
24: Misc Lore, and The Blade

So Christmas is almost here, and I decided while there will be scenes from the First Wave, why not start with the Second Wave when it's become permanently Christmas? So here we are.


When Christmas started rolling around, we kept the children out of school, keeping them with either of us at all times just in case, and kept an eye on the situation. Which was for the best, because the Archaeane Hive Mind in the city avoided any place to do with Riveria, and was seen scouting out the kids' school with a Watcher, a bird made entirely of Archaeane slim after it managed to eat some birds. Meanwhile, I was seen running around everywhere, scaling between buildings at times, and generally always on the move, avoiding the house during the day.

The Hive Mind was hunting me down during that period of activity yet so was Rainbow Six. Along with Sam Fisher and Ghosts, so the alien slime couldn't openly act out. Purely because the groups tailing it and me were all equipped with Anti-Archaeane Gear courtesy of REACT. Though unless that tech had literal magic components to it or were a portable power station it wouldn't really hurt me or Umbra. It would instead make us annoyed more than anything. The agency that ran the Division even tried scouting me and my wife, though they were surprised we already had ISAC watches. So I just idly explained that a friend had given me them and said they'd be useful one day before vanishing from seemingly the world.

The recruiter was skeptical, but my passive aurora and just general attitude when they visited, as I was braiding both of my daughter's hair, made them drop it. Why would someone like me lie? I'm an ex-soldier, on this floor, taking care of my family, with my activities practically seen daily by everyone. When they tried to touch Mal0's watch, though, I grabbed their hand and bluntly told them an upfront threat.

"I wouldn't touch that one unless you want to lose your life, the AI on that one is more violent than the one you call ISAC. I've been the only one to interact with this watch without something trying to kill me, my own kids tried to poke it, and it hacked an electrical outlet somehow. Which it did so before making it explode and nearly burn them alive. So don't touch it unless the watch says to touch it."

They did so regardless of the warning, and Mal0 exploded the blender while screaming at the recruiter from the watch. Needless to say, they were terrified that Mal0 did attempt to kill them, as the explosion point in the blender had the bladed fan in it shoot out at an angle during the appliance exploding. Which quite literally would've buried it inside their forehead if they didn't reflexively duck and scream. We still got recruited, but the recruiter left terrified of Mal0.

Said SCP that had been dropped on me, cackled with an EXTREMELY murderous undertone from the watch. She, yes Mal0 was going the female route just to match the gender ratio of our family, had issues that required extensive therapy from myself drowning her in Dad Energy. Which was morbidly fascinating that the concept of being a dad was turned into a conceptual energy that could be weaponized for stuff. All because of the Sleeping Creator who decided to slap onto my soul the abilities and titles of Dadness. As the Falna's are tied to the host's soul and to the God who writes them onto our souls.

Which is interesting yet confusing because my soul is essentially four entities tied to one soul. Yet the ones tied to mine are entities who wouldn't have had one previously by conventional logic. ISAC was a basic AI when first bound to my soul, nowadays he's as expressive as a person with a stick up their ass. Umbra is literally just sludge that is meant to consume and grow, yet it's now human like in nature because of my soul.

Mal0 had the bare bones concept of a soul before even being dumped onto me, now that that concept has touched mine. Because of that Mal0 is essentially assimilating rapidly into my own. Both as an act to become something more and because my soul is apparently blinding with the Embodiment of Dad up close. So Mal0's own soul is seeking that blinding comfort desperately to fix its emotional and mental issues suffered in four separate realities of the same universe. Pushing the energy of my literal soul outwards and over my open palms, a rainbow of contrasting colors formed flames. The flames contained black, orange, gold, white, purple, crimson, and icy blue colors all dancing and meshing together without issue. I could separate each color by individual and shared traits as well.

Black for Umbra, white for Mal0, orange for ISAC, purple for myself, gold for divine, crimson for murderous logic, and icy blue for sociopathic mindset. Four entities with murderous and sociopathic like mindsets in one soul, four murderous sociopaths willing to do anything for those we like. It was poetically amusing that THIS was happening, as it reminded me of my rather uncanny talent to make a family together with such weirdo's. I know that the me who is likely writing this also sees that and is trying to not smirk. As everything in the multiverse has some entity recording the chronicles of someone or something's life. Sighing I focused on the day and continued to screw with the Hive mind as my soul's energy returned inside of my body.

