
Doctor Who - Season 16

The Doctor fights to save his past from being eaten.

Thomas016 · TV
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46 Chs

Episode 5 - Sneak Peek

Back in the console room, The Doctor continues to look out of the door at the black hole.

The Doctor shakes his head, running back to the console and he says "something's wrong, why are we here? We're supposed to be going to Barock, why won't you let me?".

The Doctor then feels the console, connecting with it. The Doctor then says "you're trying to keep me away aren't you, you don't want me to go? Why not?".

The Doctor then let's go and he says "well, I have to go, I have to find out, I know it's dangerous, but we have to! Now help me find Kathy! This is your last chance, or I'll shut you down".