
Divine Discipline System: Path to Ascension (On hold)

**Warning... This story will be written different than most other western fantasy, Also unlike most the mc will have multiple character development! -This novel will be very experimental i can assure that. Somethings, that i believe you have never seen before..slowly.** "I'm putting this story on hold for bit, as I'm trying to focus on something better and till I find the motivation to write this again" the author mused. ================= As, Vlorin was installing the new game that he had recently bought. This game recently got famous because of it's immersion ingame. Wanting to get an advantage among players. After searching the Internet for a while.. he stumbled upon one file. Soon he began installing a rather sketchy file. Suddenly an earthquake spanned across the whole world, causing people to be in chaos...As weak buildings and houses begin to break down. Causing multiple fatalities to occur, unfortunately Vlorin was one of them. His vision started to go dark... Everything started to fade into the background. He reopened his eyes, this time to a small wooden house deep inside a forest.. Suddenly a white holograph Infront of him! DIVINE DISCIPLINE SYSTEM.. Installed Generating misson.... Including bonus. [MAIN MISSION], For the system to work host must acknowledge a master! [Rewards] [Bonus] High Top Tier Spiritual Root! [Penalty] Host's Body will be crippled. [Timeline] 3 Days. ____________________ With a slight glance at the holographic screen. Vlorin understood what happened.. With a bitter smile on his face. He spoke "I have.. Reincarnated with a system!"

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Loading.. Missions.. Complete!

A sudden burst of wind breezed through the window, causing lighter objects in the room to sway slightly towards the west. This environment was abruptly ruined with as a loud noise of banging came that seem to come from a creaking door.

Yet, this loud noise didn't seem to disturb a young boy, who had his hand clasped firmly towards his head. This was Vloren or now known as "Yan". Although he knew he had reincarnated, the remaining information of his current body for some reason didn't trigger until now.

"Augh! I might.. Throw up" He spoke up with some difficultly. Fortunately for him, after enduring for a couple of agonizing minutes, that made him felt as his mind may just melt, the sensation passed. After a couple of minutes of laying on the wooden floor, Yan began to slowly stood up.

With a couple rugged breaths he mused 'It seems.. I've been reincarnated into a body that by sheer "coincidence" had the name as me!'

Then suddenly, another voice echoed in his head.

[System updated... Attempting to retry missions...Success... Missions installed...Reloading bonus... Success...Improving bonus.. Success]

Upon hearing this, Yan immediately perked up. "The mission board's finally loaded"

"Bonus? Is this a compensation because i didn't receive a novice gift bag?"

After muttering a few curses under his breath, he moved on. But was that something that was troubling his thoughts. The mention of "Improving bonus". Is this a way that the system wanted to make amends? Most likely not!

Unlike all those typical brain dead protagonists he wouldn't put his complete trust on a system that he initially wasn't even aware of, until recently. After a mild consideration, it still wouldn't stop him from utilizing the system for his own advantage.

The sound of the knocking on the door stopped or got inattentived by the system message. The knock got placed on the door one more time bringing his attention back to his surronding.

Yan slowly gazed towards the door as he continued to stand up and walk towards the door in a steady manner as he reached the door, placing his hand on the door lock shifting it which made the door open with a squealing sound. On the other side of the door awaits a teenage boy, a little older than his age. Clearly, the boy had a cheerful face a with a circular glass frame covering half of his upper face.

The boy was holding a tray consisting of water, few fruits and a bowl of something that looked like oats. Just with a glance one could see, his hands were shaking causing the unsteadiness of the water, as it flanged from side to side, visible enough to understand he was holding the tray for a long period of time.

Any sign of annoyance was not potraited on the facial structure of the boy. However, the akward and bitter smile on his face stated clearly that he was indeed annoyed by standing by the door having to hold the tray full of food.

He slighty bended, keeping the tray full of food on the desk near Yan's bed. The boy was wearing a black robe, around his waist a belt designed with a tiny golden star in the middle of it.

"The Young Master will visit you soon. Enjoy your meal" immediately after stating that, the boy left in a blink of eyes as he vanished, walking out the door in the dark hallway. Yan stood there for a few seconds before closing the door properly.

The door closed as he looked behind moving his gaze to

the tray full of food. Ignorning the fruits as they look stale, bringing the bowl of oats and the glass of water, sitting on the bed. Taking a spoon full of oats shoving it in his mouth, the taste being plain and boring. Even though, the plain taste he ate the oats in form of hunger as his body needed the food desparately. So, he took a bite after another while complaining.

As he was chewing food while muttering complains, suddenly he was jumpscared by a white holograph appeared infront of his face.

[Missons installation complete! Host is recommended to load it!] [Hint: To open Misson Board host can just think of it! Or say "mission board" in their mind!]