\\// SCP-1471-X (Last Survivor), POV //\\

Looking numbly at the manifestation of Dakota Carter, my new Human and now host, within his own soul. I can't fathom how such a Human turned God could calmly sit where is sitting as, it's a field of corpses, Chimeric corpses, that answer for some reason comes to me. The manifestation of himself smiling softly as it tended to the battered corpses with extreme care as if they could vanish at any moment. A book hanging from his left forearm by chains sways gently. Its outer covering and pages barely move as if it's struggling to breathe, which is perplexing to see a book attempt breathing.

"Staring at him and the remains of his soul weapon won't help you understand the Agent. You'd be better off inquiring about the area of soul its manifestation occupies, Mal0."

Glancing behind me I see an ever changing Human with no predefined gender or ethnicity in heavy armor adorned with orange glowing devices like trophies. The one before me is the AI known as ISAC, his ever changing appearance remains curious as he watches me.

"I feel as if I step even a foot onto that field, it'll all go horribly wrong. The corpses may be DEAD, but they're reactive, spiteful, deranged… desperate…. So no, I will not approach that manifestation, ISAC."

I say this without an ounce of hesitation, a feeling unknown to me retreating from the area. Feeling that and snapping to where it went, I see two of the dead, a large walled city with a large shredded and mutilated corpse with traces of orange fur leaning against the monstrous city, slightly moving its head. A lifeless clear blue eye staring at me, its muzzle's lips curving upwards both mockingly and approvingly. Then the corpse's head stills once more, its smile disappearing as its head hits the city's wall. Looking towards the militant AI I see him smiling at me with his hands behind his back.

"So you aren't impulsive due to your varying instabilities, good. There must be no discord within the confines of this soul, for like you said Mal0. Those corpses are ALWAYS ready to erase us, always ready to defend the manifestation of our host. Because to those things, we are but parasites upon their fathers soul. Always one step away from killing ourselves."

Hearing the mirth in the militant AI's voice I take that warning to heart, and wonder then why they didn't move even with what I've caused so far. As if sensing the unasked question, a new voice speaks up. A slowly growing mass of black death growing from the empty space around us. The mass of black growing into a giant blooming flower with a multitude of purple and red eyes along its body and petals.

"If you wonder why you aren't dead even after attacking and threatening my father, it's quite simple. You Mal0, aren't a threat to him or them, those dead beings older than even I and ISAC, see you as but a child lashing out. A child hurting and lashing out at everything, and the manifestation and actual father don't want you punished for that. You are something they will observe and wait to purge, however, as long as you don't do anything drastic like threaten my father's soul. Then the dead won't purge you. Especially the big orange one, the one who mocked you, if that corpse gets up to kill you. Then we MUST stand aside and let the manifestation be the one to intervene on your behalf. For it is much like the Scarlet King, but tamer and protective of only one thing."

Hearing the black mass mention Scarlet King, I remembered how even that SCP fell in four instances of the same universe. I remembered how strong it was if it wasn't weakened or sealed away. Looking back towards the life being laying against the city I see the manifestation at its side. Lovingly stroking its mutilated body with extreme care, though one thing stuck out to me. These two claimed the corpses and that book are all one soul weapon, from what I know due to the Foundation. Soul weapons can be anything from a spoon to a nuclear warhead, not living creatures, creatures are only to be familiars.

"If you're wondering why my soul weapon is a bunch of Chimera's I can tell you, you know? No need to wonder why those cock sucking brain dead retarded people from your universe never learned why. With how they are and where they were going they'd never figure it out. As anything with magical training could frankly just leave that shit hole or hide forever."

Jumping I looked to my side to see the manifestation standing right beside me suddenly. ISAC and Umbra seemingly also never saw him move; he just appeared suddenly while talking. The manifestation was smiling kindly but its eyes while holding care for us, were unsettling as the madness behind them was all too apparent. Yet the madness wasn't targeting any of us, it's just there calmly waiting to do something.

"Hm now you're wondering why there's madness within my eyes? Well to answer your unsaid observations, it's because I'm my subconscious. All the emotions I stuff down, all the issues I blow off, all that kind of stuff is always in the background waiting to erupt. I even whisper to myself that I'm a piece of shit daily, because I am frankly a murdering piece of shit."

You're scary.

"Why thank you, I think I'd make a good horror movie killer."


