
25: Fed up, Death Beckons

//\\ Agent Technoblade, New York City \\//

After a few days in this forsaken city, I say I HATE it. Why is it such a death trap?! Why do these filth have so many damn guns and ammunition?! How in the ever living concepts of war had trained soldiers, police, and agents let them get so armed?! Grabbing a Ruler by her collar I buried my axe within her skull as I used her to absorb rounds of other Riker's. Until her lifeless body was beginning to resemble more paste than Human I used her as a shield. Lou had me advancing towards the James Farley Post Office due to it being a strategic point for a base.

Yet these pests seem determined to stop me at all costs for some damnable reason. Luckily I soon figured out why, and all I can say is, Elves. Literal Elves. I would know if those ears were fake there's always a tell even for seamless things, and those ears were one hundred percent real. And these pests wanted them as pets or possibly play things.

"Don't hurt those runs too badly, I want to play with them in private!"

Hearing that disgusting sentence several eyes shot towards a rather obese Riker. Then hell broke loose as several Riker's jumped the fat bastard like a pack of rabid animals. Some of his limbs as they were dismembered from his body were also suspiciously paler and slightly turned black from frostbite. Though the adult Elf seemed to relax when the ground suddenly rumbled. Seeing a smile blooming on her face and slight regret in her eyes I stopped in place. Watching a scene of carnage that closely could resemble an anarchy riot started beginning.

A man covered in so much armor suddenly CRUSHED a Riker by falling on them, feet first from the sky. The Riker was nothing but gore painting the surroundings then as nothing remained of them otherwise. The man looked at everyone, the Elves the longest, before growling deeply. The sound reverberated through the street as if a monster had just been angered. Then the carnage began. Many died before even blinking as black tendrils erupted from the ground or the man. Those killed instantly ceased to exist as the black tendrils seemed to consume them. Those alive somehow while impaled by them screamed terrified before they too were seemingly consumed.

The man stepped calmly through the tendrils which seemed to avoid him like the plague. Each step was absolutely calm and measured the black tendrils retreating into the ground and erupting elsewhere. Meanwhile where they'd previously been showed no signs of their eruptions. The Riker's still alive, forgot the Elves and opened fire upon the man who seemed to control the tendrils. But it was futile. it was a very futile attempt, the man seemed more amused than threatened. Yet that didn't help the Riker's, every last one died and the tendrils all disappeared as if never existing.

When the man stood before the Elves, the mother of the younger ones swallowed a bit before greeting the man.

"Grave Walker… it's been too long… I'm sorry I said what I did on Christmas… you've done what you promised though it would seem…"

"Yes. Only the south and Europe are uncontested. North is MINE. Too much, though, stored it within the domain. Feel more… connected… still me but too much for now to process. It's fine, I've heard worse. Killed for worse. I love you nevertheless even if you were angry and said things. Made a choice, one that hurt you, but it was for the best for the kids."

"It was stupid… though what now? Are we leaving or something else Grave Walker?"

The tendrils disappeared somewhere, but the sources only shrugged as he spoke more clearly.

"We could leave. I did find the stairs, but I want to get everything I can from here for ISAC, and at least take over the South American Hive mind. It'd give me and Umbra a good start on our own project as I added a moon to my domain for Umbra."

Confused, I studied the two. They were close, very close to each other, and the kids smiled seeing the man. So a conclusion would be that the Elven woman and strange man are married to each other. But their talks lead me to wondering what they were fully talking about. As they clearly don't care much for order or anything else, yet their agents like me and Lou. Getting closer to them my watch glowed brightly before shutting down a few times.

The man looked in a random direction as he shook his head.

"ISAC is helping his younger version and keeping the agent's worldwide connected. So I imagine Black Tusks is very much overwhelmed right now as a technological nightmare and God is smiting them."

The Elven woman spoke with a chuckle as she watched my approach. Before suddenly I felt something hit the back of my head, the world spinning and going black.

//\\ Dakota POV \\//

After knocking out the asshole wearing a Pigman mask. I gave my wife a look as she wasn't minding the fact another person likely knew God's existed now. She instead sighs and fusses over the kids while ISAC uses the Agent's watch to alert Faye Lou that everything was alright now. I rubbed my mute angel's hair getting a silent giggle from her as she hugged my right leg after seeing me for the first time in so long. Yet it would seem the fates were against me. As I soon found myself in a foggy realm at a campfire surrounded by thirty-nine Humans, and in the fog were thirty-five hunters.

"Oh I'm going to burn this hell to the ground…"

Hearing me, I felt and saw everyone's reactions. The killers in the fog were varying in reactions, but certain ones startled and confused the survivors. Specifically the Trapper who I could feel watching me intensely.