"F*ck! That really scared me!" After cursing the system for a while, he spoke "mission board" on his mind. Immediately a golden colour holograph appeared next to him.

[Detecting host's first time entry..Additional bonus for next 5 mission's will be given]



[Main mission #1]

[Mission], For the system to operate, Host must join a sect!

[Rewards + Bonus], A new system feature will be unlocked! + ???

[Penalty], System will be unbind from the user.

[Timeline], 15 days.


[Main Mission #2]

[Mission], #?#?#?#?#



{Side Missions #1}, On a path to Host's Divine Ascension, One must be acknowledge by someone stronger than him!

{mission}, Get acknowledged by a senior! {1 major realm

higher or more}

{Rewards + Bonus}, Improvement of 3 minor realm + ???

{Penalty}, Downgrade of Spiritual Root!

{Timeline}, 14 Days/2 week.


{Side mission #2},

{side mission}, Fame is a necessity for the Host to improve. [Hint: Host must be mentioned in {0/1000.. Bonus reduction.. 0/500} people's discussion or for them to speak Host's name outload!]

{Rewards + Bonus}, Improvement of Spiritual Root + {2×)

{Penalty: Side Mission #2, will be permanently removed}

{Timeline: 3 Months/92 days}


Yan carefully began to read the mission board.. Immediately he deduced, Even though the side missions, didn't seem to be put in the same standard as Main missions. The rewards weren't any worse. If not currently even better than the Main mission.

However the timelines, given by system were troublesome. He must finish the Main mission within 15 days. Even though he was skeptical of the system didn't mean he wanted to loss it for nothing!

The first side mission also gave him a headache. The original body's memories that caused him unbearable pain, although was weak, still contained valuable information due to his royal status. 'Open stats' suddenly Yan spoke inside his mind. Within a blink of time, a white hologram rested right Infront of his eyes.

[Analysis of host's stats? Y/N]


[Opening host's stats.. Complete]

[Name : Yan (Vloren)]

[Age : 12]

[Cultivation time : 3 years]

[Cultivation realm: 2nd stage Qi formation realm] [strength : 0.6, Agility : 0.4, Constitution : 0.7] (0.6 currently)

[Physique: None{Locked}]

[Spiritual Root: inferior grade]

[Cultivation techniques : Air dragon meditation] {Mid level Qi grade}

The system seemed to change his original name to "Yan" as he began to accept this name inside his mind. After wondering silently about this for a bit, and the fact, his condition seem to have improve significantly.

Turning his gaze slightly down, he stared at his Spiritual Root, which was.... In-.. Inferior root...

It seemed.. The system will have to unbind.. After a moment of silence, the 5 stages of grief started to occur. As chaos spread inside Yan's mind.

"Wait is this faulty? Inferior root? No way right?"

"Huh!? How am i supposed to get into a sect with an inferior spirit root!?"

"Is there a mission that can improve my Spiritual Root?" Immediately after thinking of this Yan, spoke "Mission board"... The only currently mission that allowed him to improve his Spirit Root was side mission #2!

{side mission}, Fame is a necessity for the Host to improve. [Hint: Host must be mentioned in {0/1000.. Bonus reduction.. 0/500} people's discussion or for them to speak Host's name outload!]

{Rewards + Bonus}, Improvement of Spiritual Root + {2×)

{Penalty: Side Mission #2, will be permanently removed}

{Timeline: 3 Months/92 days}


This was impossible.. He was in a middle of what he could only guess was forest. Yan tried to a take a peek out of the window, but what surprised him was, he couldn't view what was outside, only wind seemed to able to pass through it, comfirming it after he tired to phase his hand through the window, only to be blocked as if there some sort of barrier in front of the way.

Shaking his head slightly, he started to gulp down the last bit of remaining water that was in the glass. He then lowered head.. After sometime he suddenly perked up!

"What.. If i bribe an elder of an sect to take me in!" Thinking of this, This idea seemed like his only option! As inferior spirit root was, extremely ineffective to cultivate with. His own cultivation was an evidence of this, after cultivation for 3 years whilst being serious, he barely reach 2nd stage Qi formation realm. Even with a Qi mid grade technique.

Although he lacked funds, which were apparently called heavens stone in this place. But he quickly found a solution to that problem, Currently he was wearing a tarnished gray shirt, However bottom west corner, there seemed to his clothes that stemmed from the time he was a royalty. If he remembered correctly this what he wore, while turning from there.

As he had finished taking in the complete situation, Yan was thinking to rest for a while, as he wasn't still fully healed. However, suddenly the door handle creaked open. And a powerful aura, making the air suffocating to breathe...

Sorry for the delay guys! because of some problems i didn't have enough time to write..

This chapter has 1550 words, hope you guys enjoy reading it!

SINOFLIFEcreators' thoughts