"It's my soul, you live in my soul, nothing is private unless the Chimera's don't want you to hear anything. It's why ISAC still has no clue what sex is even after a hundred years. They think it's funny that the AI still finds it hard to understand."

"I feel like you just insulted me, Agent…"

Looking at the AI, I couldn't help but find it amusing that he heard nothing on the topic of sex. Though that's also concerning as stuff can just get censored suddenly because the dead don't think it's important for us. Yet I found myself intrigued to interact with this side of the father I've seen so far, though I wish the corpses stopped threatening me…

\\// Mal0 6hrs (6mins) later //\\

I don't know when he'd done it, but the manifestation had somehow seated us all at desks in chairs. As it was explaining the difference between various things, and well sometimes rather openly mocking my original home. Which was rather… refreshing… since most Humans would try to be discreet about these things. Yet the manifestation had no problems mocking my universe with how stupid it could be at times. It's fair honestly, one researcher for the Foundation had been trying to get a TREE a regular tree to scream for years. There was nothing off about it, it was just a tree and yet the Foundation ate up that it could scream.

The manifestation when I asked why it was being rude about my original home, blankly looked at me as if I was stupid.

"Because, your original universe could be so fuckin stupid at times it isn't funny, even if Dr. Bright had a chainsaw nuke. Plus by mocking their idiocy I indirectly give you a form of therapy by helping you think about things and go "Yeah that was stupid of them." It'll even help you relax and laugh a little. Not be a whiny anthropomorphic bitch upset about how shit life's being. Because food for thought my dear, we're all getting plowed like whores by life as we squeal in pain for those with the short stick, or that had their big stick break."

I couldn't help laughing like a deranged killer at that answer, the manifestation pulled no punches. It was pure blunt honesty from the subconsciousness of my new Human. Even ISAC and Umbra were amused by the manifestation if not appalled by its mannerism. But I think I had enough fun here… blinking I suddenly was looking around as a holographic image. Sitting in a chair at a shot up bar, my new Human sitting to my left drinking whiskey. A few dead bodies around the place or inside of the bar counter, one body being torn in half, and a dead woman was impaled through the heart onto the ceiling at an angle her corpse couldn't slide down from. The pool stuck in her heart, keeping her dangling there as blood ran down it and dripped onto the floor.

"I like what you've done with the place, it's homey."

"Thanks, they just wouldn't let me drink in peace after killing that woman. Even if was for her trying to slip me date rape drugs, they were in on it shocker. Well they're dead, and so I got a whole bar to myself with new decorations."

"Some very messy decorations… Did you know your stalkers are outside vomiting?"

"Yes. But that's on them, not me. Also how do you feel about having a robotic Werewolf body designed after your current appearance? There's a SHD Tech pair we recovered that could make just that with a few tweaks…"

Looking at the human turned God my mind stills as… that was an offer never made to me before… even those cretins never had the idea for their tests…. Grabbing a wine bottle and smashing it repeatedly over my new Humans head till nothing remained. I growled and kept smashing new bottles against his head desperately wanting a reaction, a chuckle of mocking intentions, anything... I was happy for the offer, but my past wanted this to just be a sick joke… it has to be one right? No one back home ever really cared about monsters like me… they just locked us up or killed us… sure some of us were dangerous even if involuntarily, but most of us just lived peacefully and they'd still do horrible things to us….

It's why I nuked the fourth instance from existence, they tried to unleash the Scarlet King in his full glory….

"I'm not making a sick joke of an offer, you know that, you just want it to be one. But that's fine just means I'll have to shove it onto you to get it through that thick skull face of yours that I'm looking after my newest family member with no motives."

"Thank you… for considering my well being…. It's… unusual…"

"Baa humbug you're just morbidly shy."

Chuckling at the disgruntled look he shot at me I hummed non committedly.

//\\ Small time Skip, January 6th, Agent Technoblade POV \\//

Pulling myself from the wreckage of a Second Wave helicopter I grumbled. Whoever shot at us best hope I don't get my hands on them or I'll be throwing them off the nearest skyscraper. Looking around at the flaming wreckage I can soundly conclude no other person survived besides Faye Lou who was being carted off. My fucking shotgun was broken and my axe was just gone, all I had was my dinky M1911. Sighing, I followed the local JTF to their outpost near here.

Upon arriving I got a few looks for my choice in masks, but the uncultured swine didn't understand the majesty of my Pigman mask and golden crown. But they will soon enough, first though I need a new shotgun and axe for close combat.