
Divine Discipline System: Path to Ascension (On hold)

**Warning... This story will be written different than most other western fantasy, Also unlike most the mc will have multiple character development! -This novel will be very experimental i can assure that. Somethings, that i believe you have never seen before..slowly.** "I'm putting this story on hold for bit, as I'm trying to focus on something better and till I find the motivation to write this again" the author mused. ================= As, Vlorin was installing the new game that he had recently bought. This game recently got famous because of it's immersion ingame. Wanting to get an advantage among players. After searching the Internet for a while.. he stumbled upon one file. Soon he began installing a rather sketchy file. Suddenly an earthquake spanned across the whole world, causing people to be in chaos...As weak buildings and houses begin to break down. Causing multiple fatalities to occur, unfortunately Vlorin was one of them. His vision started to go dark... Everything started to fade into the background. He reopened his eyes, this time to a small wooden house deep inside a forest.. Suddenly a white holograph Infront of him! DIVINE DISCIPLINE SYSTEM.. Installed Generating misson.... Including bonus. [MAIN MISSION], For the system to work host must acknowledge a master! [Rewards] [Bonus] High Top Tier Spiritual Root! [Penalty] Host's Body will be crippled. [Timeline] 3 Days. ____________________ With a slight glance at the holographic screen. Vlorin understood what happened.. With a bitter smile on his face. He spoke "I have.. Reincarnated with a system!"

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I have been... Reincarnated!?

As Vloren's consciousness slowly returns, he finds himself in an old yet cozy wooden house lightened by candle lanterns that carried a peculiar warmth, contrasting the cold forest he had escaped. Soon the creaking door announced an approaching presence, he focuses on the young man who greets him.

"Ah, you're finally awake? How's your overall condition? Any discomfort in your body? He inquired, his gaze fixed on Vloren. It was then that Vloren realized something was amiss. He touched his face, panic rising as he felt the heavy bandages covering his left eye not only that most of his body seemed to be covered in bandages Frantically, Vloren started to search for a mirror, but the old man's next words shattered his hope.

"There's no mirror here," he told him, with a seemingly affectionate eyes that looked as they were filled with empathy. The initial appearance of care can be faintly discerned into a crazy look with lack of sympathy.

Vloren's hand lingers on the bandages, A torrent of emotions suddenly floods his mind, an overwhelming mix that defies easy categorization, but amongst them all what Vloren felt the most...was confusion. As this situation starts to sink in leaving him in a moment of stunned "uttered silence".

Soon the man began to spoke once again, his tone taking on a different note. With a sudden shift in expression, he remarked, "I realize I haven't introduced myself, you may call me Liu." He continued "since i presume you don't remember your name let's call you Yan for now." Even though he spoke with a smile. His tone carrying indifference.

Just as Vloren was about to ask something.. Liu swiftly interjected, his eyes studying Vloren's expression, he spoke "Your left eye is on its way to recovery, almost functional as per the test. It just needs a few more days to heal completely, hence the bandage."

With a glimmer of hope, Vloren's expression turned into relief with a grateful smile he looked at Liu and spoke "Really? How long will it take to heal?"

Liu seemed content with Vloren's expression, with a slight nod he remarked "It should heal within 2 to 3 days albeit it might take slightly longer if there any unexpected issues of course." he said with mysterious smile that sent shivers down his spine.

After taking a deep breath, He tried to make sense of his location using memories. All Vlorin or "Yan" could recall him being in the midst of playing a captivating game he recently bought called "Cultivation of the immortal: Legendary edition" He tried to piece together the transition of playing a game to what seemed like a village.

As he was struggling to unearth the rest of the missing details, he suddenly remembered the earthquake that had hospitalised him. Inside his mind Vloren swear to be a karen to the god who did this to him after he died.

