
Doing Gachas as Spiderman

CrazedJoker · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


3 days later

In the gloomy city known as Seattle, a man wearing a suit with a lightning emblem could be seen watching the city from a rooftop

This man was peter parker, Ex-friendly neighborhood spider-man, now known as the lightning hero Volt

"Who would have Seattle was such a crime-filled city," Peter says to himself

Over the three days he has been here, he has stopped multiple crimes ranging from petty theft to the more darker crimes


"That's my cue" he says hopping off the building


"Get them" 3 Armed men could be seen chasing down 3 injured women

"Someone help" One of the girls yelled as she ran "Anyone please"

"You damn mutant-freak no one will help you" One of the Men shouted as he began to shoot

"Argh" The man grunts as a kick lays into his rib cage

"Mark??!" Another Guy shouts, shocked to see his teammate hurt

"The hell did you do?" He points his gun at the girls

"It wasn't us" the girls scream

Not believing them the guy lifted his gun and was about to pull the trigger

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of lightning?" A voice emerges


Peter pov

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of lightning?" I ask

"Hu-" the guy doesn't finish as swing my leg across his face with enough force to knock him out

"What the hell?" The last guy shouts as he shoots at me

*Zzzzt* my body buzzes as the bullets go through me

"What the hell are you?" He shouts in fear

"I'm batman," I say before hitting him with a lightning bolt

Looking towards the girls i asked "do you mind coming with me?"

Wheter it was fear or something, the girls nodded

"Ok please don't move" i say once im close enough

*ZZRRTT* A beam of lightning hits us


A/n: Sorry for the short chap I'm pretty busy right now