
Doing Gachas as Spiderman

CrazedJoker · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Mutants 1

[A/n: Guys I'm not super knowledgeable about marvel or dc, at most I know a couple of comics, series, and the MCU so I'll change a lot to fit into the story]

[Also This is strictly wish fulfillment so don't expect a novel of the year or something]


'Mutants, Mutants, I mean I already knew I was in an AU from my memories, but MUTANTS! That adds like 3 god level characters off the rip' I think pacing around my base of operations

"Uh, are we in trouble?" One of the girls asks

She was very beautiful having Asian facial features with pink hair and green eyes, and around those eyes were purple marks

"No" I reply to her 'Blink, other than the x-men movie I don't know shit about her

"Where are we?" She asked

"My base of operations, it doesn't have a name yet" I reply, "How about you guys, can you tell me what happened"

"I'm Clarice, this is Lorne," she says pointing at the green-headed girl "and this Andria" pointing towards the blue-headed girl

'Lorne Dane, daughter of magneto and a strong mutant, as for Adria I never heard of her' i think to myself

"Can you tell me why those guys were chasing you?" I ask

"…." At that question they seemed to tense up, all of them equally nervous

"I can only help if you guys let me," i say to them

Shaking Lorne said "They're experimenting on us"

"Who are they?" I ask

"I…I Don't they kept us in a room with 2-way mirrors and the doctors faces were covered"

'That doesn't really help' i think to myself 'Other than fighting gods the only thing mutants are known for is being used as experiments

"Were there more people with you?" I ask

"Yes, a lot" Clarice replies with a sorrowful expression

'So it's most likely a facility' I conclude

"Do you have a place to stay?" I ask them


"You can stay with me, i have the room" i offer

"Gladly" Clarice says while the other 2 nod


[This Chapter was mainly dialogue, but it was also the beginning of the first arc. The next chapter will contain more plot]