
Divine Werewolf

Own nothing besides OC’s

Whatthecheese3 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 8: Vampires?

These few months have been uneventful for Hades and his pack. They have been hunting in different groups because Hades wanted to take full advantage of 'killing empowerment'. They just never came across much, altogether they killed five supernatural creatures. Hades was not too happy about that. So Hades pack ended up training and running together for bonding.

The McCall pack did ask for help with the whole Nogitsune (Void Stiles) thing but the Hades pack wanted no parts because it had nothing to do with them. They are the ones who opened the door and the Hades pack is not there to hold their hands. They also lost a member of their pack Allison, McCall's pack tried to say that it could've been prevented if we were there and that's true Hades pack would have killed Stiles to stop it. McCall pack also got new members but it is not important.

At one point all supernatural was getting hunted down including Hades pack but they quickly found out why that was a bad idea. Hades at one point found out that his name was one of the keys to unlocking a part of the list and he found it funny, at random points throughout the day he would just burst out laughing.

Malia and Lee ended up getting together often, Hades thought it was because they were alike in many ways. Justine always had her face in a book. Selena and Hades were also together a lot if Sun was not around. Lastly, Angel was completely into the mom role so he would make sure everyone was okay.

The Dread Doctors tried multiple times to mess with Hades Pack and they ended up losing one of the doctors. They did manage to trick Malia at one point because she was not that smart, and that's when they ended up killing one of the Doctors. The Doctors tried what they could but it never worked.

Hades did save Hayden, his bite overwritten all the other things the Doctors did to her so she was saved. Technically she was Hades beta but she wasn't allowed into the pack he just thought she should save her and that was it. It's just Hades didn't want to admit that Hayden reminded him of Selena.


The Hades pack was in their home playing games and enjoying their time before they had to go to school.

When they arrived at school they saw Scott and Stiles standing in the school parking lot.

"Hades can we talk it's something important, *whispered* there have been dead bodies popping up with fang-like holes in the necks."

Hade's entire pack stopped and looked at him.

"Are you saying vampires are around?" Hades said

"It's possible there are multiple puncture wounds over the bodies"

Hades took a minute to think then spoke. "How many bodies have there been."

"20 so far."

"Is there any pattern that we can use?"

"Besides the puncture holes, no. Stiles said it's random, the only thing he can connect with is that it's a group. They kill from all groups."

"Not even a location or an area they hang around at."

"*sigh* No we don't even know if it is even a group, to be honest."

"It has to be if they are this clean, my pack will go to the latest scene to see if we can find anything."

---------[i will try to write from first pov [MC] from now on]---------

We arrived at the scene. I looked around to find anything that could be a clue. I sniffed the air multiple times and could not find anything, it was starting to get frustrating.

"What is your group doing here? I thought you guys were the kids that stayed out of trouble," Sheriff Stilinski said.

"We were just freaked out ya know? He was our age and we don't know what's killing them" Angel said with a sad face.

"How do you know all this, did stiles tell you? Damn it Stiles" Sheriff Stilinski

"Yes, sir he told us," Lee said while smiling.

This kid should really be a berserker fox or something he will find any opportunity to mess with someone.

We make our way home thinking about how we couldn't find anything besides the puncher holes all over the body.

"It has to be vampires, even if we never ran into them they could still be out there," Sun said

"But we don't know for sure, it could be something to throw us off completely. We can't do that and be wrong." I said

"It could be true and mess us up" Selena said

"Just do everything with caution we don't know what will work with them and what will not." I said to them but it was more like ordering