
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

13. Training

( Ross POV )

I always wanted to be a hero. A hero recognised by people. And the only way to fulfill my dream was to become a Slayer. And my childhood friend Clara also wanted to become Slayer with me.

After confession, we both started dating. And with that both of us started our journey of becoming Slayer towards the capital.

I found my aptitude to be very weak. For reason whenever I try to use mana it goes berserk. And because of it I always keep it sealed. Clara's aptitude was of top tier. And because of this situation our relationship became a bit awkward.

But I never lose hope and tried training so I can stand beside Clara. And I thought of getting experience through actual combat in demon forest.

One day when I was hunting a low tier magic rabbit, a high tier tiger came out from deeper woods. Afraid of death, I struggled but I wasn't strong enough to kill it.

Just when I was in death's door, a mature lady saved me. She killed the tiger in one strike.

After that I requested her very much to accept me as a disciple. After my persistence she finally accepted me. And she started teaching me all techniques need to kill beasts. She even told me about my dragon mana. But she told that she doesn't have solution.

And one day when I was going with my master through the streets of city, Clara saw me. And she accused me of cheating her. I even tried to explain her but she ignored me. And after that she even started dating another guy.

I tried everything just to become stronger for her sake. But she left my side without even giving me a chance to explain.

I became hollow from inside. And after that dragon mana occasionally goes rampage in my body.

I am always bullied by students and Clara doesn't even care. She just ignores me goes on her way with her boyfriend.

Is it wrong to fall in love? Such questions started coming to my mind. But even after so much suffering I can't hate Clara.

I just wanted to possess enough strength to stand by her side. Not to worry her about me. And the result for some reason led to this.

And in one day I was fighting with a tiger and after barely defeating it I sat down to rest. And then a peculiar weird boy came to me. He had white hair and wore a black blindfold on face. Even with blindfold I can easily say he is very handsome.

But what surprised me that with one glance he discovered the dragon mana inside my body. Then he told me come tomorrow if I want to control mana.

All people make fun of me but for reason I feel that I should agree to him.

The day passed and I came back to the promised place. Then I found Alex arrived before me.

Then he explained me about my ability and my shortcomings. And he particularly told me find a will. A will to become strong.

What is my will? This question haunted me the whole night.

And I found it. My will to become stronger was because I ....


Alex was already in the demon forest. And then he saw a silhouette coming towards him.

He saw Ross was coming towards him. His eyes gave a different feeling from yesterday.

' So he made up his mind. It's good. Wasting his potential would be bad.'

" So you came. So what is your will to become strong?" Alex asked in a serious tone.

" I thought about what you said. I still can't forget Clara but after asking myself for the whole night, I made up my will. The reason I always wanted to become Slayer was to become a HERO! I forgot about it along the way but this time I made up my mind. I want to become a Hero! Please help me!" Ross replied with a determined voice.

Seeing his determination Alex smiled. Having a disciple was a first time for him.

" Though your reason is pretty childish, it isn't bad. I will train you." Alex smiled.

" Then let's start the training. First I will check up your body. Now for first five minutes I will beat you with just physical power without mana. And you have endure it or dodge it." Alex said while cracking his fist.

Then he suddenly throws a jab in a normal speed. Ross dodges it cleanly. Seeing this Alex slowly increased the speed by each punch.

After five minutes Ross's full body is covered with bruises. It wasn't something new for him but for some reason it hurts more than others.

' Is he really training me? Isn't this bullying?' Ross thought.

" I know what are you thinking. You're probably thinking that I am bullying you, right?" Alex asked.

Ross was dumbfounded. He never thought Alex would read his mind.

" You probably don't know but having strong vessel for strong power is necessary. Your dragon mana is very strong. But your body is not ready wield it. Though it is a bit in control due to your will, don't try to use it. Your body will be gravely damaged and it may cause permanent damage." Alex said it him very carefully.

" Now I will give you two tasks. You have to do it daily. First is 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 10km run. You have to do it everyday. And now second is more harder than the first one."

Ross gulped as he heard Alex's instructions.

" The second is that I will teach you a breathing technique."

" Breathing technique? What is that?" Ross curiously asked.

" Most people don't know but by using a correct use of breathing they can increase their power by several folds. Breathing technique is a technique which contains correct way of breathing. By mastering it, even a normal person can become powerful. And specially for swordsman it is good. And I will give it to you. You have to practice it while swinging your sword. At first it will feel suffocating. But slowly your body will get used it." Alex said.

Ross nodded and made up his mind to do as Alex says.

" And now I will teach it to you." Alex said.

Ross nodded. And Alex taught him breathing technique. Ross immediately tries to use it but suddenly feels pain all over his body. He falls down and couldn't walk anymore.

" I told you practice slowly. Try to adjust this breathing while fighting. This is first step. And there are also steps. It will very interesting to teach you." Alex said in a smile which made Ross shudder.

' This is hell!!' Ross shouted inside his mind.

" Now for today this is all. For a week try to do it. After doing it meet me after a week." Alex told him. Then he returns to his class.

The academy classes ended. Alex reaches his mansion. As he entered two twin maids holding the corner of their attire bowed down to greet him.

" Welcome back Master." " Welcome back Master." Ram and Rem said.

Alex feels that his mansion some how feels a bit warm like home.

" Somehow it feels good to have you two. I feel better seeing you two with me." Alex smiled while patting twins.

" No, Master! You praise us too much!" " Yes, this our duty as master's maids." Rem and Ram said with pink face.

" Hahaha.. Well it's good enough me to see you. So has anything happened while I was away?" Alex asked.

Ram quickly returned to work mode and replied," A letter came in your name, Master."

" A letter? From whom?" Alex asked.

" From the King Sun Leo Valentine." Rem said.

" What?"

' Now what the hell is happening?'