
Divine Werewolf

Own nothing besides OC’s

Whatthecheese3 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 7: Burn

"Lee, Angel, and Sun I need you to kidnap Alan Deaton, and Stiles. I don't want you to hurt them just bring them to this old building. Knock them out if you have to but nothing more than that." Hades said while everyone was sitting around a table eating dinner.

"Can we ask why?" Justine said.

"I'm trying to move this kid along if he doesn't change I don't care anymore." Hades said.

"What kid, and are you inviting him to the pack?" Sun said while tilting his head to the side.

"Hell no he doesn't fit and will never fit, he's not even in the top ten of choices." Hades said shaking his comically.

The family started laughing at Hades' response.

"Anything for me and Justine?" Selena said.

"Not really, but when Lee gets Stiles, Justine can talk to him to figure out the killing situation so bring the books we got on the creatures. You can help them." Hades said

"Okay!!" Selena said finally happy to do something besides go to school.

"How is everyone doing with building your tolerance to our weaknesses." Hades said.

"Honestly it's redundant, they don't really affect us we are waiting for the go-ahead to use stuff stronger," Sun said while looking around and seeing everyone agree.

"Yeah, given how we are I should've seen that coming. Let us move on to the stronger stuff." Hades said

-------------------------------------------[With Lee]-------------------

Lee walked up to Stiles's house and sniffed the air, he did not smell anyone else besides Stiles. He listened for a few seconds to verify that it was just him. Lee walked around the house to find an open entrance in, he ended up going through the back door.

'And they say I'm not the smartest' Lee thought to himself with pride, he walked up the stairs with light footsteps.

"Wha..wha.. what are you doing here," Stiles said in fear backing away.

"I'm here to eat you alive. HAHAHA," Lee said curling over a little.

Once Lee was done laughing he just knocked Stiles out, he took out his phone and made a call.

"Yeah, I got him. I'm on my way now. Ok, ill grab the stuff that looks important." Lee said on the phone.


Hade's pack where in an abandoned store/mall. They had some unwilling guests at first but after a bit of explanation, it was fine. they weren't keen on the actions they had to do but if he have to be a villain for a short while so be it.

Hades are tired of these people he wanted to go back to making his pack stronger. He just didn't want to change the plot too much he did not even know if this particular play is even important but since the other alpha pack isn't here he will make do. And even though he killed Deucalion, the Darach is still killing so he is guessing that she wants the power. While he was waiting for Scott and the company Justine and Stiles figured out what was doing all the killings. When Justine put her mind to it and she's in the zone mysteries are nothing to her, and Stiles is smart on his own too.

-------------------------------big skip------------------------------

Scott has turned into an alpha so the Hades pack was not interfering with them anymore. The whole ordeal with the kidnapping was not even worth mentioning I think he was scared or just wanted to talk his way out of it but I didn't let it happen. Hades even tried to push him even more by yelling at him. (A/N: Roar)

Now they were searching for the Darach given that Selena had the task of finding it because she has the most sensitive nose. Hades told her to find it, to look for innocent blood, to follow the trails. Previously Hades ran into Malia, so she also joined the family.

------------------------------Flashback [first pov]---------------------

'They are getting close to finding who it is. I am so proud of them I love my family.'


I looked in the direction of the broke sticks, I saw the werecyote Malila. I looked at her and smiled she took off right then and there. "Haha," I soon gave chase.

'It's funny, she thinks she can get away from me.' I thought to myself.

I ran through the woods giving chance to her, I was maybe two arm's length behind her. As soon as I got too close to her I let up my speed. It was to the point where you didn't even know I was chasing her.

I saw her look back to look for me but she didn't find me, she slowed down a little but was still running. When she looked forward I ran full speed to cut her off. As soon as I got in front of her I let it rip.


I watched as she bowed her head and her blue eyes glowed, she started to transform back into a human. I saw her check herself out with nothing but confusion on her face. I walked up to her and gave her my shirt.

