
Doing Gachas as Spiderman

CrazedJoker · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Peter parker

Plane crash eh? Didn't think i would die like that. I always thought i would die of old age or atleast get hit by truck-kun. My name is Reggius White, I'm 16 years old and an avid anime fan, Currently i was falling to my death in a plane

"I'm sorry" My friend said, i guess he was feeling gulity since he was the one that spoke me into this trip

Smiling at Him i replied "See ya in the next life"



'Huh I thought i died' I couldn't see but i could air blowing and hear voices 'Am i in a coma?' I ask myself

[Nevagitve, The host soul was transported into another world] A robotic voice says

'Who are you? Another world?' I question tge voice while freaking out

[Host soul was transported to World-3556D otherwise known as Marvel universe, I am the host's system]

'Marvel? System? Is this real' i think,

[Detected Memories from original Owner,


'Yes' i reply hoping to get to information

And what i got scared me shitless, Because i was truly in the marvel universe. Not the watered down Mcu, The comic verison where gods played with earth for no reason

Not only was I in a dangerous universe, i was in the body of one of the most tragic heroes in marvel. Spider-man

[Host has merged with memories, returning back to body]

"This is wrong" I say, nit because of the sitouion but because of my memories. In my memories Peters gets bitten when he was 16, But that was normal. What wasn't birmal was his history, His life was tragic like worst than the comics

He's been a hero for 4 years now, And in that time he has fought lots of villians, made commections with heroes, and went through alot of loves

But in his time of need they all turned his back on him, An injured peter called for help from all of his 'Friends' yet no helped him



"Guys can any of you help?" Peters questioms looking at the screen

On that screen were multiple known heroes such as, Tony stark aka Iron man, Gwen stacy aka ghost spider, Luke cage, Charles xavier, Reed Richards

"Sorry Kid we're busy" tony replied "Hey tony come one we're celebrating" Rhodes comes into the room "Gotta go" Tony says leaving the call

"Same with us" Reed says before leaving

After a while the rest came up with excuses to go to tony's party as while

"So i'm alone" Peter says staring at the blank screen

*Tingle* his spider sense went off

"Itsy bitsy you're never alone" The goblin comes from behind throwing a pumpkin bomb


After that the rest of the sinster 6 came and beat peter till his death

And well his love life was even worse

'That sucks' I think 'System what can you do?' I ask

[The system's main fucntion is gacha, the host can spin the wheel Once a week to get rewards from every universe]

'Can i do now?'

[Yes, would you like to roll the gacha]


[Rollimg….Rolling….Rollling… Host Won

Goro Goro No Mi]

{Description: The Goro Goro no Mi is a Logia-type Devil Fruit[2] that grants the power to create, control, and transform into lightning at will, making its user a Lightning Human}{Note:Weakness has been removed}

"Fuck yeah" I shout, the Goro Goro No Mi one of the strongest df in One piece

"Arg" I groan as i try to move my injured body "System how long has peter been dead"

[For 3 weeks]

"What!? And no one came to find him" i was surprised, then angry from my memores i saw peter helping them evey time they needed it, even if it hurt him or took his time

Yet they disregarded for a party then left him to rott in the bottom of a sewer for weeks

Looking arounf the abandoned sewer i thought 'School doesn't begin for another 2 months, I can stay here and train, Not like anyone is looking for me'


1 Month later

It's been a month since my transmigration, And other than training and Doing fachas I haven't did anything

"System roll gacha"

[Rolling….Rolling….Tolling Host won Enhanced Spider]

{Desripition: An Enhanced Verison of the spider that bit peter}

"Better than i expected" I say, after getting the goro goro ni mi nothing good came from the gachas

Over the month of training i've figured iut what i wanted to do with this new life,

I'm going to start a company. Cliche right? But with my system I could have one of this best tech companies ever and i already have my first 2 products

Haptic Bodysuit(Ready Player one)

Hoverboard(Back 2 the future)

I Got them as my 2nd and 3rd gacha

'Time for me to leave this sewer, or i might go insane' Leaving the sewer i close my eyes as the first sunlight in months touched them

Looking around the familar city I felt angry and sad, All the times i had helped them yet they threw me to the curb, and after going through peter's memories in depth i saw that it wasn't the first time

'Maybe it's good to leave new york for a while' I think to myself