
Doing Gachas as Spiderman

CrazedJoker · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Mutants 2

Mutants or Homo superiors, A sub-species of Humanity that gains some type of ability after going through extreme emotions

Most of them are outcasts and not accepted by humanity, usually imprisoned or experimented

And now three of them were standing in my living room

Looking at the three women who were clearly on edge I thought to myself 'What should I do? I'm sure Charles already knows that they are here and is on his way, Erik should know too'

Sigh my first encounter with mutants and it's already troublesome

'System, can you block Charles and Jean from reading my mind'

[No, but I cqn give you a 1-time free roll]

'Roll it

[Rolling….Rolling….Rolling….Host has won

Psychic Shield]

{Description: The user is highly resistant to any/all mental intrusion, including psychic or empathic powers, Hypnosis, Mental Hallucination, deception, etc. Telepathy only "hears" static, while mind controllers will be trapped inside of a maze until they find the exit or the host lets them go}

"Yes" I pump the air



"…." The three of them look at me weirdly

"Ahem" I clear my throat "Do any of you know Charles Xavier?" I ask

"Of course, Him and his x-men are legends in the mutant community" Lorne replies

"Great, I have reason to believe that he and his team are on their way," I say walking to my bedroom

"Where are you going? Why do you think so?" Clarice asks slightly hopeful

"Hold on," I say as I put on my suit, walking back I say "Charles has a way to find mutants"

"Then why didn't he come before?" She asks

"Who knows?" I simply shrug my shoulders

"I couldn't see you until now" Came Andria's voice but her expression was blank as if she had lost all emotion

"Charles it's not good to play with people's mind," I say, I knew he had been here since he tried me first

"I apologize about that, but I'm not used to people being so calm around mutants," He says making Andria face smile

"Yeah, yeah come in, the door is unlocked"

"Can he do that at any time?" Lorne asks

"Pretty much" I respond

"But I don't" Charles rolling into the living room along with, The X-men

Scott, Jean, Logan, Hank, Ororo, Anna, and Bobby

"Professor" I say

"Mr.?" Charles questions me

"Just call me volt" I respond

"Mr.Volt," He says with a smile "Well then, should we get to business?"

"Please" I respond

"Well Mr.Volt you clearly know what we we are and who we are so you should we hope to take them back with us" he says pointing towards the girls

"Well why are you asking me? It's thier future" i shrug


Charles Pov

'Who is he?' I think looking at the known hero standing infront of me

I got a feeling that we've met before but i can't rememeber

"Hey!" Scott yells with a scrunched daciacl experssion

"No he's right" I lifts his hand, turnimg towards them I asked "Would you like to join us at my school?"

Watching them speak among theirselves i added a mental suggestions 'that coming with me would be for the best'

"We would love too" Clarice said, She seemed to be the leader of the 3

"Charles, my old friend" A voice comes out as the wall rips into pieces

"Erik" i say


First time writing in different Povs, did do good?

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