
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

15. Ball(1)

Many nobles host ball in memorial occasions. And the ones hosted by Imperial family is known as Imperial Ball. Imperial Ball is party which is attended by every noble family. And Alex as a noble is also bound to attend this Ball.

" Sigh... I really don't want to attend." Alex said with a exhausted face.

" But Master as a noble you have to attend to not disrespect the King." Ram said.

" I know! Uncle Sun must have deliberately given me invitation in name of Imperial Ball." Alex screamed in anger.

In Alex's early days as a noble, he used to do all sort of mischiefs in order to trouble the king. His actions were certainly beneficial for nation but due to his actions king's paperwork increased dramatically. And he used to laugh seeing hazardous face of King due lack of sleep.

But soon after King also started revenge by giving him rank which increased Alex's responsibility which gave him headaches often.

And now as a pretext of Ball he intends to harass Alex. Alex also knows it but he can't ignore it.

" Fine. Ram and Rem you both will also attend with me. As my personal maids."

" Yes, Master." " Yes, Master." Both Ram and Rem agreed.

Then Alex remembered that in Ball he needs to wear formal dress.

" Both of you follow me to my room." Alex said to Ram and Rem.

Both of them without much thought followed Alex.

Then in his room, Alex sat on his bed with solemn expression. Seeing his face, both Ram and Rem thought what happened to their master.

" Both of you, do you know that in Ball I have to wear formal dress?" Alex asked.

" Yes, master." Both of them nodded at Alex's question.

In Ball, nobles wear exquisite dress to show wealth, pride, beauty and status. Ball is a party for entertainment but it is also a place for business. Most nobles make connections for future business, by showing off beauty, wealth and other factors.

And as Alex is a Duke he can't wear something simple. Duke is highest status after King.

Plus this is Alex's first ball. Previously he used to avoid with excuses but after gaining title he can't avoid as he used to do.

As a Duke, he must show his dignity. But the problem for him is his fashion. It's not like he lacks money. Alex is second richest after Duke Glorre. Alex as an adventurer had hunted many high ranked dragons which has many pricey items. Dragon's body parts has many uses and are extremely expensive. He sold many of them and he is very rich.

The problem is that his fashion sense is very bad. If normal clothes, then he wouldn't have problem but to wear expensive clothes... Somehow he feel uncomfortable.

" I have called both of you to help me." Alex said directly.

Ram and Rem were bit shocked. They knew Alex was powerful not only in strength but also in other aspects. They used feel a bit useless. If Alex wanted then he can hire maids as much he wants. He don't need Ram and Rem specially to do household chorus.

They couldn't do anything to help master. Rem specially used to feel this uselessness. She couldn't do anything during enemy invasion in her village. And her sister lost her horn in order to save her. Feeling guilty she used to do more work in place of her sister.

As for Ram, she loved Alex. And Alex sorted out his feelings of love with Ram.

Both of them knew capabilities of Alex. He seemed like a perfect being. A person with no defects. A person excelling in everything. Alex has everything - Beauty, Money, Strength, Status.

And hearing their master needed their help somehow made them shocked. But somehow it made them happy.

" In the ball I have to wear formal dress. But the problem is... That I don't have good fashion sense!!" Alex said with embarassed face.

" Poof!!" Both Ram and Rem laughed covering mouth with hands. Seeing embarrassed face of Alex was a first time for them.

" Don't laugh!!" Alex said with a face full of embarrassment.

Both of them nodded with a teasing smile.

' So embarassing!' Alex thought as both maids are helping him to dress up.


The ball is normally hosted during evening to night. Alex arrived in royal palace two hours before the ball with Ram and Rem behind him. Ram and Rem were in their maid clothes whereas Alex was fully dressed in expensive clothes. A black full sleeved shirt having gold embroidery in corners with a black full pants matching with upper part. And as usual he had blindfold but in place of black it was white. His white hair was fully compatible with black dress. He looked too handsome, which can be compared with god's beauty. Though Ram was following behind him with Rem in a stoic face, in inside her heartbeat was super fast seeing her Master in handsome clothes. She often took secret glances of Alex.

Alex noticed a maid working in palace. He called out her. She noticed him and but quickly became red with shyness. She had never seen such handsome man in her life. Though Alex seeing maid's reaction was a bit helpless and behind him Ram clicked her tongue.


' Because of Master's handsome face who knows how many will fall in love with him.' Ram thought with annoyed face.

Alex noticed Ram's annoyed face but what could he do? He can't blame himself for his handsome face.

" Hello? Hello? Miss maid?" Alex asked.

Maid snapped out and asked," Yes, what can I do for you?"

" Can you lead me to king's office?" Alex asked.

Now, he has arrived without annoying the king he can't go back right?

Alex thought with a devilish smile.

Maid became a bit afraid. But then replied," Sorry, but Majesty asked nobody to disturb him."

" It's not a problem." Alex said.

Now maid was in pinch. She can't disobey the King for her job but somehow she can't refuse Alex's request. She was in panic.

Then an old woman who was passing noticed them. Alex also noticed her. With a smile he greeted," Oh! It's been a while Granny Hilda."

Hilda who noticed him spoke in an annoyed and happy face," So this time you came brat! Looks like Majesty tricked you into coming to ball."

Maid noticed Hilda and Alex and thought about his identity. Hilda is head maid of the palace. She controls all maids and direct them orders. As a head maid working for years she knew Alex and treated him as her grandson even though their status are different.

" That's right. In the excuse of Imperial Ball he told me to come. And this is also my first time attending such a grand ball. So can you lead me to Uncle Sun?" Alex asked.

Hilda nodded and led him to King's office. While maid was a bit shocked hearing King's name from Alex.

Hilda noticed Ram and Rem behind Alex and asked," So, finally your loner life is over. I thought you would live like that forever."

" Oye Granny! Though I never mingle much with others but that doesn't mean I am a loner!" Alex retorted back.

' Isn't that means you are loner?' Hilda, Ram and Rem thought with speechless faces.

After a bit they arrived in front of huge door in front of which guards were guarding with strict expression.

" This is Majesty's office. While you talk I will take care of your maids." Hilda said.

Alex nodded and opened the door. On a chair, an aged person with blonde hair was doing paperwork. Even though he was aged he still had a beauty and charisma which made people see him in awe. This person was king of Laventine - King Sun Leo Valentine.