

The day before Friday had been just as hard as ever but the four golden students had learnt new techniques with their innate skills while simultaneously practicing with their active and passive skills, the whole week had been a week of training and John had been working the hardest out of all the students as he directly created his own specialized mystic item set adviced by trainer Aaron himself who didn't want John to stick to shards while he had the ability to create a lot more than just shards. Everything was prepared and John was going to blow everyone's minds with his new techniques.