"Alpha, what happened," Malia said.

"A lot, let me take you home so I can help you figure everything out." I said as I started walking off.

When we made it to the house everyone was questioning her but I had to tell them to back off.

"Everyone in the pack is an alpha, how is that possible." Malia said with flabbergasted. She didn't know how but she could tell everyone was an alpha.

"Yup, but we will get back to that later," I said

"Malia we have two ways to figure everything out. Justine and I can investigate about your past but that will take some time, or I could do a memory search which will be faster but will hurt your choice." I said giving her some time to think.

"I will do the memory search," Malia said with resolve.

"Get ready this will hurt." Hades said as he stuck his nails in the back of her head she grabbed his hand from the pain.

I saw everything from the desert wolf and Peter to now and I told her every detail especially that she didn't kill her parents, that it was just a traumatic experience. She chose to stay with us but would visit Henry (adoptive father) every once in a while.

'I will have Lee teach her control as I did with him, beat the crap out of him.' I thought while looking at her with a smile. ' She will also learn a lot before she goes back to school, Justine can help with that.

When I told her who/what her bio-father/mother is she was irate because her mother was the reason she lost two real family members, Her father was just a scumbag and selfish to no end and killed many people granted some deserved it.

--------------------------Flashback/pov end ----------------------

Selena just called the rest of the pack when she found out who it was. They were on the move. There was no reason to put it on the back burner. Justine however did tell Stiles since he did help her in finding things out, she took a liking to him because he was smart and tolerable.

Jennifer Blake was their target, they grabbed mistletoe just to validate the soon-to-be kill. Once they grabbed it all they left and made their way to her and they got outside of the house. Justine was across the street on top of a house with a sniper zoned in on Jennifer, Angel, and Sun was behind the house in case she wanted to escape.

"Kids, what are you doing here and how did you know I live here?" Jennifer said.

"Cut the bull**** Darach, lets the skip the whole villain story and flashback. We came here to kill you and that's what we are going to do" Lee said having no patience.

Lee and Selena charged at her but she threw mountain ash down so they couldn't go any further. Hades looked at Justine to give her the signal to shoot. Justine did not wait any longer and shot, she was aiming to kill (at the heart) but got her shoulder. Jennifer got hit and screamed out in pain, she ran to hide in her house and picked up her phone.

"Derek you have to help me, some people are trying to kill me," Jennifer said with panic.

"where are you I'm on my way."

"at my house its xxxxxx drive" Jennifer hangs up but then hears a *ROAR* she knew it was Derek.

Hades pack heard all this but paid it no mind. a couple of minutes later Derek and the rest of his pack showed up.

"What are you doing trying to kill an innocent human," Derek said with anger.

"Flase, she's the one that's killing people." Hades said with his eyes still on the house.

" LIES, no she is not." Derek

"Haha, you that blind because you got ya dick wet. Get real!" Lee said

"I honestly don't care if you don't believe us, but she will die. Go ahead Sun" Hades said while Sun could hear from behind the house. Sun then proceeded to light the house on fire, and Derek was at a loss for words. Hades could have forced his way through but he did not want to.

They could hear shuffling throughout the house they saw Jennifer toss mountain ash out her window.

'It is most likely to slow us down' Hades thought.

'What is she doing with this stuff' Derek thought.

Lee picked up a rock and threw it at her with all his strength, she stumbled back holding another part with pain. Sun and Angel proceed to throw Molotov cocktails all over her house.

"Burn bitch burn," Sun and Angel said together.

They heard sirens and then jumped back to hide, when they arrived they watched in the distance as the policemen and firemen put out the fire.

"*Tch* good riddance," Lee said.

"What do.." Derek

Hades just looked at him to shut him up. Once the authorities left they went down to search the area but found nothing. Hades pack ignored Derek and his pack they were irrelevant to them. They just went home.

The next few months were peaceful.


A/N: Think this my lonest chapter yet.