While the monstrous killers were… confusedly wailing in questioning what to do currently as my Beast Divinity is acting up on them. Fuckin great… I got ripped from one alternate universe of Danmachi into Dead By Daylight… but this could be a good thing for me. After all, the Entity plucks people from the multiverse and different time periods after their deaths. So those who come here are typically the best Heroes and Villains for its meal.

Though I know for certain how I got here as I focused on the disappearing cross of the White God. Is every decently powerful entity in the Omniverse just fuckin with me? I'm just trying to get my kids out of the dungeon!

\\// Riveria POV //\\

Seeing my husband just disappear as he strokes our daughter's hair, a black hooded male with glowing golden eyes behind where he stood. Hand outstretched before looking at me with a soft smile on his face.

"Everything is all according to the True God's plans…. I'm sorry to have done this Ms. Alf, however, God wants to see the extent of your Husband's sins and heroics."

Then he was gone without anything happening, he just vanished. Tartarus shook however in clear rage as the floor this world was on, experienced earthquakes before stilling as if forcibly calmed down. Staring at where my husband used to be, only to find nothing of him or any of his soul companions. Then the audacity of several Humans… I just took my kids and safe guarded a room in the James Farley Post Office. I wasn't happy and anyone who tried to start anything was hospitalized without a care.

I'm just fed up with deities and their ploys…. It hurts us more than anything my father has remotely done to me. Once we leave the dungeon…. I just want to go somewhere with all the God's plotting around our family. I just want to live a life like I've been living on this floor with my family.

//\\ Dakota POV \\//

"Would you stop looking at me as your going to fuck me? I'm trying to see what all I can still do freely in this shit hole, to see how badly I can permanently murder some shit stains not worth saving."

Looking at Detective Tapp and Bill I brought out my Exotic AR St. Elmo's Engine. The gun released a bit of an electrical shock as if the exotic weapon was annoyed. Considering everything, it wouldn't be a surprise if some did have some sort of sentience to them with how blood drenched they are.

"Sorry kid, it's just your the first survivor to have a weapon and well caused a commotion…"

"Bill's right none of us have anything remotely like a weapon due to the Entity taking them, unless it wants us to have them. Yet you… you're clearly not someone who died like any of us here, killers included, you came here alive and well… you don't feel Human…."

Rolling my eyes under Coyotes Mask that leaks green gas. I aimed my weapon at the Hag, the Wendigo woman flinched as I saw my glowing golden eyes in her eyes. Before adjusting a sight added onto it to give more accuracy, the Hag squirming under my gaze and the threat of the gun.

"Well I used to be purely Human. Now I'm just a chimera of Human, alien goo, digital life form, and God. Though a Demi-God, I can certainly cause a lot of trouble and bring about permanent deaths. If you want a gun, I refuse. Because I'll be honest with my track record, I should be in that fog instead of here. I'd rather leave you to your own devices and go on a rampage, but you lot are dead so are the ones hunting you, except Freddy, Pinhead, Pyramid Head, Onryō, and Michael.

You would die if I just suddenly destroyed everything, and with the shit I have to deal with, I could use the extra hands in making sure my kids don't die. Before I can get them out of a pit in the Earth actively trying to murder us, and because of Omniverse entities more powerful than the bitch running this place keep fucking with us."

My words really threw the killers and survivors for a loop, even Wesker was confused. Sorry Wesker, but you're definitely dying in this shit hole you traitorous bastard. However, the one to react to my words strongly was the Huntress… the girl's head snapping to me and I could see her throat vibrate as the Entity forcibly stopped her from speaking. The Trapper was the same as the man shook while silently growling, the hooks stuck within him glowing ominously. Even the girl with the dead brother reacted, but the Entity using the deceptive child controlled her once more.

Oh I'm going to fuck that bitches day up… I'm going to rob her of those who can be saved and kill those who can die. Only five of them would have to be forcibly ejected from this place, stalled…. Or enslaved which is a pipe dream but not impossible. Though faintly, ever so barely noticed by my divinities, Michael was reacting to Genocide and Death with extremely faint interest. So I may have a chance to convince the serial killer to wander off or come with me willingly. Then there's Pyramid Head, the executioner of the Silent Hills was heading directly towards me. His presence resonating with Genocide and Death wildly, he was even triggering Mal0's recently budding divinity due to her getting closer to my soul.

Malevolence. As her first one was family, and as I already was having that one grow we ended up sharing it. The executioner was also being warily watched by the Entity, who let him do as he pleased or he may very well execute her himself. Umbra pushes the survivors around me away startling them as some black tendrils move them. Pyramid Head stepped out of the fog near the campfire as I stood up from sitting on the ground. When the executioner stopped before me, that massive sword of his planting itself in the ground with a loud thud. I reached my left hand out and curtly spoke.