Just as Vloren was about to ask where he was to Liu, a man who looked like he was on his mid 20's. His attention suddenly veered to a small but peculiar library within the room, strangely the books on the shelves reminded him of sculpture which was displayed in the trailer of the game be bought. Creating a sense of déjà vu.

Liu who was studying Vloren's expression for a while, which looped from bitter smile, anger to a touch of regret. He almost though he had gone stupid. However soon shifted as Vloren's gaze fixated looking at the bookshelves, He suddenly turning to where Vloren was looking. With a sly smile, he spoke, "It seems, you've got an affinity for cultivation, most common people don't notice those sculptures. Hm.. Maybe you will get to study one soon. But," he warned, "don't lay your hands on them... you're not qualified to study those yet."

As He mentioned the term "Sculpture" a wave of recognition swept over Vloren, "Sculptures... Wait!?" Suddenly, a surge of pain engulfed his brain, He immediately tripped to the ground, his eyes starting to losing consciousness, and the man casually remarked "The effect seems to have kicked in, a bit delayed though, Oh well."

After Vloren feel unconsciousness, Liu though of Vloren's reaction to sculptures, even though he found it slightly unusual, he didn't dwell on it too much, assuming Vloren's surprise stemmed from being unfimilar with cultivation sculptures, a luxury reserved for only disciplines of sects and nobilites due to their high cost. As a result he brushed it off, thinking Vloren's might be from a more common background.

"Yan, it's time to rest. I'll send someone to bring you some food later," the young man declared before Vloren succumbed to another round of unconsciousness. Hours later, he awoke with cold sweat dampened his back, Suddenly memories of this body started to rush down his brain, found himself in disbelief that's right—he had reincarnated.

With a heavy breath, he jumps up from where he was laying down.. Mostly because a sudden noise came from his head, causing immense headache.

Divine Discipline System... Installed.. Loading bonuses..

Analysing host's body.. Complete.. Loading missions.. Fail!.. Retrying! System interface loading complete!

*Huff* *Huff* "Ugh... My head!" Vlorin spoke while clutching his head with his hands.. Suddenly the voice returned.. [Host is recommended to say "open stats"] He was baffled by the sound again.. But to his absolute pleasure this time, there wasn't any significant pain just slight discomfort. As the headache ended a sudden though appeared in his mind.. "Why.. Does it sound the name sound like that sketchy file i, installed before the earthquake happened??"

With a deep breath, Vloren spoke "Open stats" immediately after the white holograph that previously went away, returned but with multiple information.

[Analysing surrounding... Only host has been scanned within 30 meters...]

[Analysis of host's stats? Y/N]

Vlorin immediately tried to click yes, only for his finger to phase through the holograph.. 'It seems i can't interact with it physically..' after Vlorin realised that, inside his mind he said 'Yes'

[Opening host's stats.. Complete]

[Name : Vlorin]

[Age : 12]

[Cultivation time : 3 years]

[Cultivation realm: 2nd stage Qi formation realm] [strength : 0.6, Agility : 0.4, Constitution : 0.7] (0.5 currently)

[Physique: None]

[Spiritual Root: inferior grade]

[Cultivation techniques : Air dragon meditation] {Mid level Qi grade}

Silence.. Vlorin started to zone out after looking at his stats. "How!? Even with a mid level yellow grade technique how am i still at 2nd stage of Qi formation after cultivation for 3 whole years??"

"Not only that why are my stats so low?" From what Vlorin could remember a person at this level should at least have an average stat of 1.2!

Just as Vlorin was about to enter into a spiral stream of depression suddenly a knocking sound came from the door, slowly Vlorin got up from his "bed" which felt like he was laying on steel.. After complaining for abit, He stood up and went to open the door.. Suddenly..

Hello! Sorry for the confusion, the prologue wasn't visible unless you scrolled up and was really annoying..

Also changed Yellow grade to Qi grade.

Changed 3 miles to 30 meters.

Thanks for reading, Hope you enjoy!

SINOFLIFEcreators' thoughts