
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

14. Letter

In the Duke's office...

After the showers, Alex was in office in order to see the letter.

Ram entered and gulped. Alex was too handsome after the bath. He was wearing a white bathrobe which matched perfect with his white hair.

He was wearing glasses to give a professional image which made him more handsome.

' Boy's look more handsome while doing some work seriously. The one said was really correct. Plus Master's eyes... No matter how much time I see it, I can't get used to it. It's beautiful like gems. And in glasses his face look more handsome.' Ram was thinking with red face.

" Oh! Ram you came. Now show me all papers of today's work." Alex said.

Ram snapped out of her mind and nods. She then gave all documents that need to checked by Alex.

Seeing the paperwork Alex sighed but started sorting it out.

After almost an hour he completed the paperwork.

" Ha! At last it's complete." Alex said.

" Good work, Master. Here your tea and snacks." Rem gave to Alex as Ram had gone for some work.

" Thanks Rem." Alex praised her while patting her.

She blushed shyly. Now only the letter from the King was left. Alex opened the letter.

After five minutes, he closed it.

'Sigh! So, Imperial Princess's birthday is coming. And this letter is an invitation. Looks like I have to attend. Sometimes as a noble, I have to show my face.' Alex thought after reading the letter.


Meanwhile in a high class mansion...

A girl of 15 years was sitting in front of middle aged man. The man had a slightly handsome face with black hair and black eyes. His bulky body gives off an intimidate air. His name is Gladius Blake. And in front of him, his daughter was sitting who was attending Slayer Academy - Lily Blake. Lily Blake as her name she has a title which famous among high class nobles " Black Lily".

Lily is beautiful enough to make any person fall for her, her white skin which perfectly matches with black hair. Her red eyes inherited from mother which shined like gems. Her figure is pretty beautiful to make men fight for her. But her personality is what gave her a title. She is too cold. She never gives much attention than necessary.

And as a daughter of Duke Gladius, she is naturally strong. Strong enough to match with S class Slayer.

But now she is in happy face in front of his father who is suggesting her to attend the birthday party of Imperial Princess.

And he teaches her the about the high class nobles who are attending the ball. Specially about the Dukes.

The country of Laventine has five Dukes. All of these Dukes have been given title which is second to King due to tremendous achievements.

1st Duke - Duke Alfred Flore is the right hand of the King Sun. His family have been loyal to King from generations. And his title which have been given to his ancestors due to political aid of past Kings of Laventine.

2nd Duke - Duke Glorre Tyier is the richest man in country. His title was given due to his business which is world class. To put simply, he contributed money to get the title. And he is in financial minister of the country.

3rd Duke - Duke Gladius Blake is the left hand of King Sun. He manages the army and he himself is a SS class Slayer. He is the chief commander of army.

4th Duke - Duke Trion Aleph is most is mostly known for his wisdom. He is normally a tactician in war times but in peace period he is international affairs minister. He manages all international relations of country.

5th Duke - Duke Alex Lockheart is youngest Duke in history. And the reason for getting title was simple. Because he is strongest. Strong enough to execute any task given by the King. And due to his charisma and strength most high class respect him.

Lily caught interest in the information of Duke Alex who was called the strongest. And is also called the youngest Duke in history.

" Dad, How much years old is Duke Alex?" Lily asked.

" Hmm.. he is 16 or 17 years old. But don't think of him as a kid! He has given all Duke countless headaches. But he is good in heart. And his friendly nature also good. And he doesn't involves himself much in politics. Maybe that's why nobody also hates him. I also like that kid. He is also handsome. Want him as your fiancee ?"Gladius asked in a bright smile. As her daughter always reject every others.

" I will see it myself." Lily said and returned to her room.

Lily always try to become to strong to handle her own fate. She doesn't want to become a political tool. She loves her family but she doesn't want to be with somebody whom she doesn't like.

" Duke Alex Lockheart.... Hmm.." Lily slept while thinking about the person who caught her attention - Duke Alex Lockheart.


Alex was on his bed thinking about the ball. He pretty annoyed to attend it but as a noble some parties have to be attended.

As he was thinking he heard a sound.

Knock! Knock!

With his observation Haki he already knew who was behind the door.

" Come in Ram."

Ram in her usual maid clothes came in.

" As the usual?" Alex asked.

Ram nodded. Then Ram sat on his lap. Alex touches her forehead with his finger and started transferring mana.

" Aahhh..."

After her horn was cutted off, Ram sometimes feel mana deficiency. And Alex noticed her condition and every night he transfers his pure mana into her head.

After transferring the mana, Ram who was sitting on his lap asked," Master why your mana is so pure?"

" It is because of my trait. My body directly absorbs nature energy." Alex said while patting her head.

Ram with pink face stares at Alex's face. She stares him with a loving gaze. Alex also noticed and he wasn't dense enough to not notice her feelings. But for first he has to reconcile with Grayfia. Though he can't give an answer to Ram's feelings right now, he really is thankful for her feelings.

He found more dear ones to protect - this feeling he gets whenever he see Ram and Rem.

He gave a light kiss on her forehead, which caught Ram by surprise. She never thought her Master would do it.

" Don't worry. I won't make you wait long enough." Alex said while patting her head.

Ram who heard her Master's confession feels extremely happy from bottom of heart. She nods with a lovely smile.

Alex also smiled and hugged her. And then once again gives her a light kiss on forehead.

" Good night, Master." Ram said with a blushed face. And she ran from the room to her room.

' How cute!!' Alex thought and drowned on his bed.