"Dakota Carter, Chimera God."

A beefy hand wrapped around mine as the executioner grunts and growls. Raising an eyebrow I retract my hand after a few seconds.

"I was sent here to save the damned and punish the vile likely. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here willingly or not, as I just want to be with my family."


"Yes in a way I'm also an executioner, and yes that was literal. I have three kids, four soon, that I'd rather watch grow up than always be on a battlefield."


"Yep. So what do you want, Purgatory's Executioner?"

The butcher looking killer grunts before doing something amusing to me. He turns around and presents his bare back as opposed to his apron covered front. On his back carved out in ink like a crude tattoo is a spider leg, the Entity's symbol, as if to claim the powerful entity that is before me.

"Are you sure? You'd be joining the survivors and me, and will have to refrain from killing certain killers as I will try saving them. Hell you'd be essentially becoming my personal executioner, so are you sure?"

A grunt that was very gruff and brief made me smile wryly. I felt this was a very direct way to get an executioner for my Genocide divinity as Pyramid Head seemed keen on not returning to Silent Hill and terrorizing people on my behalf. Simply because if I say they must die, they deserve to die and aren't really innocent like the ones here or those he's previously hunted. Biting my thumb I drew blood and carved my Falna onto his back while destroying the crude mark of power. The Entity screeching in the fog as the Falna I'm only able to draw due to being four Demi-Gods in one body, activated. The letters of it molding itself into a book bound in chains, the status of Pyramid Head before me.

[Name: Pyramid Head (Jason Hellion)

Level: 16

Titles: Purgatory's Executioner, Killer of Demons, Killer of Angels, Killer of Abominations, Killer of the Silent Hills

Age: N/A

Strength: SSS - 600,000

Endurance: SSS - 800,000

Vitality: SSS - 1,000,000

Agility: SS - 20,000

Arcane: S - 8,000

Blessing(s): Eldritch Chimera's Protection, Purgatory's Guardian, Judge of Hell

Unique Skills: Silent Hill, Executioner, Hell's Mighty, Judge

Divine Domain: Death (Partially-Sealed)

Development Skills: Swordsman SSS, Regeneration SSS

Subskills: Charge, Stomp, Stalk, Summon, Immortal, Sin of Wrath, Virtue of Patience, Rebirth]

His falna was absolutely madness and hilarious for what it means! Grinning as the killer turned his head and grunts amused as well, he brandished his sword once more and pointed it at Michael tauntingly. The survivors seeing the madness this situation was were flabbergasted, but I could see a witch among them looking absolutely ecstatic. Ecstatic enough to run at me and Pyramid with barely restrained giddiness in her steps.

"Hi! I'm Mikaela Reid! Are you really a Demi-God? If so, what did you just do? Can it help me with my witchcraft? Is it safe to be near the big guy?"

"Dakota Carter, yes, put a mutually beneficial mark on him, yes, and only if you're innocent."

The young witch squealed happily at someone actually entertaining her more supernatural questions. Especially a living divine entity, and Pyramid even grunted at her lazily which helped her relax. After a few seconds she quietly asked her question.

"Can I get the mark? I want to do more, and watch the Entity seeth."

Chuckling I just nod, the young witch smiling like a joyful predator. She spun around and rather quickly pulled up her shirt with no hesitation much to some survivors' grief. Chuckling and repeating the process I was rather amused at her Falna, she could put a majority of mages in Danmachi in their place because she's mobile and strong for a mage.

[Name: Mikaela Reid

Titles: Pagan Witch, Survivor, Scholar

Level - 8

Age: 24

Strength: A - 2,000

Endurance: SS - 30,000

Vitality: SSS - 120,000

Agility: SSS - 400,000

Arcane: SSS - 900,000

Blessing(s): Eldtrich Chimera's Protection, Spirit of Witchcraft

Unique Skills: Clairvoyance, Circle of Healing, Shadow Step, No Spell Limit

Spells: (Awaiting Magic Tome Synchrony)

Development Skills: Mage SSS, Runner SSS, Mechanic SS, Witchcraft SSS

Subskills: Mana Manipulation, Mana Perception, Mana Sensitivity, Concurrent Chanting, Mobile Casting, No Chant, Survivor, Potion Maker]

Buying some paper through ISAC, and copying the Falna down onto it. I handed the witch the paper after pulling her shirt down, and well she started vibrating in place before bounding over to her book of witchcraft. Before eagerly sending magic through it, everyone watched as the book shot open with its pages rapidly flapping before disappearing abruptly. Chuckling at the witch throwing her arms up into the air I grinned as yes the Entity was livid right now. One soul saved… a couple dozen more to go.