
Divine Discipline System: Path to Ascension (On hold)

**Warning... This story will be written different than most other western fantasy, Also unlike most the mc will have multiple character development! -This novel will be very experimental i can assure that. Somethings, that i believe you have never seen before..slowly.** "I'm putting this story on hold for bit, as I'm trying to focus on something better and till I find the motivation to write this again" the author mused. ================= As, Vlorin was installing the new game that he had recently bought. This game recently got famous because of it's immersion ingame. Wanting to get an advantage among players. After searching the Internet for a while.. he stumbled upon one file. Soon he began installing a rather sketchy file. Suddenly an earthquake spanned across the whole world, causing people to be in chaos...As weak buildings and houses begin to break down. Causing multiple fatalities to occur, unfortunately Vlorin was one of them. His vision started to go dark... Everything started to fade into the background. He reopened his eyes, this time to a small wooden house deep inside a forest.. Suddenly a white holograph Infront of him! DIVINE DISCIPLINE SYSTEM.. Installed Generating misson.... Including bonus. [MAIN MISSION], For the system to work host must acknowledge a master! [Rewards] [Bonus] High Top Tier Spiritual Root! [Penalty] Host's Body will be crippled. [Timeline] 3 Days. ____________________ With a slight glance at the holographic screen. Vlorin understood what happened.. With a bitter smile on his face. He spoke "I have.. Reincarnated with a system!"

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Mission complete! Xian exposed.

As Yan was blabbering to himself, a sense of danger made his heart leap from his chest. Immediately Yan put stop all of his thoughts, trying to locate where this was directed from, but unfortunately to no avail. As he was about to give up and just wait for the commotion to end. A notification from the system appeared Infront.

[Cultivation detected within 30 meters of the host!] [Hint: suggested to scan the surrounding around Host!]

After smacking his head lightly with his hand, as he realised he could have just done that. Yan spoke something in his thoughts which caused the white holograph to change its contexts.

[Analysing surrounding... 2 cultivators has been scanned within 30 meters!]

"Is it Liu? Who is the other one..?" Yan thought. Recalling when the servant bringing him food said. "The Young master, will visit you soon. Enjoy your meal. Without wasting any time, he immediately agreed to an notification.

[Analyse of the strongest one between them? Y/N][Hint: Host may give special instructions for the system to follow if the decision has multiple paths!]

"Yes", Yan spoke up. As for the hint, he only glanced at it once then proceed to turn his gaze away. It seems this was one of those system which could react to the users.

After taking a small amount of time, an additional window appeared. Leaving Yan to understand if there's a system running which here was the analysis of his surrounding, an additional hologram would appear and not instead replace the past one.

[Opening stat's of target.. Complete]

[Name : Xuan Li]

[Age : 24]

[Cultivation time : 14 years]

[Cultivation realm: 8th stage Golden core realm] {Weakened}

[strength : 23.8 Agility : 27.4, Constitution : 21.7]

[Physique: None] ( Demonic sword ??? ) {Incomplete}

[Spiritual Root: Low-High grade]

[Cultivation techniques : Phoenix wing's heaven circulation (High level Essence grade), Void fleeting steps {Mid level Foundation building grade}, Sword slash {High level Qi formation grade}, Golden constitution body (Low level Golden core grade), Demonic sword generative body {Inferior level Foundation building grade}

After quickly browsing through those information, he felt that his headache was returning. Steadying himself, Yan started to quickly breakdown all those information for key points.

"He's in late golden core realm. Weakened? It seems that why he's aura was leaking.." He spoke up. But he soon, After taking a looking at Xuan's cultivation techniques he quickly found out why.

"This fellow is.. Cultivating a demonic technique but. It seems he didn't get the corrected technique pfft!" Failing to hold back his laughter, almost falling because of it. Slowly, he stood up and continuing to gather information.

"He's been Cultivating for 14 years.. Just to reach late Golden core?" Yan mused. It seems low grade spiritual root was still inadequate. He strongly believed this fellow reached this level because of his, High grade essence realm cultivation technique and the broken demonic technique which seemed to provide a physique.

After that Yan spoke up again, this time to the system Infront of him.

"Analyse the other cultivation's status" immediately after an hologram disappeared and got replaced by another one.

[Opening their status...Comepleted]

[Name : Liu]

[Age : 22]

[Cultivation time : 12 years]

[Cultivation realm: 7th stage Golden core realm] [strength : 25.3, Agility : 21.3, Constitution : 24.6]

[Physique: None] ( Lotus body ) {Incomplete}

[Spiritual Root: Mid-Low grade]

[Cultivation techniques : Phoenix wing's heaven circulation (High level Essence grade), Sword slash {High level Qi formation grade}, Restrained lotus body foundation (Mid level Essence realm}, Flower destruction formation {High level Foundation grade}. Heaven's berserk arts (Mid level Golden core grade)

"Both of them seem to cultivation Phoenix wing's heaven circulation" Yan spoke up, matching the similarities he knew they must be related somehow. It also seems both of them are cultivation some kind of technique that would give them physiques although he wasn't sure if that was the case for Wan. Taking a glance at the spiritual root of both it seemed like Liu was slightly more talented than Xian.

However soon, his face carried a pained smile as he remembered his own status.. After a moment of quite silence. He started to finish the remain of his bland oats lookalike, and eat a fruit that oddly looked like an strawberry.

Using his knowledge of his previous life and the system, he created a perfect scene for a drama he was about to commit. Laying down on his bed, positioning himself in the bed putting a the now empty bowl of oat at the edge of his left leg and adjusting his hand towards his chest, looking like he was extremely weak. As the system was constantly counting the distance between them.

It could be said they were walking leisurely, with cultivation of their realm it could be said they could reach this distance instantly, with this timer. Yan managed this perfectly produce this scene.

As the aura started to get closer, so did the air seem to get denser. A knock on the door was heard. Yan without answer the door, just kept staring at it.

Suddenly a slightly sound of a slash was heard and the door split into 2 pieces preciously. As two people entered looking as if nothing has happened. This was of course, Liu and Xian.

"Didn't the servant inform you that i would come here Yan?" As Liu spoke, Yan stood up slowly with a bitter smile he spoke to both of them.

"Seniors i am sorry for not opening the door, the air around suddenly got denser which made me feel weak" He spoke, sitting in the bed supported by his hand as his eyes looked at Xian as if he was the culprit.

"Senior's cultivation seems to be really high! I am really envious!" He continued, still looking at Xian. This time Xian finally spoke.

"Haha, it's nothing i just happen to have a High-low tier spiritual root" Seemingly embarrassed, humble. but eyes that still carried at hint of arrogance which also made Yan laugh as he remembered something.

"Senior must be in Golden core judging from senior's aura" Yan spoke with a flattering tone. The mention of his aura made Xian uncomfortable, but trying to keep his composure he complimented Yan.

"This.. It seems you have a good eyesight kid!" Hearing this Yan almost break into a smile, not because of the compliment but because of the white hologram that appeared Infront of him.

{Side Missions #1} [COMPLETE]

{mission}, Get acknowledged by a senior! {1 major realm

higher or more}

{Rewards + Bonus}, Improvement of 3 minor real tunm + ???

{Penalty}, Downgrade of Spiritual Root!

{Timeline}, 14 Days/2 week.


[Side mission #1 Completed.. Rewards will be given when host's wants!]

This chapter has 1100+ words, hopefully you guys enjoyed reading it. Thanks!

SINOFLIFEcreators' thoughts