

Festus_Darko_1226 · Sci-fi
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35 Chs


The day the group had been waiting for had arrived. John woke up bright and early on Monday morning. He quickly got ready and walked out into the city where he got together with the rest and together they all made their way towards the domain elemental training facility.

It didn't take that long for them to get to the building that the classes would take place. It was a giant building that had two floors that contained four classrooms each which could fit thirty students each. The group made their way to the second floor and headed to class 2C. All four classes per floor were lettered A-D and every class was named depending on the floor and classroom letter. The classroom was almost full. The group made their way to the front of the class but realized only two seats were free there, since both John and Coby were the strongest in the team they got to sit there while the other three sat at the back of the class. A few minutes of chatting and the doors to the classroom opened up to a surprisingly handsome trainer. The trainer wore a blue shirt with white trousers down, the man had silver hair and a tall, muscular build. "Hello class, my name is Aaron and I will be your trainer until you decide to stop this training course." The trainer said. He walked over to the front of the class and pointed at the student in the desk closest to the door. "I want everyone in the class to mention their name and Domain element as in the order of your desks." Trainer Aaron said. The student got up and listed his name and his ability. The second student did the same, then John went next, then Coby and slowly every student introduced themselves. "Ok, Coby, Alden, John and Francis, from my understanding you four have very unique domain elements, follow me." Trainer Aaron said. He then led the four students to a training building attached to the side of the facility. "Ok, now am going to call your names one by one, if you hear your name come forward and attack me with everything you have." Trainer Aaron said and moved to the center of the training room.

The first to go forward was Francis. When he was ten meters away from the trainer he spread out his arms and small bubbles started forming around him to create a field of bubbles. Then with a swift motion he swiped both hands towards the professor and at the same time a buzzing noise appeared in the room. Small rotating blades made of bubbles appeared around the small bubbles and these razor bubbles flew at a great speed towards the trainer but unlike what others expected there was no flashy movements from the trainer, all he did was swipe his hand and all the twenty or so bubbles were popped. Francis then returned back to his position. "I see that was the only active skill you developed. Good job, next up Alden." Trainer Aaron said.

Alden also stood ten meters away from the trainer for good reason. He lifted his hand towards the trainer and closed his palm in his direction, the very shadow underneath the trainer's feet rose and rapped itself around the trainer then the student's own shadow rose and took the form of a ghost with claws for hands and a head that displayed a full set of monsterous teeth, the being just like a ghost floated around without a leg but was rather connected to Alden's shadow and flew not that swiftly but still very fast towards the trainer, two meters from the trainer and the being swiped it's claw aiming for the trainer's head but at the last second a blue shard appeared out of nowhere and pierced it through the head but since it was a shadow nothing happened to it and the claw connected, the being stopped mere centimeters from the trainer's face and returned to Alden's shadow, the shadow that entangled the trainer also retracted back and Alden returned to his position. "Not bad, that was unexpected and quite powerful." Trainer Aaron said.

Next Coby went forward and stopped ten meters away from the trainer and he also had a good reason, he then placed one hand on the floor and the area of five meters around him one could see what resembled purple smoke being emitted from the ground, when enough smoke had gathered he condensed it to the point where it felt like a wall,then with his control he turned the smoke into a dragon's head and sent it flying at an incredibly speed towards the trainer, when the head was just above the trainer the trainer jumped backwards causing the head to slam into the ground but the trainer wasn't safe, as soon as his feet touched the ground a giant hand made of the purple smoke slammed into his body or so they thought, then the arm solidified even more creating the image of a giant three headed humanoid monster made of purple smoke that was holding the trainer, all of a sudden the left hand that was holding onto the trainer along with the left head and shoulder all exploded at once, before the trainer could do more Coby disengaged and the beast disappeared. Coby then returned to his position.

The final student, John moved to the center area but he stood twenty meters away from the trainer, he opened his palm and pointed it towards the trainer then in one swift motion he closed his hand and pulled it back, the trainer suddenly fell to one knee and behind John fifty blue shards appeared floating around, the trainer was looking on the floor and when he lifted his head his eyes were glowing blue, he looked into John's eyes and something clicked in John as his eyes started glowing a milky white. Then around John a milky aura appeared with a blue coloured aura appearing around the trainer. "It seems we have the same Domain element but why did you mention Mystic element instead of the real name." Trainer Aaron said getting off his knee and standing straight. "My system classified the domain element as the mystic Domain sir." John replied. "No that's wrong, the real name according to my system is the Celestial Energy Domain." Trainer Aaron said